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Having trouble using OpenAI API

题意:"使用OpenAI API遇到困难"


I am having trouble with this code. I want to implement AI using OpenAI API in my React.js project but I cannot seem to get what the issue is. I ask it a question in the search bar in my project and it says "No response from AI". There is more to it but this is just what I think is having trouble.

"我在这段代码上遇到了困难。我想在我的React.js项目中使用OpenAI API实现AI功能,但似乎找不到问题所在。我在项目中的搜索栏中输入问题时,它显示‘没有收到AI的响应’。还有更多问题,但这就是我认为出问题的地方。"

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { FaSearch } from 'react-icons/fa';
import './App.css';
import { EntryForm } from './EntryForm';function LandingPage() {// States related to the Healthy Innovations featuresconst [search, setSearch] = useState('');const [showSuggestions, setShowSuggestions] = useState(true);const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);const [recipeDetails, setRecipeDetails] = useState(null);const [showWorkoutQuestion, setShowWorkoutQuestion] = useState(false);const [selectedSuggestion, setSelectedSuggestion] = useState(null);const [showWorkoutPlan, setShowWorkoutPlan] = useState(false);const [showCalorieCalculator, setShowCalorieCalculator] = useState(false);const [workoutSplit, setWorkoutSplit] = useState('');const [showCalorieQuestion, setShowCalorieQuestion] = useState(false);const [chatInput, setChatInput] = useState('');const [chatHistory, setChatHistory] = useState([]);const [currentTitle, setCurrentTitle]= useState(null)console.log(chatHistory); // Debugging: Check the structure before renderingconst createNewChat = () => {// Clears the chat to start a new conversationsetChatInput('');setCurrentTitle(null)// No need for setCurrentTitle in this context};const renderChatHistory = () =>chatHistory.map((chat, index) => (<div key={index} className="chat-history"><p>Role: {chat.role}</p>{/* Check if chat.content is a string; if not, handle it appropriately */}<p>Message: {chat.content}</p></div>));const handleSearchChange = (e) => {const inputValue = e.target.value;setChatInput(inputValue); // Update chatInput instead of search state.setShowSuggestions(inputValue.length > 0); // Show suggestions if there's input};const renderDynamicRecommendations = () => {// Filter suggestions based on search inputconst filteredSuggestions = staticSuggestions.filter(suggestion =>suggestion.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())); return (<ul>{filteredSuggestions.map((suggestion, index) => (<li key={index} onClick={() => handleSelectSuggestion(suggestion)} style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }}>{suggestion}</li>))}</ul>);};const SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:8000/completions";// Get messages function and other logic remain the same, ensure you're using chatInput for input value management// Adjusting the getMessages function to handle server response correctlyconst getMessages = async () => {if (!chatInput.trim()) return; // Avoid sending empty messagessetIsLoading(true);try {const response = await fetch('http://localhost:8000/completions', {method: 'POST',headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },body: JSON.stringify({ message: chatInput })});if (!response.ok) {throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);}const data = await response.json();const aiResponse = data.choices && data.choices.length > 0? data.choices[0].message: "No response from AI."; // Update chat historysetChatHistory(prev => [...prev, { role: 'user', content: chatInput }, { role: 'ai', content: aiResponse }]);setChatInput(''); // Clear the input field} catch (error) {console.error('Fetch error:', error);setChatHistory(prev => [...prev, { role: 'user', content: chatInput }, { role: 'ai', content: "Error communicating with AI." }]);} finally {setIsLoading(false);}};
//server.js const PORT = 8000
const express = require('express')
const cors = require('cors')
const app = express()
app.use(cors())const API_KEY = process.env.API_KEYapp.post('/completions', async (req, res) => {const options = {method: "POST",headers: {"Authorization": `Bearer ${API_KEY}`, "Content-Type": "application/json" },body: JSON.stringify({model: "gpt-3.5-turbo",messages: [{role: "user", content: req.body.message}],max_tokens: 100,})};try {const response = await fetch('https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions', options);const data = await response.json();if (data.choices && data.choices.length > 0 && data.choices[0].message) {// Adjust this path according to the actual structure of OpenAI's responseres.json({ message: data.choices[0].message.content });} else {throw new Error("Invalid response structure from OpenAI API.");}} catch (error) {console.error("Server error:", error);res.status(500).json({ message: "Failed to get response from AI." });}
});app.listen(PORT, () => console.log('Your server is running on PORT'+ PORT))

.env file: API_KEY = "api key"

I have tried changing varablies and also seing if I have everything downloaded which I do.



The backend returns a response in a format different from what the frontend expects.


From server.js

if (data.choices && data.choices.length > 0 && data.choices[0].message) {res.json({ message: data.choices[0].message.content });} else {throw new Error("Invalid response structure from OpenAI API.");}

This will produce json response { message: "response from openai" }

However on the frontend act as if backend return raw response straight from the openai api

"然而,前端的行为却好像后端返回的是直接来自OpenAI API的原始响应。"

const data = await response.json();const aiResponse = data.choices && data.choices.length > 0? data.choices[0].message: "No response from AI."; 

Here is a fix of the frontend code to match response shape from the backend:


const { message } = await response.json();const aiResponse = message || "No response from AI.";


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