

    a.sub_id subid,

    a.sub_user_type subtype,

    a.longitude lng,

    a.latitude lat,

    a.sub_content subcontent, 


    when b.is_top = 1 and b.top_start_time  <=  now() and b.top_end_time >= now() then 1

    else 0

    end istop, 

    a.perfect_sign isperf,

    a.vote_sign isvote,


    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.sub_time) subtime,

    a.show_persons vnum,

    (select count(1) from app_find_praise where object_id = a.sub_id and object_class =0) znum,

    (select count(1) from app_find_comment where object_id = a.sub_id and object_class= 0 and comment_status = 0) rnum,

    if((select count(1) from app_find_praise where object_id = a.sub_id and object_class = 0 and user_id = 'd7b4e485d9fe11e5a9c95fa622b527a1') > 0, 1, 0) iszan,

    if((select count(1) from app_find_mycollect where object_id = a.sub_id and       object_type = 0 and user_id = 'd7b4e485d9fe11e5a9c95fa622b527a1') > 0, 1, 0) iscoll,

    if((select count(1) from app_find_subject_hot where sub_id = a.sub_id) > 0, 1, 0) isHot

    from app_find_subject a

    inner join app_find_subject_hot b

    on b.sub_id = a.sub_id

    where (a.sub_status = 0 or (a.sub_status in (0, 3) and a.publisher='d7b4e485d9fe11e5a9c95fa622b527a1'))

    and a.is_public = 1

    order by b.is_top = 1 and b.top_start_time <= now() and b.top_end_time >= now() desc,

    a.sub_time desc

    limit 10

第一眼看有limit 10做限制,应该不会执行太慢,查看执行计划等逐一排查导致慢的原因在于order by的使用,这个order by的写法在于按扫描顺序对满足条件的进行排序,其余的都是乱序的(PS:我也是第一次见这种写法),结果和开发沟通是否业务上需求的能不能改掉这order by,答案是不可以改...........

首先说下为什么使用limit效率会相当慢,首先sql语句的执行顺序为查询数据->where条件->order/group by->limit ,这样的一个顺序limit要等数据查询完成在order by时才能起到优化作用,而前面又有几个嵌套子查询和join,不需要的数据也执行了嵌套查询,这导致很多执行时间是对最终结果无用的

优化思路:观察order by使用的是a、b两个表的字段,经过查询结构数据,发现a、b两个表连接条件都为主键,这可以确定数据唯一,不会在嵌套时产生一对多的情况,那就利用延迟关联的方式先把满足order by条件的10条数据先取出来,再利用这10条数据进行对其他数据表的关联查找


select a.sub_id subid,

    a.sub_user_type subtype,

    a.longitude lng,

    a.latitude lat,

    a.sub_content subcontent,


    a.perfect_sign isperf,

    a.vote_sign isvote,


    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.sub_time) subtime,

    a.show_persons vnum,

    (select count(1) from app_find_praise where object_id = a.sub_id and object_class =0) znum,

    (select count(1) from app_find_comment where object_id = a.sub_id and object_class = 0 and comment_status = 0) rnum,

    if((select count(1) from app_find_praise where object_id = a.sub_id and object_class = 0 and user_id = 'd7b4e485d9fe11e5a9c95fa622b527a1') > 0, 1, 0) iszan,

    if((select count(1) from app_find_mycollect where object_id = a.sub_id and object_type = 0 and user_id = 'd7b4e485d9fe11e5a9c95fa622b527a1') > 0, 1, 0) iscoll,

    if((select count(1) from app_find_subject_hot where sub_id = a.sub_id) > 0, 1, 0) isHot


    (select bb.sub_id as sub_id,case

    when bb.is_top = 1 and bb.top_start_time <= now() and bb.top_end_time >= now() then 1

    else 0

    end istop from app_find_subject_hot bb join app_find_subject aa on aa.sub_id = bb.sub_id 

    order by  bb.is_top = 1 and bb.top_start_time <= now() and bb.top_end_time >= now() desc,

    aa.sub_time desc limit 10) b

    join app_find_subject a on (a.sub_id = b.sub_id);




    |        1 | 2.29620150 | 

    |        2 | 2.33743150 |


    |        3 | 0.08940750 | 

    |        4 | 0.09856800 |



    a.sub_id subid,

    a.sub_user_type subtype,

    a.longitude lng,

    a.latitude lat,

    a.sub_content subcontent, 


    when b.is_top = 1 and b.top_start_time  <=  now() and b.top_end_time >= now() then 1

    else 0

    end istop, 

    a.perfect_sign isperf,

    a.vote_sign isvote,


    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.sub_time) subtime,

    a.show_persons vnum


    app_find_subject_hot b 

    JOIN app_find_subject a

    on (b.sub_id = a.sub_id)

    order by b.is_top = 1 and b.top_start_time <= now() and b.top_end_time >= now()     desc,a.sub_time DESC

    limit 10;


|        1 | 0.24470025 | 

|        2 | 0.20582050 |
