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[综述笔记]Functional neuroimaging as a catalyst for integrated neuroscience

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1. 论文逐段精读

1.1. 心得

1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

2.2. Main

2.3. Strengths and weaknesses of fMRI

2.4. fMRI in systems neuroscience

2.5. fMRI in cognitive neuroscience

2.6. fMRI in computational neuroscience

2.7. fMRI in clinical neuroscience

2.8. A roadmap for the future of fMRI

3. Reference

1. 论文逐段精读

1.1. 心得


1.2. 论文总结图

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①fMRI is suitable for systems, cognitive, computational and clinical neuroscience


summarizing the pros and cons of fMRI
examples of fMRI in different field

usher  vt. 引领;引导;引入;把…引往  n. 引座员;(法院的)传达员,门卫,门房;男傧相

2.2. Main

        ①⭐Many subfields in neuroscience are fundamentally isolated from each other, leading to slow overall progress

        ②fMRI can connect these fields:

rodent  n. 啮齿动物  adj.咬的;侵蚀性的(溃疡等);啮齿目的

interrogate  vt. 讯问;审问;(在计算机或其他机器上)查询,询问;盘问

commensurate  adj. 相称的;(在大小、重要性、质量等方面)相当的

catalyse  vt. 催化    idiosyncratic  adj. 怪异的;乖僻的

2.3. Strengths and weaknesses of fMRI

        ①Analysis of fMRI:

Weakness of fMRIStrenghts of fMRIcompare to others
limits cuz anaesthesia needed cross species
lack of local detailswhole brain accesspart. such as wide-field calcium imaging,  direct electrophysiological recordings and/or calcium imaging
slow changing of BOLD signal, low temporal resolutionhaving the highest spatial resolution among non-invasive technologies
harmless, allowing repeated measuremight harm
too raw, application results rely on algorithms
expensive, long time required

        ②Figure of benefits and challenges:

Fig. 2

        ③Compared fMRI with EEG, MEG, PET and Intracranial EEG

        ④⭐"fMRI tracks instead a complex relationship between spiking activity, local field potentials, glial cell function and vascular smooth muscle cells"

        ⑤Weakness of fMRI

glial  adj. 胶质的;神经胶质的

oscillation  n. 振动;摆动;振幅;摇摆;(情感、行为、思想的)摇摆不定,变化无常,犹豫不定;浮动;一次波动

2.4. fMRI in systems neuroscience

        ①" there is ongoing debate regarding precisely whether pre- or post-synaptic activity in individual neurons or their interactions with astrocytes are responsible for the BOLD signal tracked with fMRI "

        ②Challenges: cross scale


corporeal  adj. 物质的;实体的;身体的;有形的;肉体的;身体所需的

rodent  n. 啮齿动物  adj. 咬的;侵蚀性的(溃疡等);啮齿目的

2.5. fMRI in cognitive neuroscience

        ①fMRI can non invasively record real-time functional information of the human brain in an unconscious state

incisive  adj. 敏锐的;锐利的;透彻的;果断的;当机立断的

2.6. fMRI in computational neuroscience

        ①⭐Brain atlas fails to explain the connections and synergism between ROIs

        ②Artificial intelligence neural networks and human brain neural networks may not be quite the same

2.7. fMRI in clinical neuroscience

        ①⭐The full potential of fMRI in the diagnosis and/or treatment of mental and neurological disorders has not been confirmed

        ②⭐Determining the sensitive and spectivic biomarker is important and difficult

        ③⭐"The dream of fMRI-based tools that are suitable for widespread, routine clinical use may be far from reality, as proposed imaging-based biomarkers have turned out to be unreliableor too weak to support robust inference at the individual level, perhaps because they have been built on insufficient data. This is not to say that fMRI in its current state cannot make meaningful contributions to clinical neuroscience; rather, we suggest that a renewed focus on how basic scientific discoveries occurring in systems, cognitive and computational neuroscience can inform clinical neuroscience, and vice versa."

        ④⭐"understanding links between brain, behaviour, and clinical status will require mapping of the full space of possible values for the measures extracted on a spectrum from health to pathology"

        ⑤⭐"how endogenous brain states influence if and how incoming sensory information is processed" is essential

        ⑥⭐"By sampling individuals at a single point in time, these studies systematically neglect the temporal variability that is known to occur in many such conditions"

        ⑦⭐"Longitudinal designs that relate within-subject brain changes to behavioural changes in the name of prognosis may be a more fruitful avenue for clinical applications of fMRI than single-timepoint diagnostic prediction"

        ⑧Introducing hallucination

        ⑨⭐"fMRI can facilitate from clinical neuroscience back to the basic science modules of systems, cognitive and computational neuroscience"

aberrant  adj. 异常的;反常的;违反常规的

2.8. A roadmap for the future of fMRI

        ①Combined methods:

        ②This field also improved by signal collection and paradigm design

3. Reference

Finn, E. S., Poldrack, R. A., & Shine, J. M. (2023) 'Functional neuroimaging as a catalyst for integrated neuroscience', Nature. 263-273. doi: Functional neuroimaging as a catalyst for integrated neuroscience | Nature


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