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如何查看极狐GitLab Helm Chart?

GitLab 是一个全球知名的一体化 DevOps 平台,很多人都通过私有化部署 GitLab 来进行源代码托管。极狐GitLab :https://gitlab.cn/install?channel=content&utm_source=csdn 是 GitLab 在中国的发行版,专门为中国程序员服务。可以一键式部署极狐GitLab。

极狐GitLab 在 5 月 28 日正式发布了 AI 产品驭码CodeRider。现已开启免费试用,登录官网:https://coderider.gitlab.cn/ 即可申请试用。

更多关于极狐GitLab :https://gitlab.cn 或者 DevOps 的最佳实践,可以关注文末的极狐GitLab 公众号。

学习极狐GitLab 的相关资料:

  1. 极狐GitLab 官网:https://gitlab.cn
  2. 极狐GitLab 官网文档:https://docs.gitlab.cn
  3. 极狐GitLab 论坛:https://forum.gitlab.cn/
  4. 极狐GitLab 安装配置:https://gitlab.cn/install
  5. 极狐GitLab 资源中心:https://resources.gitlab.cn/
  6. AI 产品驭码CodeRider:https://coderider.gitlab.cn/


极狐GitLab 公众号后台回复新手指南,免费领取极狐GitLab 新手指南一份,从零到一快速上手极狐GitLab。


  • 在 Kubernetes 上安装和运行极狐GitLab实例
  • 使用 Helm 安装极狐GitLab
  • 如何使用 Helm 安装 GitLab Runner?

极狐GitLab 支持通过 Helm Chart 的形式在 Kubernetes 集群上安装使用极狐GitLab。下面演示如何查找正确的 Chart 进行安装。

添加 Helm Chart

极狐GitLab 的 Helm Chart 是存储在 https://charts.gitlab.cn 上的,先要添加 Helm Chart:

$ helm repo add gitlab-jh https://charts.gitlab.cn/
"gitlab-jh" has been added to your repositories

可以用 helm repo list

helm repo list
gitlab-jh	https://charts.gitlab.cn

可以使用 helm search repo 查看包含的内容:

$ helm search repo gitlab-jh
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	8.1.1        	v17.1.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.66.0       	17.1.0     	GitLab Runner

可以看到 Runner 和极狐GitLab 实例的 Chart 都放在 gitlab-jh 这个 repo 下面。

可以用 -l 参数来 list 所有的 Chart 版本:

helm search repo gitlab-jh/gitlab -l
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	8.1.2        	v17.1.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	8.1.1        	v17.1.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	8.1.0        	v17.1.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	8.0.4        	v17.0.4    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	8.0.3        	v17.0.3    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	8.0.2        	v17.0.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	8.0.1        	v17.0.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	8.0.0        	v17.0.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.11.6       	v16.11.6   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.11.5       	v16.11.5   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.11.4       	v16.11.4   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.11.3       	v16.11.3   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.11.2       	v16.11.2   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.11.1       	v16.11.1   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.11.0       	v16.11.0   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.10.8       	v16.10.8   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.10.7       	v16.10.7   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.10.6       	v16.10.6   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.10.5       	v16.10.5   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.10.4       	v16.10.4   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.10.3       	v16.10.3   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.10.2       	v16.10.2   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.10.1       	v16.10.1   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.10.0       	v16.10.0   	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.9.9        	v16.9.9    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.9.8        	v16.9.8    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.9.6        	v16.9.6    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.9.5        	v16.9.5    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.9.4        	v16.9.4    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.9.3        	v16.9.3    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.9.2        	v16.9.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.9.1        	v16.9.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.9.0        	v16.9.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.8.8        	v16.8.8    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.8.7        	v16.8.7    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.8.6        	v16.8.6    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.8.5        	v16.8.5    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.8.4        	v16.8.4    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.8.3        	v16.8.3    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.8.2        	v16.8.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.8.1        	v16.8.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.8.0        	v16.8.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.7.8        	v16.7.8    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.7.7        	v16.7.7    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.7.6        	v16.7.6    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.7.5        	v16.7.5    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.7.4        	v16.7.4    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.7.3        	v16.7.3    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.7.2        	v16.7.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.7.0        	v16.7.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.6.8        	v16.6.8    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.6.6        	v16.6.6    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.6.5        	v16.6.5    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.6.4        	v16.6.4    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.6.2        	v16.6.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.6.1        	v16.6.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.6.0        	v16.6.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.5.8        	v16.5.8    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.5.7        	v16.5.7    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.5.6        	v16.5.6    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.5.4        	v16.5.4    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.5.3        	v16.5.3    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.5.2        	v16.5.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.5.1        	v16.5.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.5.0        	v16.5.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.4.5        	v16.4.5    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.4.4        	v16.4.4    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.4.3        	v16.4.3    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.4.2        	v16.4.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.4.1        	v16.4.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.4.0        	v16.4.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.3.7        	v16.3.7    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.3.6        	v16.3.6    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.3.5        	v16.3.5    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.3.4        	v16.3.4    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.3.3        	v16.3.3    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.3.2        	v16.3.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.3.1        	v16.3.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.3.0        	v16.3.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.2.9        	v16.2.9    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.2.6        	v16.2.6    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.2.5        	v16.2.5    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.2.4        	v16.2.4    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.2.3        	v16.2.3    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.2.2        	v16.2.2    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.2.1        	v16.2.1    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.2.0        	v16.2.0    	GitLab is the most comprehensive AI-powered Dev...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.1.6        	v16.1.6    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.1.5        	v16.1.5    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.1.4        	v16.1.4    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.1.3        	v16.1.3    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.1.2        	v16.1.2    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.1.1        	v16.1.1    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.1.0        	v16.1.0    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.0.8        	v16.0.8    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.0.7        	v16.0.7    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.0.6        	v16.0.6    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.0.5        	v16.0.5    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.0.4        	v16.0.4    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.0.3        	v16.0.3    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.0.2        	v16.0.2    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.0.1        	v16.0.1    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	7.0.0        	v16.0.0    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.13      	v15.11.13  	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.12      	v15.11.12  	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.11      	v15.11.11  	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.10      	v15.11.10  	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.9       	v15.11.9   	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.8       	v15.11.8   	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.7       	v15.11.7   	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.6       	v15.11.6   	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.5       	v15.11.5   	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.4       	v15.11.4   	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.3       	15.11.3    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.2       	15.11.2    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.1       	15.11.1    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.11.0       	15.11.0    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.10.8       	v15.10.8   	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.10.7       	15.10.7    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.10.6       	15.10.6    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.10.5       	15.10.5    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.10.4       	15.10.4    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.10.3       	15.10.3    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.10.2       	15.10.2    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.10.1       	15.10.1    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.10.0       	15.10.0    	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.9.8        	15.9.8     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.9.7        	15.9.7     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.9.6        	15.9.6     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.9.5        	15.9.5     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.9.4        	15.9.4     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.9.3        	15.9.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.9.2        	15.9.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.9.1        	15.9.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.9.0        	15.9.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.8.6        	15.8.6     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.8.5        	15.8.5     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.8.4        	15.8.4     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.8.3        	15.8.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.8.2        	15.8.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.8.1        	15.8.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.8.0        	15.8.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.7.9        	15.7.9     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.7.8        	15.7.8     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.7.7        	15.7.7     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.7.6        	15.7.6     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.7.5        	15.7.5     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.7.3        	15.7.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.7.2        	15.7.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.7.1        	15.7.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.7.0        	15.7.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.6.8        	15.6.8     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.6.7        	15.6.7     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.6.6        	15.6.6     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.6.4        	15.6.4     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.6.3        	15.6.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.6.2        	15.6.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.6.1        	15.6.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.6.0        	15.6.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.9        	15.5.9     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.8        	15.5.7     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.7        	15.5.6     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.6        	15.5.5     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.5        	15.5.4     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.4        	15.5.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.3        	15.5.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.2        	15.5.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.1        	15.5.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.5.0        	15.5.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.4.6        	15.4.6     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.4.5        	15.4.5     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.4.4        	15.4.4     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.4.3        	15.4.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.4.2        	15.4.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.4.1        	15.4.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.4.0        	15.4.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.3.5        	15.3.5     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.3.4        	15.3.4     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.3.3        	15.3.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.3.2        	15.3.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.3.1        	15.3.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.3.0        	15.3.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.2.5        	15.2.5     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.2.4        	15.2.4     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.2.3        	15.2.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.2.2        	15.2.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.2.1        	15.2.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.2.0        	15.2.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.1.5        	15.1.5     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.1.4        	15.1.4     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.1.3        	15.1.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.1.2        	15.1.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.1.1        	15.1.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.1.0        	15.1.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.0.5        	15.0.5     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.0.4        	15.0.4     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.0.3        	15.0.3     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.0.2        	15.0.2     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.0.1        	15.0.1     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	6.0.0        	15.0.0     	The One DevOps Platform
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.10.5       	14.10.5    	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.10.3       	14.10.3    	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.10.2       	14.10.2    	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.10.1       	14.10.1    	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.10.0       	14.10.0    	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.9.5        	14.9.5     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.9.4        	14.9.4     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.9.3        	14.9.3     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.9.2        	14.9.2     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.9.1        	14.9.1     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.9.0        	14.9.0     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.8.6        	14.8.6     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.8.5        	14.8.5     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.8.4        	14.8.4     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.8.3        	14.8.3     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.8.2        	14.8.2     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.8.1        	14.8.1     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.8.0        	14.8.0     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.7.7        	14.7.7     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.7.6        	14.7.6     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.7.5        	14.7.5     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.7.4        	14.7.4     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.7.3        	14.7.3     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.7.2        	14.7.2     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.7.1        	14.7.1     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.7.0        	14.7.0     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.6.7        	14.6.7     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.6.6        	14.6.6     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.6.5        	14.6.5     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.6.4        	14.6.4     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.6.3        	14.6.3     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab       	5.6.2        	14.6.2     	Web-based Git-repository manager with wiki and ...
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.66.0       	17.1.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.65.0       	17.0.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.64.1       	16.11.1    	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.64.0       	16.11.0    	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.63.0       	16.10.0    	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.62.1       	16.9.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.62.0       	16.9.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.61.3       	16.8.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.61.2       	16.8.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.61.1       	16.8.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.61.0       	16.8.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.60.1       	16.7.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.60.0       	16.7.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.59.3       	16.6.2     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.59.2       	16.6.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.59.1       	16.6.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.59.0       	16.6.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.58.2       	16.5.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.58.1       	16.5.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.58.0       	16.5.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.57.2       	16.4.2     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.57.1       	16.4.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.57.0       	16.4.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.56.1       	16.3.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.56.0       	16.3.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.55.3       	16.2.3     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.55.1       	16.2.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.55.0       	16.2.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.54.1       	16.1.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.54.0       	16.1.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.53.3       	16.0.3     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.53.2       	16.0.2     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.53.1       	16.0.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.53.0       	16.0.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.52.0       	15.11.0    	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.51.1       	15.10.1    	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.51.0       	15.10.0    	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.50.1       	15.9.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.50.0       	15.9.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.49.3       	15.8.3     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.49.2       	15.8.2     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.49.1       	15.8.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.49.0       	15.8.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.48.1       	15.7.2     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.48.0       	15.7.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.47.2       	15.6.2     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.47.1       	15.6.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.47.0       	15.6.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.46.1       	15.5.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.46.0       	15.5.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.45.2       	15.4.2     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.45.1       	15.4.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.45.0       	15.4.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.44.3       	15.3.3     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.44.2       	15.3.2     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.44.1       	15.3.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.44.0       	15.3.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.43.2       	15.2.2     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.43.1       	15.2.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.43.0       	15.2.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.42.1       	15.1.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.42.0       	15.1.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.41.1       	15.0.1     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.41.0       	15.0.0     	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.40.1       	14.10.1    	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.40.0       	14.10.0    	GitLab Runner
gitlab-jh/gitlab-runner	0.39.0       	14.9.0     	GitLab Runner

比如最新版的极狐GitLab 版本为 17.1.2,对应的Helm Chart 为 8.1.2;Runner 对应的版本为 17.1.0,对应的 Helm Chart 版本为 0.66.0



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