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<!--font:font标记用来设置字体大小颜色属性size:设置字号,默认是3号,+1表示4号,-1表示2号,取值范围是[+1,+7]或[-7,-1]color:设置文字的颜色,有 black blue gray green lime...共16钟face:设置字体,默认为宋体--><font size="+1" color="green" face="宋体"> 潇潇暮雨子规啼</font>


 <!-- hn:标题标记属性align:对齐方式有 left right center--><h2>我是一个标题</h2>



 <!-- p:段落标记,自动再段落前后添加换行属性align:对齐方式有 left right center--><p>大家好!</p>


    <!-- pre:预格式化标记  保留源代码中的格式 --><pre>hey will be staying for five days.How long time will you be staying? </pre>



    <!--center: 居中 --><center>Are you ok?</center>

6.缩排标记 blockquote:左侧缩进,而且让字数变得紧凑

 <!--blockquote: 缩排标记 左侧缩进,而且让字数变得紧凑--><blockquote>The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers.At present,they are visiting all partsof the country.They will be arrving here tomorrow.They will be comming by train and most of the young people in thw town will be meeting themat the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Wrokers' Club.The Greenwood Boys will be staying five days. During this time,they will give five performances.As usual,the police will have a difficult time.they will be trying keep  order.It is always the same one these occasions.</blockquote>



<!-- hr:水平线 size:大小width:宽度color=水平线颜色align:对齐方式 默认居中center 也可以left right --><hr/ size="5%"  width="100%" color="red" align="right" >



background="./imgs/B.jpg"link alink vlink:超链接访问前后的颜色
link="green" alink="yellow" vlink="black"--><body><!-- p:段落标记 有自动换行的功能 --><!--font:font标记用来设置字体大小颜色属性size:设置字号,默认是3号,+1表示4号,-1表示2号,取值范围是[+1,+7]或[-7,-1]color:设置文字的颜色,有 black blue gray green lime...共16钟face:设置字体,默认为宋体--><font size="+1" color="green" face="宋体"> 潇潇暮雨子规啼</font><!-- hn:标题标记,属性align:对齐方式有 left right center--><h2>我是一个标题</h2><!-- p:段落标记,自动再段落前后添加换行属性align:对齐方式有 left right center--><p>大家好!</p><!-- pre:预格式化标记  保留源代码中的格式 --><pre>hey will be staying for five days.How long time will you be staying? </pre><!--center: 居中 --><center>Are you ok?</center><!-- hr:水平线 size:大小width:宽度color=水平线颜色align:对齐方式 默认居中center 也可以left right --><hr/ size="5%"  width="100%" color="red" align="right" ><!--blockquote: 缩排标记 左侧缩进,而且让字数变得紧凑--><blockquote>The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers.At present,they are visiting all partsof the country.They will be arrving here tomorrow.They will be comming by train and most of the young people in thw town will be meeting themat the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Wrokers' Club.The Greenwood Boys will be staying five days. During this time,they will give five performances.As usual,the police will have a difficult time.they will be trying keep  order.It is always the same one these occasions.</blockquote><!-- hr:水平线 --><hr/ color="red"><p align="right"> 东方翱翔 &copy;版权所有</p></body>



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