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Unit 19 Technology Communication














Eg: I told you a story.(主+谓+宾+宾)

I told you that I met Johnson yesterday.

I told you a story that I met Johnson yesterday.




“that +陈述句” 放入句子,充当主语、宾语、表语、或同位语



Eg: I told you that I met Johnson yesterday.


I told you a story that I met Johnson yesterday.




The environment has a profound effect on one's personality.

People commonly believe (that) the environment has a profound effect on one's personality.

That the environment has a profound effect on one's personality is commonly believed.

= It is commonly believed that the environment has a profound effect on one's personality.

• It is commonly believed that...

• It is widely accepted that...

• It is generally acknowledged that...


Medical science has proved (that) animal fats and excessive intake of sugar damage people's health.


The assumption is groundless.

Robots will make humans redundant and replaceable .

The assumption that robots will make humans redundant and replaceable is groundless.


Internet ; teacher

Library/museum/art gallery

e-book; p-book




Whether or not + 还原后的陈述句


Did you see the film?

You saw the film.

I asked whether or not you saw the film.


Should children be allowed to play computer games?

Children should be allowed to play computer games.

There is a heated debate over whether or not children should be allowed to play computer games.


Should cameras be installed in public?

Cameras should be installed in public.

Whether or not cameras should be installed in public has aroused wide public concern.





Did you see the film?

What did you see?

What you saw

I asked what you saw.


Whose idea should i agree with?

Whose idea I should agree with.

I am not sure whose idea I should agree with.


What benefits will space exploration bring to us?

What benefits space exploration will bring to us.

We are still not sure what benefits space exploration will bring to us.


How can the nuclear waste be properly disposed of?

How the nuclear waste can be properly disposed of.

How the nuclear waste can be properly disposed of is an urgent problem for scientists and politicians.


Who should be responsible for environmental conservation?

Who should be responsible for environmental conservation is generally acknowledged.





Some people think old people should live with children while others argue they should be sent to nursing homes. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The proportion of the aging population is on the rise. There is a heated debate over whether or not old people should live with their children. Some can hardly subscribe to the opinion and they believe nursing homes can provide better and more professional care. I am not sure whose idea I should agree with.

III. Unit19讲解


Some people say that mobile phones represent a danger to users because of the possible health issues, such as cancer or brain damage, associated with them. Others say that mobile phones are a great benefit to mankind.


Some people say that it is dangerous to use cell phones in cars because of the risk of accidents. Others believe that having a cell 'phone in your car is better for safety. Evaluate these two viewpoints and give your own opinion.



There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobiles. What forms do they take? Do the problems outweigh the benefits?


Model 1

Mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular nowadays, and the number of people using them has grown hugely, especially in developing countries. There is some debate about the safety of mobile phones, but in my opinion, the benefits from these phones are far greater than any possible health risks.

There is some concern that mobile phones may cause brain damage or cancer because of the radiation they emit while they are being used. Some people are also worried that cell phone towers may be bad for health. However, researchers have conducted experiments over many years to find out if this is true, and so far they have found no evidence for this.

On the other hand, mobile phones have many benefits, both for individuals and for isolated communities. They help individuals to communicate quickly and easily, and they can be used both for social reasons and in emergencies. For example, people can use them to contact their friends and, if they use texting, the phones are cheap and convenient. They are also very useful if someone has an accident while driving. In addition, isolated communities which do not have land lines can use mobile phones to contact the outside world, and this is much cheaper than installing landline phones.

In conclusion, although some people are worried about the health risks of cell phones, there is little or no evidence for this. However, there is a lot of evidence for the benefits of cell phones, so in my opinion we should not worry about the dangers of cell phone use.


Model 2

More and more people are using mobile phones nowadays, and the number of people using these phones in their cars has increased. There is some debate about the safety of mobile phone use in cars. Some people believe they make car travel safer but others think they can cause accidents. This essay will evaluate these two ideas and give my opinion.

Mobile phones can make car travel safer because they allow people to quickly and easily contact emergency services if there is an accident. For example, if someone sees an accident while driving, they can call an ambulance and help can arrive very quickly. Similarly, if a driver is threatened by other drivers or by thieves, he can lock his car doors and contact the police without leaving his vehicle. In addition, mobile phones can help people to get directions if they get lost while travelling to their destination.

However, although mobile phones can increase safety, they should not be used to chat while driving. This is very dangerous, because it can lead to loss of concentration and to car accidents. The three main causes of car accidents are careless driving, alcohol and talking while driving. Even a hands-free phone is dangerous, because the driver is not concentrating on the road while he or she is talking.

In conclusion, although mobile phones can make driving safer in some situations, we should not use them to talk to our friends or family while we are driving. This is very dangerous, and causes many accidents every year.



Mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular nowadays, and the number of people using them has grown hugely, especially in developing countries. There is some debate about the safety of mobile phones, but in my opinion, the benefits from these phones are far greater than any possible health risks.

There is some concern that mobile phones may cause brain damage or cancer because of the radiation they emit while they are being used. Some people are also worried that cell phone towers may be bad for health. However, researchers have conducted experiments over many years to find out if this is true, and so far they have found no evidence for this.

On the other hand, mobile phones have many benefits, both for individuals and for isolated communities. They help individuals to communicate quickly and easily, and they can be used both for social reasons and in emergencies. For example, people can use them to contact their friends and, if they use texting, the phones are cheap and convenient. They are also very useful if someone has an accident while driving. In addition, isolated communities which do not have land lines can use mobile phones to contact the outside world, and this is much cheaper than installing landline phones.

In conclusion, although some people are worried about the health risks of cell phones, there is little or no evidence for this. However, there is a lot of evidence for the benefits of cell phones, so in my opinion we should not worry about the dangers of cell phone use.

Model 2

More and more people are using mobile phones nowadays, and the number of people using these phones in their cars has increased. There is some debate about the safety of mobile phone use in cars. Some people believe they make car travel safer but others think they can cause accidents. This essay will evaluate these two ideas and give my opinion.

Mobile phones can make car travel safer because they allow people to quickly and easily contact emergency services if there is an accident. For example, if someone sees an accident while driving, they can call an ambulance and help can arrive very quickly. Similarly, if a driver is threatened by other drivers or by thieves, he can lock his car doors and contact the police without leaving his vehicle. In addition, mobile phones can help people to get directions if they get lost while travelling to their destination.

However, although mobile phones can increase safety, they should not be used to chat while driving. This is very dangerous, because it can lead to loss of concentration and to car accidents. The three main causes of car accidents are careless driving, alcohol and talking while driving. Even a hands-free phone is dangerous, because the driver is not concentrating on the road while he or she is talking.

In conclusion, although mobile phones can make driving safer in some situations, we should not use them to talk to our friends or family while we are driving. This is very dangerous, and causes many accidents every year.



Complete the table below for the listed words.


Verb forms



installs, installed, installing

















Choose the correct verb tense: NB: There may be more than one correct answer. Some verbs are passive! Think carefully: Who did the action?

a. Nowadays, many people (buy) ___________ cell phones, and the number of cell phones (increase) __________ over the past fifteen years. As a result, many cell phone towers (build) _____________ in urban areas, and some people (think) _________________ this (represent) ____________ a danger to health. They also (believe) _____________ that cell phones users may (run the risk) ___________ of brain damage or cancer, because of the radiation that cell phones (emit) ____________. Consequently, many experiments (conduct) __________ in a variety of countries to find out if cell phones (pose) __________ a danger to health. So far, no evidence (find) __________for this, but it (be) _____________ possible that such evidence may be found in the future.

b. Nowadays, many people (drive) __________ private cars, and the number of cars in cities (rise) ______________ hugely over the past fifty years. As a result, many new motorways and roads (construct) ____________ in urban areas, and this (represent) ___________ a danger to health because of the gases that (emit) ____________by car exhausts. It (be) ____________ also a big problem because of the congestion that cars (cause) ___________ in inner city areas. Consequently, many new policies (develop) ____________ in a variety of countries to try to manage private car use in inner city areas. So far, no perfect solution (find) __________ for this problem, but we (hope) that this problem will be solved in the future.


The paragraphs below have correct grammar, but the writing is in a very bad style because no reference words have been used. Rewrite them, using the words above to link ideas and avoid repetition. You will need to remove many words and change some words. There are many correct answers. See how many words you can remove!

a. One major issue with playing computer games is the tendency for people to play for hours and neglect their studies. If people stay up very late, people will have trouble getting up in the morning for school or work. If teenagers waste a lot of time playing on the computer and do no exercise, wasting time playing on the computer and doing no exercise can lead to health and obesity problems. (72 words--aim to remove 9 words)

b. Many people believe that cigarettes cause lung cancer and heart attacks because of the poisons cigarettes put into people's bodies while people are smoking. Researchers have conducted experiments over many years to find out if the belief that cigarettes cause lung cancer and heart attacks is correct, and the researchers have found a lot of evidence that cigarettes cause lung cancer and heart attacks. (65 words -- aim to remove 15 words)

c. In the past twenty years, the amount of traffic on the roads has greatly increased, and the increase in the amount of traffic has led to many problems with traffic jams and pollution in inner city areas. Some countries have limited the use of cars in the inner city by charging fees or restricting the days on which people can drive into the city. The approach of charging fees or restricting the days on which people can drive into the city has some disadvantages, but on the whole charging fees or restricting the days on which people can drive into the city is a good solution to the problems of inner city traffic.

(114 words -- aim to remove 34 words)


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