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cell phone teardown 手机拆卸

tweezer 镊子
screwdriver 螺丝刀
opening tool 开口工具

repair 修理
battery 电池
rear panel 后盖
front and rear cameras 前后摄像头
volume button board 音量键线路板
headphone jack 耳机孔
a cracked screen 破裂屏
otherwise non-functional screen 其它坏屏
flex cable 排线

Remove the SD Memory Card before the device apart. Using the screwdriver, remove the 10mm Phillips screw that is near the SD Memory Card port.

Remove the white caps, which are covering the screws that are located on either side of the charging port.

You may have to use a low heat blow dryer for 5 to 10 seconds, or other equivalent heat source to loosen the adhesive.

Continue to unscrew the two 10mm Phillips Screws from the bottom of the device.

Starting from the bottom and working around, use the prying tool to separate the cover.

You will hear a popping sound, indicating the separation.

Using the prying tool, remove the tab that attaches the battery to the motherboard.

Then remove the battery, using the prying tool in an upward motion. There is an adhesive behind the battery but it is not strong.

Insert the new battery into its position, and reconnect its tab onto the motherboard.

Now put the rear housing cover on the device, starting from its bottom side, and snap the edges all the way around to close the device.

Lastly, reinsert the screws at the bottom of the device, as well as the screw beside the SD Memory Card port.


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