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一、点击RT-Thread Settings




三、输入print ,搜索后添加rt_vsnprintf_full这个







/** Copyright (c) 2021, Meco Jianting Man <jiantingman@foxmail.com>** SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0** Change Logs:* Date           Author       Notes* 2021-11-27     Meco Man     porting for rt_vsnprintf as the fully functional version*//*** @author (c) Eyal Rozenberg <eyalroz1@gmx.com>*             2021-2022, Haifa, Palestine/Israel* @author (c) Marco Paland (info@paland.com)*             2014-2019, PALANDesign Hannover, Germany** @note Others have made smaller contributions to this file: see the* contributors page at https://github.com/eyalroz/printf/graphs/contributors* or ask one of the authors. The original code for exponential specifiers was* contributed by Martijn Jasperse <m.jasperse@gmail.com>.** @brief Small stand-alone implementation of the printf family of functions* (`(v)printf`, `(v)s(n)printf` etc., geared towards use on embedded systems with* a very limited resources.** @note the implementations are thread-safe; re-entrant; use no functions from* the standard library; and do not dynamically allocate any memory.** @license The MIT License (MIT)** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN* THE SOFTWARE.*/#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>#include <rtconfig.h>
#include <rtdef.h>//#ifndef RT_VER_NUM /* Doesn't use menuconfig */
// 'ntoa' conversion buffer size, this must be big enough to hold one converted
// numeric number including padded zeros (dynamically created on stack)
#endif// size of the fixed (on-stack) buffer for printing individual decimal numbers.
// this must be big enough to hold one converted floating-point value including
// padded zeros.
#endif// Support for the decimal notation floating point conversion specifiers (%f, %F)
#endif// Support for the exponential notation floating point conversion specifiers (%e, %g, %E, %G)
#endif// Support for the length write-back specifier (%n)
#endif// Default precision for the floating point conversion specifiers (the C standard sets this at 6)
#endif// According to the C languages standard, printf() and related functions must be able to print any
// integral number in floating-point notation, regardless of length, when using the %f specifier -
// possibly hundreds of characters, potentially overflowing your buffers. In this implementation,
// all values beyond this threshold are switched to exponential notation.
#endif// Support for the long long integral types (with the ll, z and t length modifiers for specifiers
// %d,%i,%o,%x,%X,%u, and with the %p specifier). Note: 'L' (long double) is not supported.
#endif// The number of terms in a Taylor series expansion of log_10(x) to
// use for approximation - including the power-zero term (i.e. the
// value at the point of expansion).
#endif// Be extra-safe, and don't assume format specifiers are completed correctly
// before the format string end.
#error "At least one non-constant Taylor expansion is necessary for the log10() calculation"
#endif///#define PRINTF_PREFER_DECIMAL     false
#define PRINTF_PREFER_EXPONENTIAL true// The following will convert the number-of-digits into an exponential-notation literal
#define PRINTF_CONCATENATE(s1, s2) s1##s2
#define FLAGS_ZEROPAD   (1U <<  0U)
#define FLAGS_LEFT      (1U <<  1U)
#define FLAGS_PLUS      (1U <<  2U)
#define FLAGS_SPACE     (1U <<  3U)
#define FLAGS_HASH      (1U <<  4U)
#define FLAGS_UPPERCASE (1U <<  5U)
#define FLAGS_CHAR      (1U <<  6U)
#define FLAGS_SHORT     (1U <<  7U)
#define FLAGS_LONG      (1U <<  9U)
#define FLAGS_LONG_LONG (1U << 10U)
#define FLAGS_PRECISION (1U << 11U)
#define FLAGS_ADAPT_EXP (1U << 12U)
#define FLAGS_POINTER   (1U << 13U)// Note: Similar, but not identical, effect as FLAGS_HASH
#define FLAGS_INT16       FLAGS_SHORT
#elif (INT_MAX    == 32767LL)
#define FLAGS_INT16       FLAGS_INT
#elif (LONG_MAX   == 32767LL)
#define FLAGS_INT16       FLAGS_LONG
#elif (LLONG_MAX  == 32767LL)
#error "No basic integer type has a size of 16 bits exactly"
#endif#if   (SHRT_MAX   == 2147483647LL)
#define FLAGS_INT32       FLAGS_SHORT
#elif (INT_MAX    == 2147483647LL)
#define FLAGS_INT32       FLAGS_INT
#elif (LONG_MAX   == 2147483647LL)
#define FLAGS_INT32       FLAGS_LONG
#elif (LLONG_MAX  == 2147483647LL)
#error "No basic integer type has a size of 32 bits exactly"
#endif#if   (SHRT_MAX   == 9223372036854775807LL)
#define FLAGS_INT64       FLAGS_SHORT
#elif (INT_MAX    == 9223372036854775807LL)
#define FLAGS_INT64       FLAGS_INT
#elif (LONG_MAX   == 9223372036854775807LL)
#define FLAGS_INT64       FLAGS_LONG
#elif (LLONG_MAX  == 9223372036854775807LL)
#error "No basic integer type has a size of 64 bits exactly"
#endif#endif // PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_MSVC_STYLE_INTEGER_SPECIFIERStypedef unsigned int printf_flags_t;#define BASE_BINARY    2
#define BASE_OCTAL     8
#define BASE_DECIMAL  10
#define BASE_HEX      16typedef uint8_t numeric_base_t;#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_LONG_LONG
typedef unsigned long long printf_unsigned_value_t;
typedef long long          printf_signed_value_t;
typedef unsigned long printf_unsigned_value_t;
typedef long          printf_signed_value_t;
#endif// The printf()-family functions return an `int`; it is therefore
// unnecessary/inappropriate to use size_t - often larger than int
// in practice - for non-negative related values, such as widths,
// precisions, offsets into buffers used for printing and the sizes
// of these buffers. instead, we use:
typedef unsigned int printf_size_t;
#define PRINTF_MAX_POSSIBLE_BUFFER_SIZE INT_MAX// If we were to nitpick, this would actually be INT_MAX + 1,// since INT_MAX is the maximum return value, which excludes the// trailing '\0'.#if defined(PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_DECIMAL_SPECIFIERS) || defined(PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERS)
#include <float.h>
#if FLT_RADIX != 2
#error "Non-binary-radix floating-point types are unsupported."
#endif#if DBL_MANT_DIG == 24#define DOUBLE_SIZE_IN_BITS 32
typedef uint32_t double_uint_t;
typedef uint64_t double_uint_t;
#define DOUBLE_MAX_SUBNORMAL_POWER_OF_10 1e-308#else
#error "Unsupported double type configuration"
#define DOUBLE_STORED_MANTISSA_BITS (DBL_MANT_DIG - 1)typedef union {double_uint_t U;double        F;
} double_with_bit_access;// This is unnecessary in C99, since compound initializers can be used,
// but:
// 1. Some compilers are finicky about this;
// 2. Some people may want to convert this to C89;
// 3. If you try to use it as C++, only C++20 supports compound literals
static inline double_with_bit_access get_bit_access(double x)
{double_with_bit_access dwba;dwba.F = x;return dwba;
}static inline int get_sign_bit(double x)
{// The sign is stored in the highest bitreturn (int) (get_bit_access(x).U >> (DOUBLE_SIZE_IN_BITS - 1));
}static inline int get_exp2(double_with_bit_access x)
{// The exponent in an IEEE-754 floating-point number occupies a contiguous// sequence of bits (e.g. 52..62 for 64-bit doubles), but with a non-trivial representation: An// unsigned offset from some negative value (with the extremal offset values reserved for// special use).return (int)((x.U >> DOUBLE_STORED_MANTISSA_BITS ) & DOUBLE_EXPONENT_MASK) - DOUBLE_BASE_EXPONENT;
#define PRINTF_ABS(_x) ( (_x) > 0 ? (_x) : -(_x) )#endif // (PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_DECIMAL_SPECIFIERS || PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERS)// Note in particular the behavior here on LONG_MIN or LLONG_MIN; it is valid
// and well-defined, but if you're not careful you can easily trigger undefined
// behavior with -LONG_MIN or -LLONG_MIN
#define ABS_FOR_PRINTING(_x) ((printf_unsigned_value_t) ( (_x) > 0 ? (_x) : -((printf_signed_value_t)_x) ))// wrapper (used as buffer) for output function type
// One of the following must hold:
// 1. max_chars is 0
// 2. buffer is non-null
// 3. function is non-null
// ... otherwise bad things will happen.
typedef struct {void (*function)(char c, void* extra_arg);void* extra_function_arg;char* buffer;printf_size_t pos;printf_size_t max_chars;
} output_gadget_t;// Note: This function currently assumes it is not passed a '\0' c,
// or alternatively, that '\0' can be passed to the function in the output
// gadget. The former assumption holds within the printf library. It also
// assumes that the output gadget has been properly initialized.
static inline void putchar_via_gadget(output_gadget_t* gadget, char c)
{printf_size_t write_pos = gadget->pos++;// We're _always_ increasing pos, so as to count how may characters// _would_ have been written if not for the max_chars limitationif (write_pos >= gadget->max_chars) {return;}if (gadget->function != NULL) {// No check for c == '\0' .gadget->function(c, gadget->extra_function_arg);}else {// it must be the case that gadget->buffer != NULL , due to the constraint// on output_gadget_t ; and note we're relying on write_pos being non-negative.gadget->buffer[write_pos] = c;}
}// Possibly-write the string-terminating '\0' character
static inline void append_termination_with_gadget(output_gadget_t* gadget)
{if (gadget->function != NULL || gadget->max_chars == 0) {return;}if (gadget->buffer == NULL) {return;}printf_size_t null_char_pos = gadget->pos < gadget->max_chars ? gadget->pos : gadget->max_chars - 1;gadget->buffer[null_char_pos] = '\0';
}static inline output_gadget_t discarding_gadget(void)
{output_gadget_t gadget;gadget.function = NULL;gadget.extra_function_arg = NULL;gadget.buffer = NULL;gadget.pos = 0;gadget.max_chars = 0;return gadget;
}static inline output_gadget_t buffer_gadget(char* buffer, size_t buffer_size)
{printf_size_t usable_buffer_size = (buffer_size > PRINTF_MAX_POSSIBLE_BUFFER_SIZE) ?PRINTF_MAX_POSSIBLE_BUFFER_SIZE : (printf_size_t) buffer_size;output_gadget_t result = discarding_gadget();if (buffer != NULL) {result.buffer = buffer;result.max_chars = usable_buffer_size;}return result;
}// internal secure strlen
// @return The length of the string (excluding the terminating 0) limited by 'maxsize'
// @note strlen uses size_t, but wes only use this function with printf_size_t
// variables - hence the signature.
static inline printf_size_t strnlen_s_(const char* str, printf_size_t maxsize)
{const char* s;for (s = str; *s && maxsize--; ++s);return (printf_size_t)(s - str);
}// internal test if char is a digit (0-9)
// @return true if char is a digit
static inline bool is_digit_(char ch)
{return (ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9');
}// internal ASCII string to printf_size_t conversion
static printf_size_t atou_(const char** str)
{printf_size_t i = 0U;while (is_digit_(**str)) {i = i * 10U + (printf_size_t)(*((*str)++) - '0');}return i;
}// output the specified string in reverse, taking care of any zero-padding
static void out_rev_(output_gadget_t* output, const char* buf, printf_size_t len, printf_size_t width, printf_flags_t flags)
{const printf_size_t start_pos = output->pos;// pad spaces up to given widthif (!(flags & FLAGS_LEFT) && !(flags & FLAGS_ZEROPAD)) {for (printf_size_t i = len; i < width; i++) {putchar_via_gadget(output, ' ');}}// reverse stringwhile (len) {putchar_via_gadget(output, buf[--len]);}// append pad spaces up to given widthif (flags & FLAGS_LEFT) {while (output->pos - start_pos < width) {putchar_via_gadget(output, ' ');}}
}// Invoked by print_integer after the actual number has been printed, performing necessary
// work on the number's prefix (as the number is initially printed in reverse order)
static void print_integer_finalization(output_gadget_t* output, char* buf, printf_size_t len, bool negative, numeric_base_t base, printf_size_t precision, printf_size_t width, printf_flags_t flags)
{printf_size_t unpadded_len = len;// pad with leading zeros{if (!(flags & FLAGS_LEFT)) {if (width && (flags & FLAGS_ZEROPAD) && (negative || (flags & (FLAGS_PLUS | FLAGS_SPACE)))) {width--;}while ((flags & FLAGS_ZEROPAD) && (len < width) && (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_INTEGER_BUFFER_SIZE)) {buf[len++] = '0';}}while ((len < precision) && (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_INTEGER_BUFFER_SIZE)) {buf[len++] = '0';}if (base == BASE_OCTAL && (len > unpadded_len)) {// Since we've written some zeros, we've satisfied the alternative format leading space requirementflags &= ~FLAGS_HASH;}}// handle hashif (flags & (FLAGS_HASH | FLAGS_POINTER)) {if (!(flags & FLAGS_PRECISION) && len && ((len == precision) || (len == width))) {// Let's take back some padding digits to fit in what will eventually// be the format-specific prefixif (unpadded_len < len) {len--; // This should suffice for BASE_OCTAL}if (len && (base == BASE_HEX || base == BASE_BINARY) && (unpadded_len < len)) {len--; // ... and an extra one for 0x or 0b}}if ((base == BASE_HEX) && !(flags & FLAGS_UPPERCASE) && (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_INTEGER_BUFFER_SIZE)) {buf[len++] = 'x';}else if ((base == BASE_HEX) && (flags & FLAGS_UPPERCASE) && (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_INTEGER_BUFFER_SIZE)) {buf[len++] = 'X';}else if ((base == BASE_BINARY) && (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_INTEGER_BUFFER_SIZE)) {buf[len++] = 'b';}if (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_INTEGER_BUFFER_SIZE) {buf[len++] = '0';}}if (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_INTEGER_BUFFER_SIZE) {if (negative) {buf[len++] = '-';}else if (flags & FLAGS_PLUS) {buf[len++] = '+';  // ignore the space if the '+' exists}else if (flags & FLAGS_SPACE) {buf[len++] = ' ';}}out_rev_(output, buf, len, width, flags);
}// An internal itoa-like function
static void print_integer(output_gadget_t* output, printf_unsigned_value_t value, bool negative, numeric_base_t base, printf_size_t precision, printf_size_t width, printf_flags_t flags)
{char buf[PKG_VSNPRINTF_INTEGER_BUFFER_SIZE];printf_size_t len = 0U;if (!value) {if ( !(flags & FLAGS_PRECISION) ) {buf[len++] = '0';flags &= ~FLAGS_HASH;// We drop this flag this since either the alternative and regular modes of the specifier// don't differ on 0 values, or (in the case of octal) we've already provided the special// handling for this mode.}else if (base == BASE_HEX) {flags &= ~FLAGS_HASH;// We drop this flag this since either the alternative and regular modes of the specifier// don't differ on 0 values}}else {do {const char digit = (char)(value % base);buf[len++] = (char)(digit < 10 ? '0' + digit : (flags & FLAGS_UPPERCASE ? 'A' : 'a') + digit - 10);value /= base;} while (value && (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_INTEGER_BUFFER_SIZE));}print_integer_finalization(output, buf, len, negative, base, precision, width, flags);
}#if defined(PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_DECIMAL_SPECIFIERS) || defined(PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERS)// Stores a fixed-precision representation of a double relative
// to a fixed precision (which cannot be determined by examining this structure)
struct double_components {int_fast64_t integral;int_fast64_t fractional;// ... truncation of the actual fractional part of the double value, scaled// by the precision valuebool is_negative;
static const double powers_of_10[NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS_IN_INT64_T] = {1e00, 1e01, 1e02, 1e03, 1e04, 1e05, 1e06, 1e07, 1e08,1e09, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17
};#define PRINTF_MAX_SUPPORTED_PRECISION NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS_IN_INT64_T - 1// Break up a double number - which is known to be a finite non-negative number -
// into its base-10 parts: integral - before the decimal point, and fractional - after it.
// Taken the precision into account, but does not change it even internally.
static struct double_components get_components(double number, printf_size_t precision)
{struct double_components number_;number_.is_negative = get_sign_bit(number);double abs_number = (number_.is_negative) ? -number : number;number_.integral = (int_fast64_t)abs_number;double remainder = (abs_number - (double) number_.integral) * powers_of_10[precision];number_.fractional = (int_fast64_t)remainder;remainder -= (double) number_.fractional;if (remainder > 0.5) {++number_.fractional;// handle rollover, e.g. case 0.99 with precision 1 is 1.0if ((double) number_.fractional >= powers_of_10[precision]) {number_.fractional = 0;++number_.integral;}}else if ((remainder == 0.5) && ((number_.fractional == 0U) || (number_.fractional & 1U))) {// if halfway, round up if odd OR if last digit is 0++number_.fractional;}if (precision == 0U) {remainder = abs_number - (double) number_.integral;if ((!(remainder < 0.5) || (remainder > 0.5)) && (number_.integral & 1)) {// exactly 0.5 and ODD, then round up// 1.5 -> 2, but 2.5 -> 2++number_.integral;}}return number_;
struct scaling_factor {double raw_factor;bool multiply; // if true, need to multiply by raw_factor; otherwise need to divide by it
};static double apply_scaling(double num, struct scaling_factor normalization)
{return normalization.multiply ? num * normalization.raw_factor : num / normalization.raw_factor;
}static double unapply_scaling(double normalized, struct scaling_factor normalization)
#ifdef __GNUC__
// accounting for a static analysis bug in GCC 6.x and earlier
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
#endifreturn normalization.multiply ? normalized / normalization.raw_factor : normalized * normalization.raw_factor;
#ifdef __GNUC__
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
}static struct scaling_factor update_normalization(struct scaling_factor sf, double extra_multiplicative_factor)
{struct scaling_factor result;if (sf.multiply) {result.multiply = true;result.raw_factor = sf.raw_factor * extra_multiplicative_factor;}else {int factor_exp2 = get_exp2(get_bit_access(sf.raw_factor));int extra_factor_exp2 = get_exp2(get_bit_access(extra_multiplicative_factor));// Divide the larger-exponent raw raw_factor by the smallerif (PRINTF_ABS(factor_exp2) > PRINTF_ABS(extra_factor_exp2)) {result.multiply = false;result.raw_factor = sf.raw_factor / extra_multiplicative_factor;}else {result.multiply = true;result.raw_factor = extra_multiplicative_factor / sf.raw_factor;}}return result;
}static struct double_components get_normalized_components(bool negative, printf_size_t precision, double non_normalized, struct scaling_factor normalization, int floored_exp10)
{struct double_components components;components.is_negative = negative;double scaled = apply_scaling(non_normalized, normalization);bool close_to_representation_extremum = ( (-floored_exp10 + (int) precision) >= DBL_MAX_10_EXP - 1 );if (close_to_representation_extremum) {// We can't have a normalization factor which also accounts for the precision, i.e. moves// some decimal digits into the mantissa, since it's unrepresentable, or nearly unrepresentable.// So, we'll give up early on getting extra precision...return get_components(negative ? -scaled : scaled, precision);}components.integral = (int_fast64_t) scaled;double remainder = non_normalized - unapply_scaling((double) components.integral, normalization);double prec_power_of_10 = powers_of_10[precision];struct scaling_factor account_for_precision = update_normalization(normalization, prec_power_of_10);double scaled_remainder = apply_scaling(remainder, account_for_precision);double rounding_threshold = 0.5;components.fractional = (int_fast64_t) scaled_remainder; // when precision == 0, the assigned value should be 0scaled_remainder -= (double) components.fractional; //when precision == 0, this will not change scaled_remaindercomponents.fractional += (scaled_remainder >= rounding_threshold);if (scaled_remainder == rounding_threshold) {// banker's rounding: Round towards the even number (making the mean error 0)components.fractional &= ~((int_fast64_t) 0x1);}// handle rollover, e.g. the case of 0.99 with precision 1 becoming (0,100),// and must then be corrected into (1, 0).// Note: for precision = 0, this will "translate" the rounding effect from// the fractional part to the integral part where it should actually be// felt (as prec_power_of_10 is 1)if ((double) components.fractional >= prec_power_of_10) {components.fractional = 0;++components.integral;}return components;
#endif // PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERSstatic void print_broken_up_decimal(struct double_components number_, output_gadget_t* output, printf_size_t precision,printf_size_t width, printf_flags_t flags, char *buf, printf_size_t len)
{if (precision != 0U) {// do fractional part, as an unsigned numberprintf_size_t count = precision;// %g/%G mandates we skip the trailing 0 digits...if ((flags & FLAGS_ADAPT_EXP) && !(flags & FLAGS_HASH) && (number_.fractional > 0)) {while(true) {int_fast64_t digit = number_.fractional % 10U;if (digit != 0) {break;}--count;number_.fractional /= 10U;}// ... and even the decimal point if there are no// non-zero fractional part digits (see below)}if (number_.fractional > 0 || !(flags & FLAGS_ADAPT_EXP) || (flags & FLAGS_HASH) ) {while (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_DECIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE) {--count;buf[len++] = (char)('0' + number_.fractional % 10U);if (!(number_.fractional /= 10U)) {break;}}// add extra 0swhile ((len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_DECIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE) && (count > 0U)) {buf[len++] = '0';--count;}if (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_DECIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE) {buf[len++] = '.';}}}else {if ((flags & FLAGS_HASH) && (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_DECIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE)) {buf[len++] = '.';}}// Write the integer part of the number (it comes after the fractional// since the character order is reversed)while (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_DECIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE) {buf[len++] = (char)('0' + (number_.integral % 10));if (!(number_.integral /= 10)) {break;}}// pad leading zerosif (!(flags & FLAGS_LEFT) && (flags & FLAGS_ZEROPAD)) {if (width && (number_.is_negative || (flags & (FLAGS_PLUS | FLAGS_SPACE)))) {width--;}while ((len < width) && (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_DECIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE)) {buf[len++] = '0';}}if (len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_DECIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE) {if (number_.is_negative) {buf[len++] = '-';}else if (flags & FLAGS_PLUS) {buf[len++] = '+';  // ignore the space if the '+' exists}else if (flags & FLAGS_SPACE) {buf[len++] = ' ';}}out_rev_(output, buf, len, width, flags);
}// internal ftoa for fixed decimal floating point
static void print_decimal_number(output_gadget_t* output, double number, printf_size_t precision, printf_size_t width, printf_flags_t flags, char* buf, printf_size_t len)
{struct double_components value_ = get_components(number, precision);print_broken_up_decimal(value_, output, precision, width, flags, buf, len);
}#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERS// A floor function - but one which only works for numbers whose
// floor value is representable by an int.
static int bastardized_floor(double x)
{if (x >= 0) { return (int) x; }int n = (int) x;return ( ((double) n) == x ) ? n : n-1;
}// Computes the base-10 logarithm of the input number - which must be an actual
// positive number (not infinity or NaN, nor a sub-normal)
static double log10_of_positive(double positive_number)
{// The implementation follows David Gay (https://www.ampl.com/netlib/fp/dtoa.c).//// Since log_10 ( M * 2^x ) = log_10(M) + x , we can separate the components of// our input number, and need only solve log_10(M) for M between 1 and 2 (as// the base-2 mantissa is always 1-point-something). In that limited range, a// Taylor series expansion of log10(x) should serve us well enough; and we'll// take the mid-point, 1.5, as the point of expansion.double_with_bit_access dwba = get_bit_access(positive_number);// based on the algorithm by David Gay (https://www.ampl.com/netlib/fp/dtoa.c)int exp2 = get_exp2(dwba);// drop the exponent, so dwba.F comes into the range [1,2)dwba.U = (dwba.U & (((double_uint_t) (1) << DOUBLE_STORED_MANTISSA_BITS) - 1U)) |((double_uint_t) DOUBLE_BASE_EXPONENT << DOUBLE_STORED_MANTISSA_BITS);double z = (dwba.F - 1.5);return (// Taylor expansion around 1.5:0.1760912590556812420           // Expansion term 0: ln(1.5)            / ln(10)+ z     * 0.2895296546021678851 // Expansion term 1: (M - 1.5)   * 2/3  / ln(10)
#if PKG_VSNPRINTF_LOG10_TAYLOR_TERMS > 2- z*z   * 0.0965098848673892950 // Expansion term 2: (M - 1.5)^2 * 2/9  / ln(10)
#if PKG_VSNPRINTF_LOG10_TAYLOR_TERMS > 3+ z*z*z * 0.0428932821632841311 // Expansion term 2: (M - 1.5)^3 * 8/81 / ln(10)
#endif// exact log_2 of the exponent x, with logarithm base change+ exp2 * 0.30102999566398119521 // = exp2 * log_10(2) = exp2 * ln(2)/ln(10));
}static double pow10_of_int(int floored_exp10)
{// A crude hack for avoiding undesired behavior with barely-normal or slightly-subnormal values.if (floored_exp10 == DOUBLE_MAX_SUBNORMAL_EXPONENT_OF_10) {return DOUBLE_MAX_SUBNORMAL_POWER_OF_10;}// Compute 10^(floored_exp10) but (try to) make sure that doesn't overflowdouble_with_bit_access dwba;int exp2 = bastardized_floor(floored_exp10 * 3.321928094887362 + 0.5);const double z  = floored_exp10 * 2.302585092994046 - exp2 * 0.6931471805599453;const double z2 = z * z;dwba.U = ((double_uint_t)(exp2) + DOUBLE_BASE_EXPONENT) << DOUBLE_STORED_MANTISSA_BITS;// compute exp(z) using continued fractions,// see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_function#Continued_fractions_for_exdwba.F *= 1 + 2 * z / (2 - z + (z2 / (6 + (z2 / (10 + z2 / 14)))));return dwba.F;
}static void print_exponential_number(output_gadget_t* output, double number, printf_size_t precision, printf_size_t width, printf_flags_t flags, char* buf, printf_size_t len)
{const bool negative = get_sign_bit(number);// This number will decrease gradually (by factors of 10) as we "extract" the exponent out of itdouble abs_number =  negative ? -number : number;int floored_exp10;bool abs_exp10_covered_by_powers_table;struct scaling_factor normalization;// Determine the decimal exponentif (abs_number == 0.0) {// TODO: This is a special-case for 0.0 (and -0.0); but proper handling is required for denormals more generally.floored_exp10 = 0; // ... and no need to set a normalization factor or check the powers table}else  {double exp10 = log10_of_positive(abs_number);floored_exp10 = bastardized_floor(exp10);double p10 = pow10_of_int(floored_exp10);// correct for rounding errorsif (abs_number < p10) {floored_exp10--;p10 /= 10;}abs_exp10_covered_by_powers_table = PRINTF_ABS(floored_exp10) < PRINTF_MAX_PRECOMPUTED_POWER_OF_10;normalization.raw_factor = abs_exp10_covered_by_powers_table ? powers_of_10[PRINTF_ABS(floored_exp10)] : p10;}// We now begin accounting for the widths of the two parts of our printed field:// the decimal part after decimal exponent extraction, and the base-10 exponent part.// For both of these, the value of 0 has a special meaning, but not the same one:// a 0 exponent-part width means "don't print the exponent"; a 0 decimal-part width// means "use as many characters as necessary".bool fall_back_to_decimal_only_mode = false;if (flags & FLAGS_ADAPT_EXP) {int required_significant_digits = (precision == 0) ? 1 : (int) precision;// Should we want to fall-back to "%f" mode, and only print the decimal part?fall_back_to_decimal_only_mode = (floored_exp10 >= -4 && floored_exp10 < required_significant_digits);// Now, let's adjust the precision// This also decided how we adjust the precision value - as in "%g" mode,// "precision" is the number of _significant digits_, and this is when we "translate"// the precision value to an actual number of decimal digits.int precision_ = fall_back_to_decimal_only_mode ?(int) precision - 1 - floored_exp10 :(int) precision - 1; // the presence of the exponent ensures only one significant digit comes before the decimal pointprecision = (precision_ > 0 ? (unsigned) precision_ : 0U);flags |= FLAGS_PRECISION;   // make sure print_broken_up_decimal respects our choice above}normalization.multiply = (floored_exp10 < 0 && abs_exp10_covered_by_powers_table);bool should_skip_normalization = (fall_back_to_decimal_only_mode || floored_exp10 == 0);struct double_components decimal_part_components =should_skip_normalization ?get_components(negative ? -abs_number : abs_number, precision) :get_normalized_components(negative, precision, abs_number, normalization, floored_exp10);// Account for roll-over, e.g. rounding from 9.99 to 100.0 - which effects// the exponent and may require additional tweaking of the partsif (fall_back_to_decimal_only_mode) {if ((flags & FLAGS_ADAPT_EXP) && floored_exp10 >= -1 && decimal_part_components.integral == powers_of_10[floored_exp10 + 1]) {floored_exp10++; // Not strictly necessary, since floored_exp10 is no longer really usedprecision--;// ... and it should already be the case that decimal_part_components.fractional == 0}// TODO: What about rollover strictly within the fractional part?}else {if (decimal_part_components.integral >= 10) {floored_exp10++;decimal_part_components.integral = 1;decimal_part_components.fractional = 0;}}// the floored_exp10 format is "E%+03d" and largest possible floored_exp10 value for a 64-bit double// is "307" (for 2^1023), so we set aside 4-5 characters overallprintf_size_t exp10_part_width = fall_back_to_decimal_only_mode ? 0U : (PRINTF_ABS(floored_exp10) < 100) ? 4U : 5U;printf_size_t decimal_part_width =((flags & FLAGS_LEFT) && exp10_part_width) ?// We're padding on the right, so the width constraint is the exponent part's// problem, not the decimal part's, so we'll use as many characters as we need:0U :// We're padding on the left; so the width constraint is the decimal part's// problem. Well, can both the decimal part and the exponent part fit within our overall width?((width > exp10_part_width) ?// Yes, so we limit our decimal part's width.// (Note this is trivially valid even if we've fallen back to "%f" mode)width - exp10_part_width :// No; we just give up on any restriction on the decimal part and use as many// characters as we need0U);const printf_size_t printed_exponential_start_pos = output->pos;print_broken_up_decimal(decimal_part_components, output, precision, decimal_part_width, flags, buf, len);if (! fall_back_to_decimal_only_mode) {putchar_via_gadget(output, (flags & FLAGS_UPPERCASE) ? 'E' : 'e');print_integer(output,ABS_FOR_PRINTING(floored_exp10),floored_exp10 < 0, 10, 0, exp10_part_width - 1,FLAGS_ZEROPAD | FLAGS_PLUS);if (flags & FLAGS_LEFT) {// We need to right-pad with spaces to meet the width requirementwhile (output->pos - printed_exponential_start_pos < width) {putchar_via_gadget(output, ' ');}}}
#endif  // PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERSstatic void print_floating_point(output_gadget_t* output, double value, printf_size_t precision, printf_size_t width, printf_flags_t flags, bool prefer_exponential)
{char buf[PKG_VSNPRINTF_DECIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE];printf_size_t len = 0U;// test for special valuesif (value != value) {out_rev_(output, "nan", 3, width, flags);return;}if (value < -DBL_MAX) {out_rev_(output, "fni-", 4, width, flags);return;}if (value > DBL_MAX) {out_rev_(output, (flags & FLAGS_PLUS) ? "fni+" : "fni", (flags & FLAGS_PLUS) ? 4U : 3U, width, flags);return;}if (!prefer_exponential &&((value > PRINTF_FLOAT_NOTATION_THRESHOLD) || (value < -PRINTF_FLOAT_NOTATION_THRESHOLD))) {// The required behavior of standard printf is to print _every_ integral-part digit -- which could mean// printing hundreds of characters, overflowing any fixed internal buffer and necessitating a more complicated// implementation.
#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERSprint_exponential_number(output, value, precision, width, flags, buf, len);
#endifreturn;}// set default precision, if not set explicitlyif (!(flags & FLAGS_PRECISION)) {precision = PKG_VSNPRINTF_DEFAULT_FLOAT_PRECISION;}// limit precision so that our integer holding the fractional part does not overflowwhile ((len < PKG_VSNPRINTF_DECIMAL_BUFFER_SIZE) && (precision > PRINTF_MAX_SUPPORTED_PRECISION)) {buf[len++] = '0'; // This respects the precision in terms of result length onlyprecision--;}#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERSif (prefer_exponential)print_exponential_number(output, value, precision, width, flags, buf, len);else
#endifprint_decimal_number(output, value, precision, width, flags, buf, len);
}#endif  // (PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_DECIMAL_SPECIFIERS || PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERS)// Advances the format pointer past the flags, and returns the parsed flags
// due to the characters passed
static printf_flags_t parse_flags(const char** format)
{printf_flags_t flags = 0U;do {switch (**format) {case '0': flags |= FLAGS_ZEROPAD; (*format)++; break;case '-': flags |= FLAGS_LEFT;    (*format)++; break;case '+': flags |= FLAGS_PLUS;    (*format)++; break;case ' ': flags |= FLAGS_SPACE;   (*format)++; break;case '#': flags |= FLAGS_HASH;    (*format)++; break;default : return flags;}} while (true);
}static inline void format_string_loop(output_gadget_t* output, const char* format, va_list args)
#define ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(cptr_) do { (cptr_)++; if (!*(cptr_)) return; } while(0)
#define ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(cptr_) (cptr_)++
#endifwhile (*format){if (*format != '%') {// A regular content characterputchar_via_gadget(output, *format);format++;continue;}// We're parsing a format specifier: %[flags][width][.precision][length]ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);printf_flags_t flags = parse_flags(&format);// evaluate width fieldprintf_size_t width = 0U;if (is_digit_(*format)) {width = (printf_size_t) atou_(&format);}else if (*format == '*') {const int w = va_arg(args, int);if (w < 0) {flags |= FLAGS_LEFT;    // reverse paddingwidth = (printf_size_t)-w;}else {width = (printf_size_t)w;}ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);}// evaluate precision fieldprintf_size_t precision = 0U;if (*format == '.') {flags |= FLAGS_PRECISION;ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);if (is_digit_(*format)) {precision = (printf_size_t) atou_(&format);}else if (*format == '*') {const int precision_ = va_arg(args, int);precision = precision_ > 0 ? (printf_size_t) precision_ : 0U;ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);}}// evaluate length fieldswitch (*format) {
#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_MSVC_STYLE_INTEGER_SPECIFIERScase 'I' : {ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);// Greedily parse for size in bits: 8, 16, 32 or 64switch(*format) {case '8':               flags |= FLAGS_INT8;ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);break;case '1':ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);if (*format == '6') { format++; flags |= FLAGS_INT16; }break;case '3':ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);if (*format == '2') { ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format); flags |= FLAGS_INT32; }break;case '6':ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);if (*format == '4') { ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format); flags |= FLAGS_INT64; }break;default: break;}break;}
#endifcase 'l' :flags |= FLAGS_LONG;ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);if (*format == 'l') {flags |= FLAGS_LONG_LONG;ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);}break;case 'h' :flags |= FLAGS_SHORT;ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);if (*format == 'h') {flags |= FLAGS_CHAR;ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);}break;case 't' :flags |= (sizeof(ptrdiff_t) == sizeof(long) ? FLAGS_LONG : FLAGS_LONG_LONG);ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);break;case 'j' :flags |= (sizeof(intmax_t) == sizeof(long) ? FLAGS_LONG : FLAGS_LONG_LONG);ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);break;case 'z' :flags |= (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(long) ? FLAGS_LONG : FLAGS_LONG_LONG);ADVANCE_IN_FORMAT_STRING(format);break;default:break;}// evaluate specifierswitch (*format) {case 'd' :case 'i' :case 'u' :case 'x' :case 'X' :case 'o' :case 'b' : {if (*format == 'd' || *format == 'i') {flags |= FLAGS_SIGNED;}numeric_base_t base;if (*format == 'x' || *format == 'X') {base = BASE_HEX;}else if (*format == 'o') {base =  BASE_OCTAL;}else if (*format == 'b') {base =  BASE_BINARY;}else {base = BASE_DECIMAL;flags &= ~FLAGS_HASH; // decimal integers have no alternative presentation}if (*format == 'X') {flags |= FLAGS_UPPERCASE;}format++;// ignore '0' flag when precision is givenif (flags & FLAGS_PRECISION) {flags &= ~FLAGS_ZEROPAD;}if (flags & FLAGS_SIGNED) {// A signed specifier: d, i or possibly I + bit size if enabledif (flags & FLAGS_LONG_LONG) {
#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_LONG_LONGconst long long value = va_arg(args, long long);print_integer(output, ABS_FOR_PRINTING(value), value < 0, base, precision, width, flags);
#endif}else if (flags & FLAGS_LONG) {const long value = va_arg(args, long);print_integer(output, ABS_FOR_PRINTING(value), value < 0, base, precision, width, flags);}else {// We never try to interpret the argument as something potentially-smaller than int,// due to integer promotion rules: Even if the user passed a short int, short unsigned// etc. - these will come in after promotion, as int's (or unsigned for the case of// short unsigned when it has the same size as int)const int value =(flags & FLAGS_CHAR) ? (signed char) va_arg(args, int) :(flags & FLAGS_SHORT) ? (short int) va_arg(args, int) :va_arg(args, int);print_integer(output, ABS_FOR_PRINTING(value), value < 0, base, precision, width, flags);}}else {// An unsigned specifier: u, x, X, o, bflags &= ~(FLAGS_PLUS | FLAGS_SPACE);if (flags & FLAGS_LONG_LONG) {
#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_LONG_LONGprint_integer(output, (printf_unsigned_value_t) va_arg(args, unsigned long long), false, base, precision, width, flags);
#endif}else if (flags & FLAGS_LONG) {print_integer(output, (printf_unsigned_value_t) va_arg(args, unsigned long), false, base, precision, width, flags);}else {const unsigned int value =(flags & FLAGS_CHAR) ? (unsigned char)va_arg(args, unsigned int) :(flags & FLAGS_SHORT) ? (unsigned short int)va_arg(args, unsigned int) :va_arg(args, unsigned int);print_integer(output, (printf_unsigned_value_t) value, false, base, precision, width, flags);}}break;}
#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_DECIMAL_SPECIFIERScase 'f' :case 'F' :if (*format == 'F') flags |= FLAGS_UPPERCASE;print_floating_point(output, va_arg(args, double), precision, width, flags, PRINTF_PREFER_DECIMAL);format++;break;
#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERScase 'e':case 'E':case 'g':case 'G':if ((*format == 'g')||(*format == 'G')) flags |= FLAGS_ADAPT_EXP;if ((*format == 'E')||(*format == 'G')) flags |= FLAGS_UPPERCASE;print_floating_point(output, va_arg(args, double), precision, width, flags, PRINTF_PREFER_EXPONENTIAL);format++;break;
#endif  // PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_EXPONENTIAL_SPECIFIERScase 'c' : {printf_size_t l = 1U;// pre paddingif (!(flags & FLAGS_LEFT)) {while (l++ < width) {putchar_via_gadget(output, ' ');}}// char outputputchar_via_gadget(output, (char) va_arg(args, int) );// post paddingif (flags & FLAGS_LEFT) {while (l++ < width) {putchar_via_gadget(output, ' ');}}format++;break;}case 's' : {const char* p = va_arg(args, char*);if (p == NULL) {out_rev_(output, ")llun(", 6, width, flags);}else {printf_size_t l = strnlen_s_(p, precision ? precision : PRINTF_MAX_POSSIBLE_BUFFER_SIZE);// pre paddingif (flags & FLAGS_PRECISION) {l = (l < precision ? l : precision);}if (!(flags & FLAGS_LEFT)) {while (l++ < width) {putchar_via_gadget(output, ' ');}}// string outputwhile ((*p != 0) && (!(flags & FLAGS_PRECISION) || precision)) {putchar_via_gadget(output, *(p++));--precision;}// post paddingif (flags & FLAGS_LEFT) {while (l++ < width) {putchar_via_gadget(output, ' ');}}}format++;break;}case 'p' : {width = sizeof(void*) * 2U + 2; // 2 hex chars per byte + the "0x" prefixflags |= FLAGS_ZEROPAD | FLAGS_POINTER;uintptr_t value = (uintptr_t)va_arg(args, void*);(value == (uintptr_t) NULL) ?out_rev_(output, ")lin(", 5, width, flags) :print_integer(output, (printf_unsigned_value_t) value, false, BASE_HEX, precision, width, flags);format++;break;}case '%' :putchar_via_gadget(output, '%');format++;break;// Many people prefer to disable support for %n, as it lets the caller// engineer a write to an arbitrary location, of a value the caller// effectively controls - which could be a security concern in some cases.
#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_WRITEBACK_SPECIFIERcase 'n' : {if       (flags & FLAGS_CHAR)      *(va_arg(args, char*))      = (char) output->pos;else if  (flags & FLAGS_SHORT)     *(va_arg(args, short*))     = (short) output->pos;else if  (flags & FLAGS_LONG)      *(va_arg(args, long*))      = (long) output->pos;
#ifdef PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_LONG_LONGelse if  (flags & FLAGS_LONG_LONG) *(va_arg(args, long long*)) = (long long int) output->pos;
#endif // PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_LONG_LONGelse                               *(va_arg(args, int*))       = (int) output->pos;format++;break;}
#endif // PKG_VSNPRINTF_SUPPORT_WRITEBACK_SPECIFIERdefault :putchar_via_gadget(output, *format);format++;break;}}
}// internal vsnprintf - used for implementing _all library functions
static int vsnprintf_impl(output_gadget_t* output, const char* format, va_list args)
{// Note: The library only calls vsnprintf_impl() with output->pos being 0. However, it is// possible to call this function with a non-zero pos value for some "remedial printing".format_string_loop(output, format, args);// terminationappend_termination_with_gadget(output);// return written chars without terminating \0return (int)output->pos;
}////*** This function will fill a formatted string to buffer.** @param  buf is the buffer to save formatted string.** @param  size is the size of buffer.** @param  fmt is the format parameters.** @param  args is a list of variable parameters.** @return The number of characters actually written to buffer.*/
#if (RTTHREAD_VERSION >= 40100) || (RTTHREAD_VERSION < 40000 && RTTHREAD_VERSION >= 30106)
int rt_vsnprintf(char *buf, rt_size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args)
rt_int32_t rt_vsnprintf(char *buf, rt_size_t size, const char *fmt, va_list args)
{output_gadget_t gadget = buffer_gadget(buf, size);return vsnprintf_impl(&gadget, fmt, args);
int vsnprintf(char * s, size_t n, const char * format, va_list arg)
{return rt_vsnprintf(s, n, format, arg);
int vsprintf(char * s, const char * format, va_list arg)
{return rt_vsprintf(s, format, arg);














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