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  • 队列
    • 一. 队列的概念及结构
    • 二. 队列的实现
      • 1. 要实现的功能
      • 2 具体的实现
        • 2.1 结构体
        • 2.2 初始化
        • 2.3 入队列
        • 2.4 出队列
        • 2.5 返回队首元素
        • 2.6 返回队尾元素
        • 2.7 队列元素个数
        • 2.8 队列判空
        • 2.9 队列销毁
    • 三. 队列相关OJ题
      • 设计循环队列
      • 用队列实现栈
      • 用栈实现队列
    • 四. 概念选择题
    • 五. 参考代码
      • Queue.h
      • Queue.c
      • test.c


一. 队列的概念及结构

队列:只允许在一端进行插入数据操作,在另一端进行删除数据操作的特殊线性表,队列具有先进先出FIFO(First In First Out)

二. 队列的实现


1. 要实现的功能

// 链式结构:表示队列
typedef struct QListNode
struct QListNode* _pNext;
QDataType _data;
// 队列的结构
typedef struct Queue
QNode* _front;
QNode* _rear;
// 初始化队列
void QueueInit(Queue* q);
// 队尾入队列
void QueuePush(Queue* q, QDataType data);
// 队头出队列
void QueuePop(Queue* q);
// 获取队列头部元素
QDataType QueueFront(Queue* q);
// 获取队列队尾元素
QDataType QueueBack(Queue* q);
// 获取队列中有效元素个数
int QueueSize(Queue* q);
// 检测队列是否为空,如果为空返回非零结果,如果非空返回0
int QueueEmpty(Queue* q);
// 销毁队列
void QueueDestroy(Queue* q);


2 具体的实现


2.1 结构体


typedef int QDataType;typedef struct QueueNode
{struct QueueNode* next;QDataType val;
}QNode;typedef struct Queue
{QNode* phead; QNode* ptail;int size;
2.2 初始化


void QueueInit(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);pq->phead = NULL;pq->ptail = NULL;pq->size = 0;
2.3 入队列


void QueuePush(Queue* pq, QDataType x)
{QNode* newnode = (QNode*)malloc(sizeof(QNode));if (newnode == NULL){perror("malloc failed");exit(1);}newnode->next = NULL;newnode->val = x;if (pq->ptail == NULL){pq->phead = newnode;pq->ptail = newnode;}else{pq->ptail->next = newnode;pq->ptail = newnode;}pq->size++;
2.4 出队列


void QueuePop(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);assert(pq->size);QNode* next = pq->phead->next;free(pq->phead);pq->phead = next;if (pq->phead == NULL)//just one node{pq->ptail = NULL;}pq->size--;
2.5 返回队首元素


QDataType QueueFront(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);assert(pq->phead);return pq->phead->val;
2.6 返回队尾元素


QDataType QueueBack(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);assert(pq->ptail);return pq->ptail->val;
2.7 队列元素个数


int QueueSize(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);return pq->size;
2.8 队列判空


_Bool QueueEmpty(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);return pq->size == 0;
2.9 队列销毁


void QueueDestroy(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);QNode* pcur = pq->phead;while (pcur){QNode* next = pcur->next;free(pcur);pcur = next;}pq->phead = NULL;pq->ptail = NULL;pq->size = 0;

三. 队列相关OJ题



typedef struct 
{int* a;int head;int tail;int k;    
} MyCircularQueue;bool myCircularQueueIsEmpty(MyCircularQueue* obj);
bool myCircularQueueIsFull(MyCircularQueue* obj);MyCircularQueue* myCircularQueueCreate(int k) 
{MyCircularQueue* pq = (MyCircularQueue*)malloc(sizeof(MyCircularQueue));//多开辟一个空间解决假溢出问题pq->a = malloc(sizeof(int) * (k + 1));pq->head = 0;pq->tail = 0;pq->k = k;return pq;
}bool myCircularQueueEnQueue(MyCircularQueue* obj, int value) 
{if(myCircularQueueIsFull(obj)){return false;}obj->a[obj->tail] = value;obj->tail++;obj->tail %= (obj->k + 1);return true;
}bool myCircularQueueDeQueue(MyCircularQueue* obj) 
{if(myCircularQueueIsEmpty(obj)){return false;}   obj->head++;obj->head %= obj->k + 1;return true;
}int myCircularQueueFront(MyCircularQueue* obj)
{if(myCircularQueueIsEmpty(obj)){return EOF;}else{return obj->a[obj->head];}   
}int myCircularQueueRear(MyCircularQueue* obj) 
{if(myCircularQueueIsEmpty(obj)){return EOF;}else{//return obj->tail == 0 ? obj->a[obj->k] : obj->a[obj->tail - 1];//return obj->a[(obj->tail - 1 + obj->k + 1) % (obj->k + 1)];return obj->a[(obj->tail + obj->k) % (obj->k + 1)];}
}bool myCircularQueueIsEmpty(MyCircularQueue* obj) 
{return obj->head == obj->tail;    
}bool myCircularQueueIsFull(MyCircularQueue* obj) 
{return (obj->tail + 1) % (obj->k + 1) == obj->head;    
}void myCircularQueueFree(MyCircularQueue* obj) 
}/*** Your MyCircularQueue struct will be instantiated and called as such:* MyCircularQueue* obj = myCircularQueueCreate(k);* bool param_1 = myCircularQueueEnQueue(obj, value);* bool param_2 = myCircularQueueDeQueue(obj);* int param_3 = myCircularQueueFront(obj);* int param_4 = myCircularQueueRear(obj);* bool param_5 = myCircularQueueIsEmpty(obj);* bool param_6 = myCircularQueueIsFull(obj);* myCircularQueueFree(obj);



typedef int QDataType;typedef struct QueueNode
{struct QueueNode* next;QDataType val;
}QNode;typedef struct Queue
{QNode* phead; QNode* ptail;int size;
//void QueuePush(QNode** pphead, QNode** pptail, QDataType x);
//void QueuePop(QNode** pphead, QNode** pptail);//初始化
void QueueInit(Queue* pq);//队尾插入
void QueuePush(Queue* pq, QDataType x);//队头删除
void QueuePop(Queue* pq);//取队头数据
QDataType QueueFront(Queue* pq);//取队尾数据
QDataType QueueBack(Queue* pq);//队列元素个数
int QueueSize(Queue* pq);//判空
_Bool QueueEmpty(Queue* pq);//队列的销毁
void QueueDestroy(Queue* pq);void QueueInit(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);pq->phead = NULL;pq->ptail = NULL;pq->size = 0;
}void QueuePush(Queue* pq, QDataType x)
{QNode* newnode = (QNode*)malloc(sizeof(QNode));if (newnode == NULL){perror("malloc failed");exit(1);}newnode->next = NULL;newnode->val = x;if (pq->ptail == NULL){pq->phead = newnode;pq->ptail = newnode;}else{pq->ptail->next = newnode;pq->ptail = newnode;}pq->size++;
}void QueuePop(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);assert(pq->size);QNode* next = pq->phead->next;free(pq->phead);pq->phead = next;if (pq->phead == NULL){pq->ptail = NULL;}pq->size--;
}QDataType QueueFront(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);assert(pq->phead);return pq->phead->val;
}QDataType QueueBack(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);assert(pq->ptail);return pq->ptail->val;
}int QueueSize(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);return pq->size;
}_Bool QueueEmpty(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);return pq->size == 0;
}void QueueDestroy(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);QNode* pcur = pq->phead;while (pcur){QNode* next = pcur->next;free(pcur);pcur = next;}pq->phead = NULL;pq->ptail = NULL;pq->size = 0;
}typedef struct {Queue q1;Queue q2;
} MyStack;MyStack* myStackCreate() 
{MyStack* pst = (MyStack*)malloc(sizeof(MyStack));if(pst == NULL){perror("malloc failed");exit(1);}QueueInit(&pst->q1);QueueInit(&pst->q2);return pst;
}void myStackPush(MyStack* obj, int x) 
{if(!QueueEmpty(&(obj->q1))){QueuePush(&(obj->q1), x);}else{QueuePush(&(obj->q2), x);}
}int myStackPop(MyStack* obj) 
{//如果队列不为空,就把前size - 1个数据放在另一个队列中,释放最后一个节点的数据Queue* emp = &(obj->q1);//假设q1为空Queue* noemp = &(obj->q2);if(QueueEmpty(&(obj->q2)))//如果q2为空{emp = &(obj->q2);noemp = &(obj->q1);}int sz = QueueSize(noemp);while(sz > 1){QueuePush(emp, QueueFront(noemp));QueuePop(noemp);sz--;}int top = QueueFront(noemp);QueuePop(noemp);return top;
}int myStackTop(MyStack* obj) 
{if(!QueueEmpty(&(obj->q1))){return QueueBack(&(obj->q1));}else{return QueueBack(&(obj->q2));}
}bool myStackEmpty(MyStack* obj) 
{return QueueEmpty(&(obj->q1)) && QueueEmpty(&(obj->q2));
}void myStackFree(MyStack* obj) 
}/*** Your MyStack struct will be instantiated and called as such:* MyStack* obj = myStackCreate();* myStackPush(obj, x);* int param_2 = myStackPop(obj);* int param_3 = myStackTop(obj);* bool param_4 = myStackEmpty(obj);* myStackFree(obj);



typedef int STDataType;typedef struct Stack
{STDataType* a;int top;int capacity;
void STInit(ST* pst);//销毁
void STDestroy(ST* pst);//插入数据(入栈)
void STPush(ST* pst, STDataType x);//删除数据(出栈)
void STPop(ST* pst);//获取栈顶数据
STDataType STTop(ST* pst);//判空
_Bool STEmpty(ST* pst);//获取数据个数
int STSize(ST* pst);void STInit(ST* pst)
{assert(pst);pst->a = NULL;pst->capacity = 0;// top指向栈顶数据的下一个位置pst->top = 0; top指向栈顶数据//pst->top = -1;
}void STDestroy(ST* pst)
{assert(pst);free(pst->a);pst->a = NULL;pst->capacity = 0;pst->top = 0;
}void STPush(ST* pst, STDataType x)
{assert(pst);//扩容if (pst->top == pst->capacity){int newcapacity = (pst->capacity == 0) ? 4 : (2 * pst->capacity);STDataType* tmp = (STDataType*)realloc(pst->a, newcapacity * sizeof(STDataType));if (tmp == NULL){perror("realloc failed");exit(1);}pst->a = tmp;pst->capacity = newcapacity;}//存放数据pst->a[pst->top] = x;pst->top++;
}void STPop(ST* pst)
{assert(pst);assert(pst->top > 0);pst->top--;
}STDataType STTop(ST* pst)
{assert(pst);assert(pst->top > 0);return pst->a[pst->top - 1];
}_Bool STEmpty(ST* pst)
{assert(pst);return pst->top == 0;
}int STSize(ST* pst)
{assert(pst);return pst->top;
}typedef struct 
{ST s1;ST s2;
} MyQueue;MyQueue* myQueueCreate() 
{MyQueue* pqe = (MyQueue*)malloc(sizeof(MyQueue));if(pqe == NULL){perror("malloc failed");exit(1);}STInit(&(pqe->s1));STInit(&(pqe->s2));return pqe;
}void myQueuePush(MyQueue* obj, int x) 
{if(!STEmpty(&(obj->s1))){STPush(&(obj->s1), x);}else{STPush(&(obj->s2), x);}
}int myQueuePop(MyQueue* obj)
{ST* emp = &(obj->s1);//假设s1为空ST* noemp = &(obj->s2);if (STEmpty(&(obj->s2)))//如果s2为空{emp = &(obj->s2);noemp = &(obj->s1);}int sz = STSize(noemp);if (sz == 1){int top = STTop(noemp);STPop(noemp);return top;}else{while (sz > 1){STPush(emp, STTop(noemp));STPop(noemp);sz--;}int top = STTop(noemp);STPop(noemp);ST* tmp = noemp;noemp = emp;emp = tmp;sz = STSize(noemp);while (sz > 0){STPush(emp, STTop(noemp));STPop(noemp);sz--;}return top;}
}int myQueuePeek(MyQueue* obj)
{ST* emp = &(obj->s1);//假设s1为空ST* noemp = &(obj->s2);if (STEmpty(&(obj->s2)))//如果s2为空{emp = &(obj->s2);noemp = &(obj->s1);}int sz = STSize(noemp);if (sz == 1){int top = STTop(noemp);return top;}else{while (sz > 1){STPush(emp, STTop(noemp));STPop(noemp);sz--;}int top = STTop(noemp);STPush(emp, STTop(noemp));STPop(noemp);ST* tmp = noemp;noemp = emp;emp = tmp;sz = STSize(noemp);while (sz > 0){STPush(emp, STTop(noemp));STPop(noemp);sz--;}return top;}
}bool myQueueEmpty(MyQueue* obj) 
{return STEmpty(&obj->s1) && STEmpty(&obj->s2);
}void myQueueFree(MyQueue* obj) 
}/*** Your MyQueue struct will be instantiated and called as such:* MyQueue* obj = myQueueCreate();* myQueuePush(obj, x);* int param_2 = myQueuePop(obj);* int param_3 = myQueuePeek(obj);* bool param_4 = myQueueEmpty(obj);* myQueueFree(obj);

四. 概念选择题

  1. 循环队列的存储空间为 Q(1:100) ,初始状态为front=rear=100 。经过一系列正常的入队与退队操作后, front=rear=99 ,则循环队列中的元素个数为( )
    A 1
    B 2
    C 99
    D 0或者100
  2. 以下( )不是队列的基本运算?
    A 从队尾插入一个新元素
    B 从队列中删除第i个元素
    C 判断一个队列是否为空
    D 读取队头元素的值
  3. 现有一循环队列,其队头指针为front,队尾指针为rear;循环队列长度为N。其队内有效长度为?(假设队头不存放数据)
    A (rear - front + N) % N + 1
    B (rear - front + N) % N
    C ear - front) % (N + 1)
    D (rear - front + N) % (N - 1)
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B

五. 参考代码


#pragma once#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>typedef int QDataType;typedef struct QueueNode
{struct QueueNode* next;QDataType val;
}QNode;typedef struct Queue
{QNode* phead; QNode* ptail;int size;
//void QueuePush(QNode** pphead, QNode** pptail, QDataType x);
//void QueuePop(QNode** pphead, QNode** pptail);//初始化
void QueueInit(Queue* pq);//队尾插入
void QueuePush(Queue* pq, QDataType x);//队头删除
void QueuePop(Queue* pq);//取队头数据
QDataType QueueFront(Queue* pq);//取队尾数据
QDataType QueueBack(Queue* pq);//队列元素个数
int QueueSize(Queue* pq);//判空
_Bool QueueEmpty(Queue* pq);//队列的销毁
void QueueDestroy(Queue* pq);


#include "Queue.h"void QueueInit(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);pq->phead = NULL;pq->ptail = NULL;pq->size = 0;
}void QueuePush(Queue* pq, QDataType x)
{QNode* newnode = (QNode*)malloc(sizeof(QNode));if (newnode == NULL){perror("malloc failed");exit(1);}newnode->next = NULL;newnode->val = x;if (pq->ptail == NULL){pq->phead = newnode;pq->ptail = newnode;}else{pq->ptail->next = newnode;pq->ptail = newnode;}pq->size++;
}void QueuePop(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);assert(pq->size);QNode* next = pq->phead->next;free(pq->phead);pq->phead = next;if (pq->phead == NULL)//just one node{pq->ptail = NULL;}pq->size--;
}QDataType QueueFront(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);assert(pq->phead);return pq->phead->val;
}QDataType QueueBack(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);assert(pq->ptail);return pq->ptail->val;
}int QueueSize(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);return pq->size;
}_Bool QueueEmpty(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);return pq->size == 0;
}void QueueDestroy(Queue* pq)
{assert(pq);QNode* pcur = pq->phead;while (pcur){QNode* next = pcur->next;free(pcur);pcur = next;}pq->phead = NULL;pq->ptail = NULL;pq->size = 0;


#include "Queue.h"int main()
{Queue q;QueueInit(&q);QueuePush(&q, 1);QueuePush(&q, 2);QueuePush(&q, 3);QueuePush(&q, 4);QueuePush(&q, 5);while (!QueueEmpty(&q)){printf("%d ", QueueFront(&q));QueuePop(&q);}return 0;


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