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zdpvue_primeadmin 登录相关界面的代码梳理和优化,一款Vue3开发的后台管理系统模板









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  • 2、文字都变成中文的




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61.1872 17.7781 61.2093 17.7602C61.2203 17.7512 61.2307 17.7427 61.2403 17.7348C61.2452 17.7308 61.2499 17.727 61.2544 17.7233C61.2566 17.7215 61.2598 17.7188 61.261 17.7179C61.2642 17.7153 61.2673 17.7127 54 8.88887C46.7326 0.0650536 46.7357 0.0625219 46.7387 0.0600241C46.7397 0.0592345 46.7427 0.0567658 46.7446 0.0551857C46.7485 0.0520238 46.7521 0.0489887 46.7557 0.0460799C46.7628 0.0402623 46.7694 0.0349487 46.7753 0.0301318C46.7871 0.0204986 46.7966 0.0128495 46.8037 0.00712562C46.818 -0.00431848 46.8228 -0.00808311 46.8184 -0.00463784C46.8096 0.00228345 46.764 0.0378652 46.6828 0.0983779C46.5199 0.219675 46.2165 0.439161 45.7812 0.727519C44.9072 1.30663 43.5257 2.14765 41.7061 3.02677C38.0469 4.79468 32.7981 6.63058 26.4253 6.95109L27.5746 29.7793ZM54 8.88887C50.2691 -1.91433 50.27 -1.91467 50.271 -1.91498C50.2712 -1.91506 50.272 -1.91535 50.2724 -1.9155C50.2733 -1.91581 50.274 -1.91602 50.2743 -1.91616C50.2752 -1.91643 50.275 -1.91636 50.2738 -1.91595C50.2714 -1.91515 50.2652 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-1.9096C3.73469 -1.91302 3.72848 -1.91515 3.72613 -1.91595C3.72496 -1.91636 3.72476 -1.91643 3.72554 -1.91616C3.72593 -1.91602 3.72657 -1.91581 3.72745 -1.9155C3.72789 -1.91535 3.72874 -1.91506 3.72896 -1.91498C3.72987 -1.91467 3.73084 -1.91433 -4.673e-05 8.88887C-3.73093 19.692 -3.72983 19.6924 -3.72868 19.6929C-3.72821 19.693 -3.72698 19.6934 -3.72603 19.6938C-3.72415 19.6944 -3.72201 19.6952 -3.71961 19.696C-3.71482 19.6976 -3.70901 19.6996 -3.7022 19.7019C-3.68858 19.7066 -3.67095 19.7127 -3.6494 19.72C-3.60629 19.7348 -3.54745 19.7548 -3.47359 19.7797C-3.32589 19.8296 -3.11788 19.8993 -2.85516 19.986C-2.33008 20.1593 -1.58425 20.4011 -0.662589 20.6886C1.17485 21.2618 3.74125 22.026 6.67073 22.7931C12.2327 24.2495 20.1913 26.0151 27 26.0151V3.15796Z"fill="var(--primary-color)"/></g></svg><!--提示语--><div class="text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0 text-3xl font-medium mb-4">欢迎登录本系统</div><span class="text-muted-color font-medium">请在下方填写您的登录账号信息</span></div><div><label for="email1" 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const password = ref('');
const is_remember = ref(false);// 点击登录
const onLogin = () => {router.push('/');








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