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Unity 微型调试器 Debugger




  1 using UnityEngine;
  2 using System.Collections.Generic;
  3 using UnityEngine.Profiling;
  4 using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
  6 public class Debugger : MonoBehaviour
  7 {
  8     /// <summary>
  9     /// 是否允许调试
 10     /// </summary>
 11     public bool AllowDebugging = true;
 13     private DebugType _debugType = DebugType.Console;
 14     private ProfilerType _profilerType = ProfilerType.Summary;
 15     private ProfilerMenoryType _profilerMenoryType = ProfilerMenoryType.ALL;
 16     private Information _InformationType = Information.System;
 17     private List<LogData> _logInformations = new List<LogData>();
 18     private int _currentLogIndex = -1;
 19     private int _infoLogCount = 0;
 20     private int _warningLogCount = 0;
 21     private int _errorLogCount = 0;
 22     private int _fatalLogCount = 0;
 23     private bool _showInfoLog = true;
 24     private bool _showWarningLog = true;
 25     private bool _showErrorLog = true;
 26     private bool _showFatalLog = true;
 27     private Vector2 _scrollLogView = Vector2.zero;
 28     private Vector2 _scrollCurrentLogView = Vector2.zero;
 29     private Vector2 _scrollSystemView = Vector2.zero;
 30     private bool _expansion = false;
 31     private Rect _windowRect = new Rect(0, 0, 100, 60);
 32     private string[] ProfilerMenorys = { "ALL", "Texture", "Mesh", "Material", "AnimitionClip", "AudioClip", "Font", "Componet" };
 33     private string[] debugTypes = { "Console", "Information", "Profiler", "Close" };
 34     private string[] Informations = { "System", "Environmen", "screen", "Graphic", "Input", "Other" };
 37     private int _fps = 0;
 38     private Color _fpsColor = Color.white;
 39     private int _frameNumber = 0;
 40     private float _lastShowFPSTime = 0f;
 41     private RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Object> m_RuntimeMemoryAllInformationWindow = new RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Object>();
 42     private RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Texture> m_RuntimeMemoryTextureInformationWindow = new RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Texture>();
 43     private ProfilerInformationWindow m_ProfilerInformationWindow = new ProfilerInformationWindow();
 44     private RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Mesh> m_RuntimeMemoryMeshInformationWindow = new RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Mesh>();
 45     private RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Material> m_RuntimeMemoryMaterialInformationWindow = new RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Material>();
 46     private RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<AnimationClip> m_RuntimeMemoryAnimationClipInformationWindow = new RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<AnimationClip>();
 47     private RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<AudioClip> m_RuntimeMemoryAudioClipInformationWindow = new RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<AudioClip>();
 48     private RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Font> m_RuntimeMemoryFontInformationWindow = new RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Font>();
 49     private RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<GameObject> m_RuntimeMemoryGameObjectInformationWindow = new RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<GameObject>();
 50     private RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Component> m_RuntimeMemoryComponentInformationWindow = new RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<Component>();
 51     private SystemInformationWindow m_SystemInformationWindow = new SystemInformationWindow();
 52     private EnvironmentInformationWindow m_EnvironmentInformationWindow = new EnvironmentInformationWindow();
 53     private ScreenInformationWindow m_ScreenInformationWindow = new ScreenInformationWindow();
 54     private GraphicsInformationWindow m_GraphicsInformationWindow = new GraphicsInformationWindow();
 55     private InputSummaryInformationWindow m_InputSummaryInformationWindow = new InputSummaryInformationWindow();
 56     private QualityInformationWindow m_QualityInformationWindow = new QualityInformationWindow();
 58     private void Awake()
 59     {
 60         if (AllowDebugging)
 61         {
 62             Application.logMessageReceived += LogHandler;
 63         }
 64     }
 65     private void Update()
 66     {
 67         if (AllowDebugging)
 68         {
 69             _frameNumber += 1;
 70             float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup - _lastShowFPSTime;
 71             if (time >= 1)
 72             {
 73                 _fps = (int)(_frameNumber / time);
 74                 _frameNumber = 0;
 75                 _lastShowFPSTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
 76             }
 77         }
 78     }
 79     private void OnDestory()
 80     {
 81         if (AllowDebugging)
 82         {
 83             Application.logMessageReceived -= LogHandler;
 84         }
 85     }
 86     private void LogHandler(string condition, string stackTrace, LogType type)
 87     {
 88         LogData log = new LogData();
 89         log.time = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
 90         log.message = condition;
 91         log.stackTrace = stackTrace;
 93         if (type == LogType.Assert)
 94         {
 95             log.type = "Fatal";
 96             _fatalLogCount += 1;
 97         }
 98         else if (type == LogType.Exception || type == LogType.Error)
 99         {
100             log.type = "Error";
101             _errorLogCount += 1;
102         }
103         else if (type == LogType.Warning)
104         {
105             log.type = "Warning";
106             _warningLogCount += 1;
107         }
108         else if (type == LogType.Log)
109         {
110             log.type = "Info";
111             _infoLogCount += 1;
112         }
114         _logInformations.Add(log);
116         if (_warningLogCount > 0)
117         {
118             _fpsColor = Color.yellow;
119         }
120         if (_errorLogCount > 0)
121         {
122             _fpsColor = Color.red;
123         }
124     }
126     private void OnGUI()
127     {
128         if (AllowDebugging)
129         {
130             if (_expansion)
131             {
132                 _windowRect = GUI.Window(0, _windowRect, ExpansionGUIWindow, "DEBUGGER");
133             }
134             else
135             {
136                 _windowRect = GUI.Window(0, _windowRect, ShrinkGUIWindow, "DEBUGGER");
137             }
138         }
139     }
140     private void ExpansionGUIWindow(int windowId)
141     {
142         GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 20));
144         #region title
145         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
146         GUI.contentColor = _fpsColor;
147         for (int i = 0; i < debugTypes.Length; i++)
148         {
149             string tempStr = System.Enum.GetName(typeof(DebugType), _debugType);
150             GUI.contentColor = (tempStr == debugTypes[i] ? Color.white : Color.gray);
152             if (GUILayout.Button(debugTypes[i], GUILayout.Height(30)))
153             {
154                 _debugType = (DebugType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(DebugType), debugTypes[i]);
155             }
157         }
159         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
160         #endregion
161         switch (_debugType)
162         {
163             #region Console
164             case DebugType.Console:
165                 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
166                     if (GUILayout.Button("Clear"))
167                     {
168                         _logInformations.Clear();
169                         _fatalLogCount = 0;
170                         _warningLogCount = 0;
171                         _errorLogCount = 0;
172                         _infoLogCount = 0;
173                         _currentLogIndex = -1;
174                         _fpsColor = Color.white;
175                     }
176                     GUI.contentColor = (_showInfoLog ? Color.white : Color.gray);
177                     _showInfoLog = GUILayout.Toggle(_showInfoLog, "Info [" + _infoLogCount + "]");
178                     GUI.contentColor = (_showWarningLog ? Color.white : Color.gray);
179                     _showWarningLog = GUILayout.Toggle(_showWarningLog, "Warning [" + _warningLogCount + "]");
180                     GUI.contentColor = (_showErrorLog ? Color.white : Color.gray);
181                     _showErrorLog = GUILayout.Toggle(_showErrorLog, "Error [" + _errorLogCount + "]");
182                     GUI.contentColor = (_showFatalLog ? Color.white : Color.gray);
183                     _showFatalLog = GUILayout.Toggle(_showFatalLog, "Fatal [" + _fatalLogCount + "]");
184                     GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
185                     GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
187                     _scrollLogView = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollLogView, "Box", GUILayout.Height(165));
188                     for (int i = 0; i < _logInformations.Count; i++)
189                     {
190                         bool show = false;
191                         Color color = Color.white;
192                         switch (_logInformations[i].type)
193                         {
194                             case "Fatal":
195                                 show = _showFatalLog;
196                                 color = Color.red;
197                                 break;
198                             case "Error":
199                                 show = _showErrorLog;
200                                 color = Color.red;
201                                 break;
202                             case "Info":
203                                 show = _showInfoLog;
204                                 color = Color.white;
205                                 break;
206                             case "Warning":
207                                 show = _showWarningLog;
208                                 color = Color.yellow;
209                                 break;
210                             default:
211                                 break;
212                         }
214                         if (show)
215                         {
216                             GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
217                             if (GUILayout.Toggle(_currentLogIndex == i, ""))
218                             {
219                                 _currentLogIndex = i;
220                             }
221                             GUI.contentColor = color;
222                             GUILayout.Label("[" + _logInformations[i].type + "] ");
223                             GUILayout.Label("[" + _logInformations[i].time + "] ");
224                             GUILayout.Label(_logInformations[i].message);
225                             GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
226                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
227                             GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
228                         }
229                     }
230                     GUILayout.EndScrollView();
232                     _scrollCurrentLogView = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollCurrentLogView, "Box", GUILayout.Height(100));
233                     if (_currentLogIndex != -1)
234                     {
235                         GUILayout.Label(_logInformations[_currentLogIndex].message + "\r\n\r\n" + _logInformations[_currentLogIndex].stackTrace);
236                     }
237                     GUILayout.EndScrollView();
239 #endregion
240                 break;
241             #region Information
242             case DebugType.Information:
243                 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
244                 for (int i = 0; i < Informations.Length; i++)
245                 {
246                     string tempStr = System.Enum.GetName(typeof(Information), _InformationType);
247                     GUI.contentColor = (tempStr == Informations[i] ? Color.white : Color.gray);
249                     if (GUILayout.Button(Informations[i], GUILayout.Height(30)))
250                     {
251                         _InformationType = (Information)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Information), Informations[i]);
252                     }
254                 }
255                 GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
256                 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
257                 switch (_InformationType)
258                 {
259                     case Information.System:
260                         m_SystemInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
261                         break;
262                     case Information.Environmen:
263                         m_EnvironmentInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
264                         break;
265                     case Information.screen:
266                         m_ScreenInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
267                         break;
268                     case Information.Graphic:
269                         m_GraphicsInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
270                         break;
271                     case Information.Input:
272                         m_InputSummaryInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
273                         break;
274                     case Information.Other:
275                         m_QualityInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
276                         break;
277                     default:
278                         break;
279                 }
280                 GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); 
281                 #endregion
282                 break;
283             #region Profiler
284             case DebugType.Profiler:
285                 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
286                 GUI.contentColor = (_profilerType == ProfilerType.Summary ? Color.white : Color.gray);
287                 if (GUILayout.Button("总体", GUILayout.Height(30)))
288                 {
289                     _profilerType = ProfilerType.Summary;
290                 }
291                 GUI.contentColor = (_profilerType == ProfilerType.Memory ? Color.white : Color.gray);
292                 if (GUILayout.Button("内存", GUILayout.Height(30)))
293                 {
294                     _profilerType = ProfilerType.Memory;
295                 }
296                 GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
297                 if (_profilerType == ProfilerType.Summary)
298                 {
299                     GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
300                     m_ProfilerInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
302                 }
303                 else if (_profilerType == ProfilerType.Memory)
304                 {
305                     GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
306                     for (int i = 0; i < ProfilerMenorys.Length; i++)
307                     {
308                         string tempStr = System.Enum.GetName(typeof(ProfilerMenoryType), _profilerMenoryType);
309                         GUI.contentColor = (tempStr == ProfilerMenorys[i] ? Color.white : Color.gray);
311                         if (GUILayout.Button(ProfilerMenorys[i], GUILayout.Height(30)))
312                         {
313                             _profilerMenoryType = (ProfilerMenoryType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(ProfilerMenoryType), ProfilerMenorys[i]);
314                         }
316                     }
317                     GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
318                     GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
319                     switch (_profilerMenoryType)
320                     {
321                         case ProfilerMenoryType.ALL:
322                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
323                             m_RuntimeMemoryAllInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
324                             break;
325                         case ProfilerMenoryType.Texture:
326                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
327                             m_RuntimeMemoryTextureInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
328                             break;
329                         case ProfilerMenoryType.Mesh:
330                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
331                             m_RuntimeMemoryMeshInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
332                             break;
333                         case ProfilerMenoryType.Material:
334                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
335                             m_RuntimeMemoryMaterialInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
336                             break;
337                         case ProfilerMenoryType.AnimitionClip:
338                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
339                             m_RuntimeMemoryAnimationClipInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
340                             break;
341                         case ProfilerMenoryType.AudioClip:
342                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
343                             m_RuntimeMemoryAudioClipInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
344                             break;
345                         case ProfilerMenoryType.Font:
346                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
347                             m_RuntimeMemoryFontInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
348                             break;
349                         case ProfilerMenoryType.Componet:
350                             GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
351                             m_RuntimeMemoryComponentInformationWindow.OnDrawScrollableWindow();
352                             break;
353                         default:
354                             break;
355                     }
356                     GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
357                 }
359                 break;
360             #endregion
361             case DebugType.Close:
362                 _expansion = false;
363                 _windowRect.width = 100;
364                 _windowRect.height = 60;
365                 break;
366             default:
367                 break;
368         }
371     }
374     private void ShrinkGUIWindow(int windowId)
375     {
376         GUI.DragWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 10000, 20));
378         GUI.contentColor = _fpsColor;
379         if (GUILayout.Button("FPS:" + _fps, GUILayout.Width(80), GUILayout.Height(30)))
380         {
381             _expansion = true;
382             _debugType = DebugType.Console;
383             _windowRect.width = 1200;
384             _windowRect.height = 800;
385         }
386         GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
387     }
391 }
392 public struct LogData
393 {
394     public string time;
395     public string type;
396     public string message;
397     public string stackTrace;
398 }
399 public enum DebugType
400 {
401     Console,
402     Information,
403     Profiler,
404     Close,
405 }
406 public enum ProfilerMenoryType
407 {
408     ALL = 0,
409     Texture = 1,
410     Mesh = 2,
411     Material = 3,
412     AnimitionClip = 4,
413     AudioClip = 5,
414     Font = 6,
415     Componet = 7
416 }
418 public enum ProfilerType
419 {
420     Summary,
421     Memory,
423 }
425 public enum Information
426 {
427     System, Environmen, screen, Graphic, Input, Other,
428 }
430 public class SystemInformationWindow
431 {
432     public void OnDrawScrollableWindow()
433     {
434         GUILayout.Label("<b>System Information</b>");
435         GUILayout.BeginVertical("box");
436         {
437             DrawItem("Device Unique ID:", SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier);
438             DrawItem("Device Name:", SystemInfo.deviceName);
439             DrawItem("Device Type:", SystemInfo.deviceType.ToString());
440             DrawItem("Device Model:", SystemInfo.deviceModel);
441             DrawItem("Processor Type:", SystemInfo.processorType);
442             DrawItem("Processor Count:", SystemInfo.processorCount.ToString());
443             DrawItem("Processor Frequency:", string.Format("{0} MHz", SystemInfo.processorFrequency.ToString()));
444             DrawItem("Memory Size:", string.Format("{0} MB", SystemInfo.systemMemorySize.ToString()));
445 #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER
446             DrawItem("Operating System Family:", SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily.ToString());
447 #endif
448             DrawItem("Operating System:", SystemInfo.operatingSystem);
449 #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER
450             DrawItem("Battery Status:", SystemInfo.batteryStatus.ToString());
451             DrawItem("Battery Level:", GetBatteryLevelString(SystemInfo.batteryLevel));
452 #endif
453 #if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER
454             DrawItem("Supports Audio:", SystemInfo.supportsAudio.ToString());
455 #endif
456             DrawItem("Supports Location Service:", SystemInfo.supportsLocationService.ToString());
457             DrawItem("Supports Accelerometer:", SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer.ToString());
458             DrawItem("Supports Gyroscope:", SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope.ToString());
459             DrawItem("Supports Vibration:", SystemInfo.supportsVibration.ToString());
460             DrawItem("Genuine:", Application.genuine.ToString());
461             DrawItem("Genuine Check Available:", Application.genuineCheckAvailable.ToString());
462         }
463         GUILayout.EndVertical();
464     }
466     private string GetBatteryLevelString(float batteryLevel)
467     {
468         if (batteryLevel < 0f)
469         {
470             return "Unavailable";
471         }
473         return batteryLevel.ToString("P0");
474     }
475     private const float TitleWidth = 240f;
476     private void DrawItem(string title, string content)
477     {
478         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
479         {
480             GUILayout.Label(title, GUILayout.Width(TitleWidth));
481             GUILayout.Label(content);
482         }
483         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
484     }
485 }
486 public class RuntimeMemoryInformationWindow<T> where T : UnityEngine.Object
487 {
488     private const int ShowSampleCount = 300;
490     private System.DateTime m_SampleTime = System.DateTime.MinValue;
491     private long m_SampleSize = 0;
492     private long m_DuplicateSampleSize = 0;
493     private int m_DuplicateSimpleCount = 0;
494     private List<Sample> m_Samples = new List<Sample>();
496     public void OnDrawScrollableWindow()
497     {
498         string typeName = typeof(T).Name;
499         GUILayout.Label(string.Format("<b>{0} Runtime Memory Information</b>", typeName));
500         GUILayout.BeginVertical("box");
501         {
502             if (GUILayout.Button(string.Format("Take Sample for {0}", typeName), GUILayout.Height(30f)))
503             {
504                 TakeSample();
505             }
507             if (m_SampleTime <= System.DateTime.MinValue)
508             {
509                 GUILayout.Label(string.Format("<b>Please take sample for {0} first.</b>", typeName));
510             }
511             else
512             {
513                 if (m_DuplicateSimpleCount > 0)
514                 {
515                     GUILayout.Label(string.Format("<b>{0} {1}s ({2}) obtained at {3}, while {4} {1}s ({5}) might be duplicated.</b>", m_Samples.Count.ToString(), typeName, GetSizeString(m_SampleSize), m_SampleTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), m_DuplicateSimpleCount.ToString(), GetSizeString(m_DuplicateSampleSize)));
516                 }
517                 else
518                 {
519                     GUILayout.Label(string.Format("<b>{0} {1}s ({2}) obtained at {3}.</b>", m_Samples.Count.ToString(), typeName, GetSizeString(m_SampleSize), m_SampleTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")));
520                 }
522                 if (m_Samples.Count > 0)
523                 {
524                     GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
525                     {
526                         GUILayout.Label(string.Format("<b>{0} Name</b>", typeName));
527                         GUILayout.Label("<b>Type</b>", GUILayout.Width(240f));
528                         GUILayout.Label("<b>Size</b>", GUILayout.Width(80f));
529                     }
530                     GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
531                 }
533                 int count = 0;
534                 for (int i = 0; i < m_Samples.Count; i++)
535                 {
536                     GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
537                     {
538                         GUILayout.Label(m_Samples[i].Highlight ? string.Format("<color=yellow>{0}</color>", m_Samples[i].Name) : m_Samples[i].Name);
539                         GUILayout.Label(m_Samples[i].Highlight ? string.Format("<color=yellow>{0}</color>", m_Samples[i].Type) : m_Samples[i].Type, GUILayout.Width(240f));
540                         GUILayout.Label(m_Samples[i].Highlight ? string.Format("<color=yellow>{0}</color>", GetSizeString(m_Samples[i].Size)) : GetSizeString(m_Samples[i].Size), GUILayout.Width(80f));
541                     }
542                     GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
544                     count++;
545                     if (count >= ShowSampleCount)
546                     {
547                         break;
548                     }
549                 }
550             }
551         }
552         GUILayout.EndVertical();
553     }
555     private void TakeSample()
556     {
557         m_SampleTime = System.DateTime.Now;
558         m_SampleSize = 0L;
559         m_DuplicateSampleSize = 0L;
560         m_DuplicateSimpleCount = 0;
561         m_Samples.Clear();
563         T[] samples = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<T>();
564         for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
565         {
566             long sampleSize = 0L;
567 #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER
568             sampleSize = Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(samples[i]);
569 #else
570                     sampleSize = Profiler.GetRuntimeMemorySize(samples[i]);
571 #endif
572             m_SampleSize += sampleSize;
573             m_Samples.Add(new Sample(samples[i].name, samples[i].GetType().Name, sampleSize));
574         }
576         m_Samples.Sort(SampleComparer);
578         for (int i = 1; i < m_Samples.Count; i++)
579         {
580             if (m_Samples[i].Name == m_Samples[i - 1].Name && m_Samples[i].Type == m_Samples[i - 1].Type && m_Samples[i].Size == m_Samples[i - 1].Size)
581             {
582                 m_Samples[i].Highlight = true;
583                 m_DuplicateSampleSize += m_Samples[i].Size;
584                 m_DuplicateSimpleCount++;
585             }
586         }
587     }
589     private string GetSizeString(long size)
590     {
591         if (size < 1024L)
592         {
593             return string.Format("{0} Bytes", size.ToString());
594         }
596         if (size < 1024L * 1024L)
597         {
598             return string.Format("{0} KB", (size / 1024f).ToString("F2"));
599         }
601         if (size < 1024L * 1024L * 1024L)
602         {
603             return string.Format("{0} MB", (size / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("F2"));
604         }
606         if (size < 1024L * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L)
607         {
608             return string.Format("{0} GB", (size / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("F2"));
609         }
611         return string.Format("{0} TB", (size / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f / 1024f).ToString("F2"));
612     }
614     private int SampleComparer(Sample a, Sample b)
615     {
616         int result = b.Size.CompareTo(a.Size);
617         if (result != 0)
618         {
619             return result;
620         }
622         result = a.Type.CompareTo(b.Type);
623         if (result != 0)
624         {
625             return result;
626         }
628         return a.Name.CompareTo(b.Name);
629     }
630 }
631 public class ProfilerInformationWindow
632 {
633     private const int MBSize = 1024 * 1024;
634     private const float TitleWidth = 240f;
635     private void DrawItem(string title, string content)
636     {
637         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
638         {
639             GUILayout.Label(title, GUILayout.Width(TitleWidth));
640             GUILayout.Label(content);
641         }
642         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
643     }
644     public void OnDrawScrollableWindow()
645     {
646         GUILayout.Label("<b>Profiler Information</b>");
647         GUILayout.BeginVertical("box");
648         {
649             DrawItem("Supported:", Profiler.supported.ToString());
650             DrawItem("Enabled:", Profiler.enabled.ToString());
651             DrawItem("Enable Binary Log:", Profiler.enableBinaryLog ? string.Format("True, {0}", Profiler.logFile) : "False");
652 #if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4
653                     DrawItem("Max Samples Number Per Frame:", Profiler.maxNumberOfSamplesPerFrame.ToString());
654 #endif
655 #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER
656             DrawItem("Mono Used Size:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetMonoUsedSizeLong() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
657             DrawItem("Mono Heap Size:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetMonoHeapSizeLong() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
658             DrawItem("Used Heap Size:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.usedHeapSizeLong / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
659             DrawItem("Total Allocated Memory:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
660             DrawItem("Total Reserved Memory:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetTotalReservedMemoryLong() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
661             DrawItem("Total Unused Reserved Memory:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetTotalUnusedReservedMemoryLong() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
662 #else
663                     DrawItem("Mono Used Size:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetMonoUsedSize() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
664                     DrawItem("Mono Heap Size:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetMonoHeapSize() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
665                     DrawItem("Used Heap Size:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.usedHeapSize / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
666                     DrawItem("Total Allocated Memory:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetTotalAllocatedMemory() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
667                     DrawItem("Total Reserved Memory:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetTotalReservedMemory() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
668                     DrawItem("Total Unused Reserved Memory:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetTotalUnusedReservedMemory() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
669 #endif
670 #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER
671             DrawItem("Temp Allocator Size:", string.Format("{0} MB", (Profiler.GetTempAllocatorSize() / (float)MBSize).ToString("F3")));
672 #endif
673         }
674         GUILayout.EndVertical();
675     }
676 }
677 public class Sample
678 {
679     private readonly string m_Name;
680     private readonly string m_Type;
681     private readonly long m_Size;
682     private bool m_Highlight;
684     public Sample(string name, string type, long size)
685     {
686         m_Name = name;
687         m_Type = type;
688         m_Size = size;
689         m_Highlight = false;
690     }
692     public string Name
693     {
694         get
695         {
696             return m_Name;
697         }
698     }
700     public string Type
701     {
702         get
703         {
704             return m_Type;
705         }
706     }
708     public long Size
709     {
710         get
711         {
712             return m_Size;
713         }
714     }
716     public bool Highlight
717     {
718         get
719         {
720             return m_Highlight;
721         }
722         set
723         {
724             m_Highlight = value;
725         }
726     }
727 }
729 public  class EnvironmentInformationWindow : ScrollableDebuggerWindowBase
730 {
733     public override  void OnDrawScrollableWindow()
734     {
735         GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
736         GUILayout.Label("<b>系统属性</b>");
737         GUILayout.BeginVertical("box");
738         {
739             DrawItem("操作系统:", SystemInfo.operatingSystem);
740             DrawItem("系统内存:", SystemInfo.systemMemorySize + "MB");
741             DrawItem("处理器:", SystemInfo.processorType);
742             DrawItem("处理器数量:", SystemInfo.processorCount.ToString());
743             DrawItem("显卡:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName);
744             DrawItem("显卡类型:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType.ToString());
745             DrawItem("显存:", SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize.ToString() + "MB");
746             DrawItem("显卡标识:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceID.ToString());
747             DrawItem("显卡供应商:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor);
748             DrawItem("显卡供应商标识码:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendorID.ToString());
749             DrawItem("设备模式:", SystemInfo.deviceModel);
750             DrawItem("设备名称:", SystemInfo.deviceName);
751             DrawItem("设备类型:", SystemInfo.deviceType.ToString());
752             DrawItem("设备标识:", SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier);
753             DrawItem("项目名称:", Application.productName);
754             DrawItem("公司名称:", Application.companyName);
755 #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER
756             DrawItem("项目ID:", Application.identifier);
757 #else 
758             DrawItem("项目ID:", Application.bundleIdentifier);
759 #endif
760             DrawItem("项目版本:", Application.version);
761             DrawItem("Unity版本:", Application.unityVersion);
762             DrawItem("发布平台:", Application.platform.ToString());
763             DrawItem("语言:", Application.systemLanguage.ToString());
765         }
766         GUILayout.EndVertical();
767     }
768 }
770 public class ScrollableDebuggerWindowBase
771 {
772     private const float TitleWidth = 240f;
773     public void DrawItem(string title, string content)
774     {
775         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
776         {
777             GUILayout.Label(title, GUILayout.Width(TitleWidth));
778             GUILayout.Label(content);
779         }
780         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
781     }
782     public virtual void OnDrawScrollableWindow()
783     {
785     }
786 }
787 public class ScreenInformationWindow : ScrollableDebuggerWindowBase
788 {
789     public override void OnDrawScrollableWindow()
790     {
791         GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
792         GUILayout.Label("<b>屏幕信息</b>");
793         GUILayout.BeginVertical("box");
794         {
795             DrawItem("分辨率", GetResolutionString(Screen.currentResolution));
796             DrawItem("", string.Format("{0} px ", Screen.width.ToString()));
797             DrawItem("", string.Format("{0} px ", Screen.height.ToString()));
798             DrawItem("屏幕 DPI", Screen.dpi.ToString("F2"));
799             DrawItem("屏幕方向", Screen.orientation.ToString());
800             DrawItem("是否全屏", Screen.fullScreen.ToString());
801             DrawItem("Sleep Timeout", GetSleepTimeoutDescription(Screen.sleepTimeout));
802             DrawItem("Cursor Visible", Cursor.visible.ToString());
803             DrawItem("Cursor Lock State", Cursor.lockState.ToString());
804             DrawItem("Auto Landscape Left", Screen.autorotateToLandscapeLeft.ToString());
805             DrawItem("Auto Landscape Right", Screen.autorotateToLandscapeRight.ToString());
806             DrawItem("Auto Portrait", Screen.autorotateToPortrait.ToString());
807             DrawItem("Auto Portrait Upside Down", Screen.autorotateToPortraitUpsideDown.ToString());
808             DrawItem("支持分辨率", GetResolutionsString(Screen.resolutions));
810         }
811         GUILayout.EndVertical();
812     }
814     private string GetSleepTimeoutDescription(int sleepTimeout)
815     {
816         if (sleepTimeout == SleepTimeout.NeverSleep)
817         {
818             return "Never Sleep";
819         }
821         if (sleepTimeout == SleepTimeout.SystemSetting)
822         {
823             return "System Setting";
824         }
826         return sleepTimeout.ToString();
827     }
829     private string GetResolutionString(Resolution resolution)
830     {
831         return string.Format("{0} x {1} @ {2}Hz", resolution.width.ToString(), resolution.height.ToString(), resolution.refreshRate.ToString());
832     }
834     private string GetResolutionsString(Resolution[] resolutions)
835     {
836         string[] resolutionStrings = new string[resolutions.Length];
837         for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++)
838         {
839             resolutionStrings[i] = GetResolutionString(resolutions[i]);
840         }
842         return string.Join("; ", resolutionStrings);
843     }
844 }
846 public class GraphicsInformationWindow : ScrollableDebuggerWindowBase
847 {
848     public override void OnDrawScrollableWindow()
849     {
850         GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
851         GUILayout.Label("<b>设备信息</b>");
852         GUILayout.BeginVertical("box");
853         {
854             DrawItem("Device ID:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceID.ToString());
855             DrawItem("Device Name:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName);
856             DrawItem("Device Vendor ID:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendorID.ToString());
857             DrawItem("Device Vendor:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor);
858             DrawItem("Device Type:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType.ToString());
859             DrawItem("Device Version:", SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion);
860             DrawItem("Memory Size:", string.Format("{0} MB", SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize.ToString()));
861             DrawItem("Multi Threaded:", SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded.ToString());
862             DrawItem("Shader Level:", GetShaderLevelString(SystemInfo.graphicsShaderLevel));
863             DrawItem("NPOT Support:", SystemInfo.npotSupport.ToString());
864             DrawItem("Max Texture Size:", SystemInfo.maxTextureSize.ToString());
865 #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER
866             DrawItem("Max Cubemap Size:", SystemInfo.maxCubemapSize.ToString());
867 #endif
868 #if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER
869             DrawItem("Copy Texture Support:", SystemInfo.copyTextureSupport.ToString());
870 #endif
871             DrawItem("Supported Render Target Count:", SystemInfo.supportedRenderTargetCount.ToString());
872 #if UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4
873                     DrawItem("Supports Stencil:", SystemInfo.supportsStencil.ToString());
874                     DrawItem("Supports Render Textures:", SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures.ToString());
875 #endif
876             DrawItem("Supports Sparse Textures:", SystemInfo.supportsSparseTextures.ToString());
877             DrawItem("Supports 3D Textures:", SystemInfo.supports3DTextures.ToString());
878 #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER
879             DrawItem("Supports 3D Render Textures:", SystemInfo.supports3DRenderTextures.ToString());
880 #endif
881 #if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER
882             DrawItem("Supports 2D Array Textures:", SystemInfo.supports2DArrayTextures.ToString());
883 #endif
884             DrawItem("Supports Shadows:", SystemInfo.supportsShadows.ToString());
885             DrawItem("Supports Raw Shadow Depth Sampling:", SystemInfo.supportsRawShadowDepthSampling.ToString());
886             DrawItem("Supports Render To Cubemap:", SystemInfo.supportsRenderToCubemap.ToString());
887             DrawItem("Supports Compute Shader:", SystemInfo.supportsComputeShaders.ToString());
888             DrawItem("Supports Instancing:", SystemInfo.supportsInstancing.ToString());
889             DrawItem("Supports Image Effects:", SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects.ToString());
890 #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER
891             DrawItem("Supports Cubemap Array Textures:", SystemInfo.supportsCubemapArrayTextures.ToString());
892 #endif
893 #if UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER
894             DrawItem("Supports Motion Vectors:", SystemInfo.supportsMotionVectors.ToString());
895 #endif
896 #if UNITY_5_6_OR_NEWER
897             DrawItem("Graphics UV Starts At Top:", SystemInfo.graphicsUVStartsAtTop.ToString());
898 #endif
899 #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER
900             DrawItem("Uses Reversed ZBuffer:", SystemInfo.usesReversedZBuffer.ToString());
901 #endif
902         }
903         GUILayout.EndVertical();
904     }
906     private string GetShaderLevelString(int shaderLevel)
907     {
908         return string.Format("Shader Model {0}.{1}", (shaderLevel / 10).ToString(), (shaderLevel % 10).ToString());
909     }
910 }
912 public  class InputSummaryInformationWindow : ScrollableDebuggerWindowBase
913 {
914     private Vector2 _scrollSystemView = Vector2.zero;
916     public override void OnDrawScrollableWindow()
917     {
918         GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
919         GUILayout.Label("<b>输入设备信息</b>");
920         _scrollSystemView = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(_scrollSystemView, GUILayout.Height(300));
921         GUILayout.BeginVertical("box");
922         {
923             DrawItem("Back Button Leaves App:", Input.backButtonLeavesApp.ToString());
924             DrawItem("Device Orientation:", Input.deviceOrientation.ToString());
925             DrawItem("Mouse Present:", Input.mousePresent.ToString());
926             DrawItem("Mouse Position:", Input.mousePosition.ToString());
927             DrawItem("Mouse Scroll Delta:", Input.mouseScrollDelta.ToString());
928             DrawItem("Any Key:", Input.anyKey.ToString());
929             DrawItem("Any Key Down:", Input.anyKeyDown.ToString());
930             DrawItem("Input String:", Input.inputString);
931             DrawItem("IME Is Selected:", Input.imeIsSelected.ToString());
932             DrawItem("IME Composition Mode:", Input.imeCompositionMode.ToString());
933             DrawItem("Compensate Sensors:", Input.compensateSensors.ToString());
934             DrawItem("Composition Cursor Position:", Input.compositionCursorPos.ToString());
935             DrawItem("Composition String:", Input.compositionString);
936             DrawItem("Touch Supported:", Input.touchSupported.ToString());
937             DrawItem("Touch Pressure Supported:", Input.touchPressureSupported.ToString());
938             DrawItem("Stylus Touch Supported:", Input.stylusTouchSupported.ToString());
939             DrawItem("Simulate Mouse With Touches:", Input.simulateMouseWithTouches.ToString());
940             DrawItem("Multi Touch Enabled:", Input.multiTouchEnabled.ToString());
941             DrawItem("Touch Count:", Input.touchCount.ToString());
942             DrawItem("Touches:", GetTouchesString(Input.touches));
943         }
944         GUILayout.EndVertical();
945         GUILayout.EndScrollView();
946     }
947     private string GetTouchString(Touch touch)
948     {
949         return string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}", touch.position.ToString(), touch.deltaPosition.ToString(), touch.rawPosition.ToString(), touch.pressure.ToString(), touch.phase.ToString());
950     }
952     private string GetTouchesString(Touch[] touches)
953     {
954         string[] touchStrings = new string[touches.Length];
955         for (int i = 0; i < touches.Length; i++)
956         {
957             touchStrings[i] = GetTouchString(touches[i]);
958         }
960         return string.Join("; ", touchStrings);
961     }
962 }
964 public  class QualityInformationWindow : ScrollableDebuggerWindowBase
965 {
966     private bool m_ApplyExpensiveChanges = false;
968     public override void OnDrawScrollableWindow()
969     {
970         GUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
971         if(GUILayout.Button("退出"))
972         {
973             Application.Quit();
974         }
975         GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
976     }
977 }
View Code




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