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public class Menu {public Integer id;public String name;public Integer parentId;// 根节点为0public List<Menu> childList;public Menu(Integer id, String name, Integer parentId) {this.id = id;this.name = name;this.parentId = parentId;this.childList = new ArrayList<>();}public static List<Menu> selectAll() {return Arrays.asList(new Menu(1, "根节点", 0),new Menu(2, "子节点1", 1),new Menu(3, "子节点1.1", 2),new Menu(4, "子节点1.2", 2),new Menu(5, "根节点1.3", 2),new Menu(6, "根节点2", 1),new Menu(7, "根节点2.1", 6),new Menu(8, "根节点2.2", 6),new Menu(9, "根节点2.2.1", 7),new Menu(10, "根节点2.2.2", 7),new Menu(11, "根节点3", 1),new Menu(12, "根节点3.1", 11));}


public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {List<Menu> menuList = Menu.selectAll();// 1:遍历(O(n))节点并查找(O(1))加入父节点。总复杂度为O(n)。Map<Integer, Menu> menuMap = menuList.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(Menu::getId, menu -> menu));menuMap.forEach((key, value) -> {if (value.getParentId() == 0) return; // 根节点不处理menuMap.get(value.getParentId()).getChildList().add(value);});Menu root = menuMap.get(1);System.out.println(root);}


public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {List<Menu> menuList = Menu.selectAll();// 抽象class Tree<T>{public T parse(List<T> list, Function<T, Integer> getId, Function<T,Integer> getParentId, Function<T, Collection<T>> getChildList) {Map<Integer, T> map = list.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(getId, t -> t));map.forEach((key, value) -> {if (getParentId.apply(value) == 0) return; // 根节点不处理getChildList.apply(map.get(getParentId.apply(value))).add(value);});return map.get(1);}}Menu root = new Tree<Menu>().parse(menuList, Menu::getId, Menu::getParentId, Menu::getChildList);System.out.println(root);}


public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {List<Menu> menuList = Menu.selectAll();// 抽象class Tree<T>{public T parse(List<T> list, Function<T, Integer> getId, Function<T,Integer> getParentId, Function<T, Collection<T>> getChildList,Function<T,Boolean> isRoot) {AtomicReference<T> root = new AtomicReference<>();Map<Integer, T> map = list.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(getId, t -> t));map.forEach((key, value) -> {if (isRoot.apply(value)) {root.set(value);return; // 根节点不处理}getChildList.apply(map.get(getParentId.apply(value))).add(value);});return root.get();}}Menu root = new Tree<Menu>().parse(menuList, Menu::getId, Menu::getParentId, Menu::getChildList, menu -> menu.getParentId() == 0);System.out.println(root);}


public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) {List<Menu> menuList = Menu.selectAll();// 抽象class Tree {public static <T> T parse(List<T> list, Function<T, Integer> getId, Function<T,Integer> getParentId, Function<T, Collection<T>> getChildList,Function<T,Boolean> isRoot) {AtomicReference<T> root = new AtomicReference<>();Map<Integer, T> map = list.stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(getId, t -> t));map.forEach((key, value) -> {if (isRoot.apply(value)) {root.set(value);return; // 根节点不处理}getChildList.apply(map.get(getParentId.apply(value))).add(value);});return root.get();}}Menu root = Tree.parse(menuList, Menu::getId, Menu::getParentId, Menu::getChildList, menu -> menu.getParentId() == 0);System.out.println(root);}


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