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如何将GridViewEX升级到UWP(Universal Windows Platform)平台

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extended GridView with grouping, variable sized items and drag and drop support


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本文为了创建UWP 应用程序,首先创建一些通用类如下,详细代码见附件:

  • Common/VisibilityConverter.cs
  • Common/LayoutAwarePage.cs
  • Common/SuspensionManager.cs

DataModel 和Sample 文件夹下的所有文件都可以重用。


VisibilityConverter 和 SuspensionsManager暂时不需要修改,可直接在UWP中使用。主要修改布局和导航逻辑文件。


无论是WinRT还是UWP应用,都会使用返回键导航。桌面WinRTx应用会在Xaml文件添加返回按钮。但是在UWP应用中,非常灵活,桌面应用可以在标题栏中添加返回按钮,在移动设备中不仅能使用标题栏中的返回键,也可以使用物理返回键实现导航功能。UWP的方法比较通用,且不需要编写自定义的Xaml文件。因此只需要开发一个基类,应用到不同的Xaml 页面中就可以实现轻松实现导航功能,不需要重复编写代码。修改后的LayoutAwarePage 类:

 1: protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
 2: {
 3:  // subscribe on Back button event
 4:  if (IsWindowsPhoneDevice())
 5:  {
 6:  // use hardware button
 7:  Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons.BackPressed += HardwareButtons_BackPressed;
 8:  }
 9:  else
 10:  {
 11:  // enable/disable window back button depending on navigation state
 12:  var currentView = SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView();
 13:  currentView.AppViewBackButtonVisibility = this.Frame != null && this.Frame.CanGoBack ?
 14:  AppViewBackButtonVisibility.Visible : AppViewBackButtonVisibility.Collapsed;
 15:  currentView.BackRequested += backButton_Tapped;
 16:  }
 17:  ...
 18: protected override void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationEventArgs e)
 19: {
 20:  // unsubscribe from Back button event
 21:  if (IsWindowsPhoneDevice())
 22:  {
 23:  Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons.BackPressed -= HardwareButtons_BackPressed;
 24:  }
 25:  else
 26:  {
 27:  // unsubscribe from window back button
 28:  var currentView = SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView();
 29:  currentView.BackRequested -= backButton_Tapped;
 30:  }
 31:  ...
 32: // handle Back button events
 33: private void HardwareButtons_BackPressed(object sender, BackPressedEventArgs e)
 34: {
 35:  if (this.Frame != null && this.Frame.CanGoBack)
 36:  {
 37:  e.Handled = true;
 38:  this.Frame.GoBack();
 39:  }
 40: }
 41: private void backButton_Tapped(object sender, BackRequestedEventArgs e)
 42: {
 43:  this.GoBack(this, new RoutedEventArgs());
 44: }


因为需要使用物理返回键,我们需要在程序中添加引用文件“Windows Mobile Extensions for the UWP”。


LayoutAwarePage 类最后添加设备查询的静态方法,来检测运行时设备。

 1: public static bool IsWindowsPhoneDevice()
 2: {
 3:  if (Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation.IsTypePresent("Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons"))
 4:  {
 5:  return true;
 6:  }
 7:  return false;
 8: }



1. 如果想保证应用程序在Windows10中具有与系统一致的界面风格和用户体验,可使用Windows 10 ThemeResources (主题资源)。

2. 微软也在Windows10 发布中升级了GridView控件,相对于Windows 8 版本来说,最重要的改变是添加了用户重定向检测。

3. VariableSizedWrapGrid 面板也添加了重定向检测功能。并且去掉了行和列自动展开的功能。下面是Windows8 版本的Xaml文件,在Windows10 中已经无法使用。

 1: <GridView  Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="10" AllowDrop="True" CanReorderItems="True" CanDragItems="True" IsSwipeEnabled="True">
 2:  <GridView.ItemsPanel>
 3:  <ItemsPanelTemplate>
 4:  <VariableSizedWrapGrid/>
 5:  </ItemsPanelTemplate>
 6:  </GridView.ItemsPanel>
 7:  <Rectangle Height="100" Width="200" Fill="Blue" />
 8:  <Rectangle Height="100" Width="100" Fill="Red" />
 9:  <Rectangle Height="100" Width="100" Fill="Yellow" />
 10:  <Rectangle Height="100" Width="100" Fill="Green" />

最好的解决方法就是将VariableSizedWrapGrid 与item的属性绑定,并将值传给自定义的GridView控件的ListViewItemPresenter 元素:

 1: /// <summary>
 2: /// This class sets VariableSizedWrapGrid.ColumnSpanProperty for GridViewItem controls,
 3: /// so that every item can have different size in the VariableSizedWrapGrid.
 4: /// Also it sets VerticalContentAlignment and HorizontalContentAlignment to Stretch.
 5: /// </summary>
 6: public class GridViewTiled : GridView
 7: {
 8:  // set ColumnSpan according to the business logic (maybe some GridViewSamples.Samples.Item or group properties)
 9:  protected override void PrepareContainerForItemOverride(Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject element, object item)
 10:  {
 11:  element.SetValue(ContentControl.HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty, HorizontalAlignment.Stretch);
 12:  element.SetValue(ContentControl.VerticalContentAlignmentProperty, VerticalAlignment.Stretch);
 13:  UIElement el = item as UIElement;
 14:  if (el != null)
 15:  {
 16:  int colSpan = Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.VariableSizedWrapGrid.GetColumnSpan(el);
 17:  int rowSpan = Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.VariableSizedWrapGrid.GetRowSpan(el);
 18:  if (rowSpan > 1)
 19:  {
 20:  // only set it if it has non-defaul value
 21:  element.SetValue(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.VariableSizedWrapGrid.RowSpanProperty, rowSpan);
 22:  }
 23:  if (colSpan > 1)
 24:  {
 25:  // only set it if it has non-defaul value
 26:  element.SetValue(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.VariableSizedWrapGrid.ColumnSpanProperty, colSpan);
 27:  }
 28:  }
 29:  base.PrepareContainerForItemOverride(element, item);
 30:  }
 31: }



<controls:GridViewTiled Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="10" AllowDrop="True" CanReorderItems="True" CanDragItems="True" > <controls:GridViewTiled.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <VariableSizedWrapGrid ItemHeight="100" ItemWidth="100" Orientation="Horizontal"/> </ItemsPanelTemplate> </controls:GridViewTiled.ItemsPanel> <Rectangle VariableSizedWrapGrid.ColumnSpan="2" VariableSizedWrapGrid.RowSpan="2" Fill="Blue" /> <Rectangle Fill="Red" /> <Rectangle Fill="Yellow" /> <Rectangle Fill="Green" />


WinRT版的GridViewEx控件使用了简单border作为新分组的占位符,在拖拽项过程中外观是静态的,无法改变。为了使界面对用户更加友好,并且将拖放的位置高亮, 因此我们新建了新的“NewGroupPlaceholder”控件,在拖拽过程中有简单的状态切换逻辑。

GridViewEx - NewGroupPlaceholder


 1: <Style TargetType="local:NewGroupPlaceholder">
 2:  <Setter Property="Background" Value="Transparent" />
 3:  <Setter Property="Margin" Value="8" />
 4:  <Setter Property="Height" Value="32" />
 5:  <Setter Property="Template">
 6:  <Setter.Value>
 7:  <ControlTemplate TargetType="local:NewGroupPlaceholder">
 8:  <Border x:Name="root" Background="{TemplateBinding Background}">
 9:  <VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups>
 10:  <VisualStateGroup x:Name="DragStates">
 11:  <VisualState x:Name="Normal"/>
 12:  <VisualState x:Name="DragOver">
 13:  <Storyboard>
 14:  <DoubleAnimation Duration="0" To="1" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" Storyboard.TargetName="dragOverElement"/>
 15:  </Storyboard>
 16:  </VisualState>
 17:  </VisualStateGroup>
 18:  </VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups>
 19:  <Border x:Name="dragOverElement" Background="{ThemeResource SystemControlHighlightListAccentLowBrush}" Opacity="0"/>
 20:  </Border>
 21:  </ControlTemplate>
 22:  </Setter.Value>
 23:  </Setter>
 24: </Style>

修改GridViewEx 控件


UWP平台下运行GridViewEx大部分的功能与WinRT保持一致。只有OnDragOver中的DragEventArgs.AcceptedOperation 属性需要重写。显然UWP 中的GridView 将所有非空项的该属性都设置为None。因此,如果不重写OnDragOver 方法,Drop 事件就不会被触发。


 1: protected override void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs e)
 2: {
 3:  int newIndex = GetDragOverIndex(e);
 4:  if (newIndex >= 0)
 5:  {
 6:  e.AcceptedOperation = Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DataPackageOperation.Move;

运行代码时编译器会发出很多关于ItemContainerGenerator 方法的警告,调用ItemsControl 响应方法就可以处理Warning

VariableSizedWrapGrid存在很多限制,为了解决这些限制,在上述代码中添加 PrepareContainerForItemOverride 方法。最后需要升级GridViewEx 控件自带的样式,使其支持设备重定向。


在GridViewEx控件中添加新的PreparingContainerForItem 事件,该事件的参数即包含数据对象,也包含UI 容器,因此可根据需求设置UI属性,代码如下:

 1: /// <summary>
 2: /// Set column spans depending on group id.
 3: /// </summary>
 4: /// <param name="sender"></param>
 5: /// <param name="e"></param>
 6: private void gve_PreparingContainerForItem(object sender, GridViewEx.PreparingContainerForItemEventArgs e)
 7: {
 8:  try
 9:  {
 10:  Item it = e.Item as Item;
 11:  if (it != null)
 12:  {
 13:  e.Element.SetValue(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.VariableSizedWrapGrid.ColumnSpanProperty, it.GroupId % 2 + 1);
 14:  }
 15:  }
 16:  catch
 17:  {
 18:  e.Element.SetValue(Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.VariableSizedWrapGrid.ColumnSpanProperty, 1);
 19:  }
 20: }


 为了适应多种设备,需要生成自适应布局。本文中主要通过修改内容项的尺寸来实现该功能。创建了Bound ,Unbound以及Grouped 示例文件,Grouped 显示单个GridView控件,因此在移动端能够修改Tile的尺寸及边框。

Bound 和Unbound 示例是由2个GridView控件组成,小屏幕中显的内容较多,无法显示更多的细节性的内容,因此使用Pivot控件保证同一时间只显示一个GridView控件,并支持GridView之间切换。


 1: public double TileSize
 2: {
 3:  get { return (double)GetValue(TileSizeProperty); }
 4:  set { SetValue(TileSizeProperty, value); }
 5: }
 6: public static readonly DependencyProperty TileSizeProperty =
 7:  DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(TileSize), typeof(double), typeof(Customized), new PropertyMetadata(100));
 8: public Customized()
 9: {
 10:  if (IsWindowsPhoneDevice())
 11:  {
 12:  TileSize = 72;
 13:  }
 14:  this.InitializeComponent();
 15: }

GridViewEx 和GridView 中绑定代码如下:

 1: <GroupStyle.Panel>
 2:  <ItemsPanelTemplate>
 3:  <VariableSizedWrapGrid ItemHeight="{Binding TileSize, ElementName=pageRoot}"
 4:  ItemWidth="{Binding TileSize, ElementName=pageRoot}"
 5:  Orientation="Horizontal" MaximumRowsOrColumns="10"/>
 6:  </ItemsPanelTemplate>
 7: </GroupStyle.Panel>





live tiles


ComponentOne Studio for UWP,是一套可以编写所有 UWP 平台应用的控件集,包括表格、报表、图表、仪表盘、组织图、地图、PDF、Excel、Word、日程安排、输入、导航等多个控件,有效帮助开发过程。




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