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Ref. from Kratos

KRATOS Multiphysics ("Kratos") is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface. 

Ref. from A Framework for Developing Finite Element Codes for Multi-Disciplinary Applications

The objective of this work is to design and implement a framework for building multi-disciplinary finite element programs. This framework is called Kratos and will help to build a wide variety of finite element programs from the simplest formulation, for example a heat conduction problem , to the most complex ones, like multi-disciplinary optimization techniques. From one side it will provide a complete set of flexible tools for fast implementation of experimentalacademic algorithms and form the other side it must be fast and efficient to be used for real industrial analysis.


操作系统Windows 11
Visual StudioVisual Studio Community 2022
CMakeCMake 3.24.2
GitGit version 2.45.2.windows.1
BoostBoost 1.80.0


1.1 下载代码

git.exe clone --progress --recursive -v https://github.com/KratosMultiphysics/Kratos.git
cd ./Kratos/
git checkout -b Kratos-v9.5 v9.5

1.2 依赖




Where is the source codeD:/CaeFrameworks/Kratos/Kratos
Where to build the binariesD:/CaeFrameworks/Kratos/BUILD/Kratos-v9.5



  • Pooyan Dadvand. A Framework for Developing Finite Element Codes for Multi-Disciplinary Applications. Monograph CIMNE, January 2008.
  • W. Bangerth. Concepts for Object-oriented finite element software - the deal Ⅱ library. 1999.




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