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What is Node.JS and its Pros and Cons

What is Node.JS and its Pros and Cons

JavaScript is a client-side development tool.

Node.js is a server-side development tool. And it’s only a runtime environment based on Chrome V8 so we don’t write some code in Node.js.



JavaScript on a server

First I want to emphasis that Node.JS is just a runtime environment of JavaScript. Express is based on Node.js. So based on Node.JS, the project can inherit JavaScript merit (lightweight, fewer code compared with Java or C) and can use its libraries.

And front-end and back-end can use the same language.

Code for microservices

Node module can help implement microservice philosophy. To be specfic, a project is made up of many modules which are isolated and independent. You can just fix or add one module, which doesn’t influence other module.


Node.JS is event-based and single thread. It can process several events concurrently, which leads to improve CPU usage.

Support and Community

There are many companies which use Node.js. And there are many people in Node.js community to provide many solutions and solve the issues.


There are many packages to solve different problems in NPM. NPM is a place that can install packages.

Easy to learn

Node.JS inherit many features of JavaScript.


CPU bottleneck

Because Node.JS is single-thread. So if there are many heavy-computation requests, the thread pool will block. Sometimes we can “expand” the thread pool.

Immature tool

NPM registry is not mature.

Few experienced developers

There are few Node.JS developers who has 2 years or more experience.


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