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react-redux: async promise

1、the simple sample

action: 事实上,只是返回个一个至少包含type的对象{ },用于reducer接收。

import {RECEIVE_DATA} from "constant/ActionType";
import MessageService from "service/demo-service/MessageService";

const _messageService = new MessageService();

function receiveData(data) {
    return {
        type: RECEIVE_DATA,
        list: data

export function fetchData() {
    return (dispatch) => {
        _messageService.getMessage().then(res => {


import {RECEIVE_DATA} from "constant/ActionType";

const initialState = {
    message: []

const MessageReducer = function (state = initialState, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case RECEIVE_DATA:
            return {message: action.list};
            return state;
export default MessageReducer;


const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
messageList: state.MessageReducer.message
const mapDispatchToProps = {
fetchMessageList: fetchData
componentDidMount() {

2、Async Action Helpers


// status constants
export const REQUEST = 'request';
export const SUCCESS = 'success';
export const FAILURE = 'failure';

export const createAsyncAction = (type, promiseCreator) => {
  return () => (dispatch, getState) => {

    dispatch({ type, readyState: REQUEST });

    const promise = promiseCreator();
    return promise.then(
      data => {
        dispatch({ type, readyState: SUCCESS, data });
      error => {
        dispatch({ type, readyState: FAILURE, error });


function latestPostsRequest() {
  return fetch(`https://www.reddit.com/latest.json`)
      response => response.json(),
      error => console.log('An error occured.', error)

const FETCH_LATEST_POSTS = 'Actions/Posts/FetchLatest';
export const fetchLatestPosts = createAsyncAction(FETCH_LATEST_POSTS, latestPostsRequest);


import { fetchLatestPosts } from '../actions/posts';

// in some component...
// immediately:
// { type: 'Actions/Posts/FetchLatest', readyState: 'request' }

// after success:
// { 
//    type: 'Actions/Posts/FetchLatest',
//    readyState: 'success',
//    data: (some blob of json data from the api)
// }

3、More sophisticated actions: Args and Thunks

export const createAsyncAction = (type, promiseCreator) => {
  // get hash of args to pass through to promise creator
  return (args = {}) => (dispatch, getState) => {

    dispatch({ args, type, readyState: REQUEST });
    // pass args through
    let promise = promiseCreator(args);

    // handle thunk-style promises
    if (typeof promise === 'function') {
      promise = promise(dispatch, getState);
    return promise.then(
      data => {
        dispatch({ args, type, readyState: SUCCESS, data });
      error => {
        dispatch({ args, type, readyState: FAILURE, error });


import { createAsyncAction } from 'helpers/async';
import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'

// (pretend for a moment that such an action exists)
import { navigate, SIGN_IN } from 'actions/navigation';

// takes args: { subreddit }
function postsWithLikesRequest({ subreddit }) {
  // returns a 'thunk promise' that uses dispatch and getState
  return function(dispatch, getState) {
    const userId = getState().userId;
    if(!userId) {
      // we have the dispatch function in our async action!
    } else {
      return fetch(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}.json?likes=true&userId=${userId}`)
          response => response.json(),
          error => console.log('An error occured.', error)

const FETCH_POSTS_WITH_LIKES = 'Actions/Posts/FetchWithLikes';
export const fetchPostsWithLikes = createAsyncAction(FETCH_POSTS_WITH_LIKES, postsWithLikesRequest)

async reducer:

// helpers/async.js
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';

export const createAsyncReducer = (type) => {
  const loading = (state = false, action) => {
    if (action.type === type) {
      return action.readyState === REQUEST;
    return state;
  const data = (state = null, action) => {
    if (action.type === type) {
      return action.data;
    return state;
  const error = (state = null, action) => {
    if (action.type === type) {
      return action.error;
    return state;

  return combineReducers({ loading, data, error });

use async reducer:

import { createAsyncReducer } from 'helpers/async';
import { FETCH_LATEST_POSTS } from 'actions/posts';

// Here's the reducer we can create with the helper
export const latestPosts = createAsyncReducer(FETCH_LATEST_POSTS);

// It's functionally equivalent to writing all this:
export function latestPosts(state = { loading: false, data: null, error: null }, action) {
  if(action.type === FETCH_LATEST_POSTS) {
    switch(action.readyState) {
      case 'request':
        return { loading: true, data: null, error: null };
      case 'success':
        return { loading: false, data: action.data, error: null };
      case 'failure':
        return { loading: false, data: null, error: action.error };
  return state;

5、More configuration

The naive reducer returned by the simple createAsyncReducerfunction above is pretty useful for simple data fetches, but we often want to do more than just store the data from a request.

The actual createAsyncReducer function we use supports swapping in reducers that can respond to different actions or handle the request actions differently.

import {combineReducers} from "redux";
import {FAILURE, REQUEST, SUCCESS} from "constant/ActionType";

export const asyncReducerHelper = (type, reducers = {}) => {
    let defaultReducers = {
        loading: (state = false, action) => {
            if (action.type === type) {
                return action.readyState === REQUEST;
            return state;
        data: (state = null, action) => {
            if (action.type === type && action.readyState === SUCCESS) {
                return action.data;
            return state;
        error: (state = null, action) => {
            if (action.type === type && action.readyState === FAILURE) {
                return action.err;
            return state;

    return combineReducers(Object.assign({}, defaultReducers, reducers));



import { createAsyncAction, createAsyncReducer } from 'helpers/async';

// I'm using the fetch api here, but you can substitute any http request libarary.
// For more about the fetch api: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API
const postsRequest = (subreddit) => {
  return fetch(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}.json`)
      response => response.json(),
      error => console.log('An error occured.', error)

const FETCH_POSTS = 'Actions/Posts/Fetch';
// async action
export const fetchPosts = createAsyncAction(FETCH_POSTS, postsRequest);
// async reducer with shape { loading, data, error }
export const posts = createAsyncReducer(FETCH_POSTS);




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