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python 爬虫技术 第04节 函数和模块


Python 函数




def add_word(word, definition=""):# Check if the word already existsif word in word_database:print(f"The word '{word}' already exists.")else:word_database[word] = {"definition": definition}print(f"The word '{word}' has been added.")


add_word("hello", "A greeting used to greet someone")


def word_exists(word):return word in word_database

Python 模块




# word_manager.py
word_database = {}def add_word(word, definition=""):# ... function implementation ...def search_word(word):# ... function implementation ...


# main.py
import word_managerword_manager.add_word("hello", "A greeting used to greet someone")
result = word_manager.search_word("hello")
使用 from…import


from word_manager import add_word, search_wordadd_word("hello", "A greeting used to greet someone")


# word_manager.py
if __name__ == "__main__":print("Running tests...")# Test code goes here




Step 1: 创建模块 word_database.py


# word_database.pyword_database = {}def add_word(word, definition=""):"""Adds a word to the word database with an optional definition."""if word.lower() in word_database:print(f"The word '{word}' already exists.")else:word_database[word.lower()] = {"definition": definition}print(f"The word '{word}' has been added.")def search_word(word):"""Searches for a word in the word database and returns its definition."""word = word.lower()if word in word_database:return word_database[word]["definition"]else:return Nonedef update_word(word, new_definition):"""Updates the definition of an existing word in the word database."""word = word.lower()if word in word_database:word_database[word]["definition"] = new_definitionprint(f"The definition of '{word}' has been updated.")else:print(f"The word '{word}' does not exist.")def delete_word(word):"""Deletes a word from the word database."""word = word.lower()if word in word_database:del word_database[word]print(f"The word '{word}' has been deleted.")else:print(f"The word '{word}' does not exist.")

Step 2: 创建主程序 main.py


# main.pyimport word_databasedef main():while True:print("\nWelcome to the Word Database System!")print("1. Add a new word")print("2. Search for a word")print("3. Update a word's definition")print("4. Delete a word")print("5. Exit")choice = input("Please choose an option: ")if choice == '1':word = input("Enter the word you want to add: ")definition = input("Enter the definition: ")word_database.add_word(word, definition)elif choice == '2':word = input("Enter the word you want to search: ")definition = word_database.search_word(word)if definition:print(f"The definition of '{word}': {definition}")else:print(f"The word '{word}' does not exist.")elif choice == '3':word = input("Enter the word you want to update: ")new_definition = input("Enter the new definition: ")word_database.update_word(word, new_definition)elif choice == '4':word = input("Enter the word you want to delete: ")word_database.delete_word(word)elif choice == '5':print("Goodbye!")breakelse:print("Invalid option. Please try again.")if __name__ == '__main__':main()





Step 1: 扩展 word_database.py 模块


# word_database.pyword_database = {}def add_word(word, definition="", synonyms=None, antonyms=None):"""Adds a word to the word database with an optional definition,synonyms, and antonyms."""if word.lower() in word_database:print(f"The word '{word}' already exists.")else:word_database[word.lower()] = {"definition": definition,"synonyms": synonyms or [],"antonyms": antonyms or []}print(f"The word '{word}' has been added.")def search_word(word):"""Searches for a word in the word database and returns its details."""word = word.lower()if word in word_database:return word_database[word]else:return Nonedef update_word(word, new_definition=None, new_synonyms=None, new_antonyms=None):"""Updates the definition, synonyms, or antonyms of an existing word."""word = word.lower()if word in word_database:if new_definition is not None:word_database[word]["definition"] = new_definitionif new_synonyms is not None:word_database[word]["synonyms"] = new_synonymsif new_antonyms is not None:word_database[word]["antonyms"] = new_antonymsprint(f"The word '{word}' has been updated.")else:print(f"The word '{word}' does not exist.")def delete_word(word):"""Deletes a word from the word database."""word = word.lower()if word in word_database:del word_database[word]print(f"The word '{word}' has been deleted.")else:print(f"The word '{word}' does not exist.")def list_words():"""Lists all words in the word database."""for word, details in word_database.items():print(f"{word}: {details['definition']}, Synonyms: {details['synonyms']}, Antonyms: {details['antonyms']}")

Step 2: 更新 main.py


# main.pyimport word_databasedef main():while True:print("\nWelcome to the Word Database System!")print("1. Add a new word")print("2. Search for a word")print("3. Update a word's details")print("4. Delete a word")print("5. List all words")print("6. Exit")choice = input("Please choose an option: ")if choice == '1':word = input("Enter the word you want to add: ")definition = input("Enter the definition: ")synonyms = input("Enter synonyms (comma-separated): ").split(',')antonyms = input("Enter antonyms (comma-separated): ").split(',')word_database.add_word(word, definition, synonyms, antonyms)elif choice == '2':word = input("Enter the word you want to search: ")details = word_database.search_word(word)if details:print(f"Details of '{word}':\nDefinition: {details['definition']}\nSynonyms: {details['synonyms']}\nAntonyms: {details['antonyms']}")else:print(f"The word '{word}' does not exist.")elif choice == '3':word = input("Enter the word you want to update: ")new_definition = input("Enter the new definition (press Enter to skip): ")new_synonyms = input("Enter new synonyms (comma-separated, press Enter to skip): ").split(',') if input("Do you want to update synonyms? (y/n)").lower() == 'y' else Nonenew_antonyms = input("Enter new antonyms (comma-separated, press Enter to skip): ").split(',') if input("Do you want to update antonyms? (y/n)").lower() == 'y' else Noneword_database.update_word(word, new_definition, new_synonyms, new_antonyms)elif choice == '4':word = input("Enter the word you want to delete: ")word_database.delete_word(word)elif choice == '5':word_database.list_words()elif choice == '6':print("Goodbye!")breakelse:print("Invalid option. Please try again.")if __name__ == '__main__':main()


  • 添加单词:用户可以输入单词、定义、同义词和反义词。
  • 搜索单词:显示单词的定义、同义词和反义词。
  • 更新单词:用户可以选择性地更新单词的定义、同义词和/或反义词。
  • 删除单词:从数据库中移除单词。
  • 列出所有单词:显示数据库中所有单词的细节。



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