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An evolutionary journey of multitasking


In the beginning, computers had one CPU that executed a set of instructions written by a programmer one by one. No operating system (OS), no scheduling, no threads, no multitasking. This was how computers worked for a long time. We’re talking back when a program was assembled in a deck of punched cards, and you got in big trouble if you were so unfortunate that you dropped the deck onto the floor.


There were operating systems being researched very early and when personal computing started to grow in the 80s, operating systems such as DOS were the standard on most consumer PCs.


These operating systems usually yielded control of the entire CPU to the program currently executing, and it was up to the programmer to make things work and implement any kind of multitasking for their program. This worked fine, but as interactive UIs using a mouse and windowed operating systems became the norm, this model simply couldn’t work anymore.


Non-preemptive multitasking


Non-preemptive multitasking was the first method used to be able to keep a UI interactive (and running background processes).


This kind of multitasking put the responsibility of letting the OS run other tasks, such as responding to input from the mouse or running a background task, in the hands of the programmer.


Typically, the programmer yielded control to the OS.


Besides offloading a huge responsibility to every programmer writing a program for your platform, this method was naturally error-prone. A small mistake in a program’s code could halt or crash the entire system.


Another popular term for what we call non-preemptive multitasking is cooperative multitasking. Windows 3.1 used cooperative multitasking and required programmers to yield control to the OS by using specific system calls. One badly-behaving application could thereby halt the entire system.

我们称之为非抢占式多任务的另一个流行术语是合作多任务。Windows 3.1使用协同多任务,并要求程序员通过使用特定的系统调用将控制权交给操作系统。一个行为不佳的应用程序就可能使整个系统瘫痪。

Preemptive multitasking


While non-preemptive multitasking sounded like a good idea, it turned out to create serious problems as well. Letting every program and programmer out there be responsible for having a responsive UI in an operating system can ultimately lead to a bad user experience, since every bug out there could halt the entire system.


The solution was to place the responsibility of scheduling the CPU resources between the programs that requested it (including the OS itself) in the hands of the OS. The OS can stop the execution of a process, do something else, and switch back.


On such a system, if you write and run a program with a graphical user interface on a single-core machine, the OS will stop your program to update the mouse position before it switches back to your program to continue. This happens so frequently that we don’t usually observe any difference whether the CPU has a lot of work or is idle.


The OS is responsible for scheduling tasks and does this by switching contexts on the CPU. This process can happen many times each second, not only to keep the UI responsive but also to give some time to other background tasks and IO events.


This is now the prevailing way to design an operating system.


Later in this book, we’ll write our own green threads and cover a lot of basic knowledge about context switching, threads, stacks, and scheduling that will give you more insight into this topic, so stay tuned.




As CPUs evolved and added more functionality such as several arithmetic logic units (ALUs) and additional logic units, the CPU manufacturers realized that the entire CPU wasn’t fully utilized. For example, when an operation only required some parts of the CPU, an instruction could be run on the ALU simultaneously. This became the start of hyper-threading.


Your computer today, for example, may have 6 cores and 12 logical cores… This is exactly where hyperthreading comes in. It “simulates” two cores on the same core by using unused parts of the CPU to drive progress on thread 2 and simultaneously running the code on thread 1. It does this by using a number of smart tricks (such as the one with the ALU).


Now, using hyper-threading, we could actually offload some work on one thread while keeping the UI interactive by responding to events in the second thread even though we only had one CPU core, thereby utilizing our hardware better.


It turns out that hyper-threading has been continuously improved since the 90s. Since you’re not actually running two CPUs, there will be some operations that need to wait for each other to finish. The performance gain of hyper-threading compared to multitasking in a single core seems to be somewhere close to 30% but it largely depends on the workload.


Multicore processors


As most know, the clock frequency of processors has been flat for a long time. Processors get faster by improving caches, branch prediction, and speculative execution, and by working on the processing pipelines of the processors, but the gains seem to be diminishing.


On the other hand, new processors are so small that they allow us to have many on the same chip. Now, most CPUs have many cores and most often, each core will also have the ability to perform hyper-threading.


Do you really write synchronous code?


Like many things, this depends on your perspective. From the perspective of your process and the code you write, everything will normally happen in the order you write it.


From the operating system’s perspective, it might or might not interrupt your code, pause it, and run some other code in the meantime before resuming your process.


From the perspective of the CPU, it will mostly execute instructions one at a time.* It doesn’t care who wrote the code, though, so when a hardware interrupt happens, it will immediately stop and give control to an interrupt handler. This is how the CPU handles concurrency.


However, modern CPUs can also do a lot of things in parallel. Most CPUs are pipelined, meaning that the next instruction is loaded while the current one is executing. It might have a branch predictor that tries to figure out what instructions to load next.


The processor can also reorder instructions by using out-of-order execution if it believes it makes things faster this way without ‘asking’ or ‘telling’ the programmer or the OS, so you might not have any guarantee that A happens before B.


The CPU offloads some work to separate ‘coprocessors’ such as the FPU for floating-point calculations, leaving the main CPU ready to do other tasks et cetera.


As a high-level overview, it’s OK to model the CPU as operating in a synchronous manner, but for now, let’s just make a mental note that this is a model with some caveats that become especially important when talking about parallelism, synchronization primitives (such as mutexes and atomics), and the security of computers and operating systems.



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