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#define OPENCV2_PS_SELECTIVECOLOR_HPP_#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
}  select_color_t;/*** Class of Adjustment for One Select Color*/
class SelectiveColorAdjust{
public:float cyan;       //青色调整值,取值范围: [-1, 1]float magenta;    //取值范围: [-1, 1]float yellow;     //取值范围: [-1, 1]float black;      //取值范围: [-1, 1]bool  defined;SelectiveColorAdjust();virtual ~SelectiveColorAdjust();void   calcDefined();
};/*** Class of Selective Color*/
class SelectiveColor {
public:bool isAbsolute;  //是否采用绝对方法SelectiveColorAdjust colors[ SELECT_BLACK + 1 ]; //9种可选颜色通道SelectiveColor();virtual ~SelectiveColor();int adjust(InputArray src, OutputArray dst); //实施可选颜色调整
};} /* namespace cv */#endif /* OPENCV2_PS_SELECTIVECOLOR_HPP_ */


#include "SelectiveColor.hpp"#define DEBUG#ifndef DEBUG#define DEBUG_PRINT(a)
#define PRINT_VAR(var)
#define PRINT_VAR1(var)
#define PRINT_VARF(var)#else#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define DEBUG_PRINT(a)  cout << (a) << endl
#define PRINT_VAR(var)  cout << #var << " = " << (var) <<  endl
#define PRINT_VAR1(var) if ( nn == 0 ) cout << #var << " = " << int(var) <<  endl
#define PRINT_VARF(var) if ( nn == 0 ) cout << #var << " = " << double(var) <<  endl#endif#define SWAP(a, b, t)  do { t = a; a = b; b = t; } while(0)
#define CLIP_RANGE(value, min, max)  ( (value) > (max) ? (max) : (((value) < (min)) ? (min) : (value)) )
#define COLOR_RANGE(value)  CLIP_RANGE(value, 0, 255)#define MAX2(a, b) ( (a) > (b) ) ?  (a) : (b)
#define MAX3(a,b,c) ( ( a > b ) ?  MAX2(a,c) : MAX2(b,c) )
#define BLUE  0
#define GREEN 1
#define RED   2namespace cv {SelectiveColorAdjust:: SelectiveColorAdjust()
{cyan = 1.0;magenta = 1.0;yellow = 1.0;black = 1.0;defined = false;
{}void SelectiveColorAdjust::calcDefined()
{if (cyan != 1.0 || magenta != 1.0 || yellow != 1.0 || black != 1.0 ) {defined =  true;return;}defined = false;
// SelectiveColorSelectiveColor::SelectiveColor() {isAbsolute = false;
}SelectiveColor::~SelectiveColor() {
}int SelectiveColor::adjust(InputArray src, OutputArray dst)
{Mat input = src.getMat();if( input.empty() ) {return -1;}dst.create(src.size(), src.type());Mat output = dst.getMat();//calculate color adjustment is definedfor(int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) {colors[i].calcDefined();}const uchar *in;uchar *out;int width = input.cols;int height = input.rows;int channels = input.channels();int nn = 0;uchar t;  //tempuchar sorted[3];      //RGB value sorteduchar c[SELECT_BLACK + 1];float delta[3];  //delta of RGB valuefloat ratio[3],  ratio_positive[3], ratio_negative[3];for (int h = 0; h < height; h ++, nn++) {in = input.ptr<uchar>(h);  //pointer to input image dataout = output.ptr<uchar>(h); //pointer to output image datafor (int w = 0; w < width; w ++) {//Sort RGB values:  sorted[0] is biggest, sorted[1] is middle, sorted[2] is smallestmemcpy(sorted, in, 3);if (sorted[1] > sorted[0]) SWAP(sorted[0], sorted[1], t);if (sorted[2] > sorted[1]) SWAP(sorted[1], sorted[2], t);if (sorted[1] > sorted[0]) SWAP(sorted[0], sorted[1], t);//calculation c[] arraymemset(c, sizeof(c), 0);c[SELECT_BLUE] = in[BLUE];c[SELECT_GREEN] = in[GREEN];c[SELECT_RED] = in[RED];//subtract the smallest value from the RGBc[SELECT_BLUE]  -= sorted[2];c[SELECT_GREEN] -= sorted[2];c[SELECT_RED]   -= sorted[2];//calculate WHIT, MIDDLE, BLACKif ( sorted[2] <= 127 ) {c[SELECT_WHITE] = 0;c[SELECT_MIDDLE] = sorted[2] * 2;c[SELECT_BLACK]  = 255 - sorted[2] * 2;} else  {c[SELECT_WHITE]  = sorted[2] * 2 - 255;c[SELECT_MIDDLE] = 255 - (  sorted[2] - 127.5 ) * 2;c[SELECT_BLACK] = 0;}//calculate YELLOWif ( c[SELECT_RED] > 0 && c[SELECT_GREEN] > 0 ) {c[SELECT_YELLOW] = ( c[SELECT_RED] > c[SELECT_GREEN] ) ?  c[SELECT_GREEN] : c[SELECT_RED];c[SELECT_GREEN] -= c[SELECT_YELLOW];c[SELECT_RED]   -= c[SELECT_YELLOW];};//calculate CYANif ( c[SELECT_BLUE] > 0 && c[SELECT_GREEN] > 0 ) {c[SELECT_CYAN] = ( c[SELECT_BLUE] > c[SELECT_GREEN] ) ?  c[SELECT_GREEN] : c[SELECT_BLUE];c[SELECT_GREEN] -= c[SELECT_CYAN];c[SELECT_BLUE]  -= c[SELECT_CYAN];};//calculate MAGENTAif ( c[SELECT_BLUE] > 0 && c[SELECT_RED] > 0 ) {c[SELECT_MAGENTA] = ( c[SELECT_BLUE] > c[SELECT_RED] ) ?  c[SELECT_RED] : c[SELECT_BLUE];c[SELECT_RED]   -= c[SELECT_MAGENTA];c[SELECT_BLUE]  -= c[SELECT_MAGENTA];};//initialize delta[]delta[BLUE] = delta[GREEN] = delta[RED] = 0;//initialize ratiosfor(int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++ ) {ratio_positive[i] = in[i] / 255.0;ratio_negative[i] = ratio_positive[i] - 1 ;}//calculate each selective colorfor (int j = 0; j <= SELECT_BLACK; j++ ) {if ( colors[j].defined && (c[j] > 0) ) {if ( isAbsolute ) {ratio[RED] = colors[j].cyan + colors[j].black;ratio[RED] = CLIP_RANGE(ratio[RED], ratio_negative[RED], ratio_positive[RED]);ratio[GREEN] = colors[j].magenta + colors[j].black;ratio[GREEN] = CLIP_RANGE(ratio[GREEN], ratio_negative[GREEN], ratio_positive[GREEN]);ratio[BLUE] = colors[j].yellow + colors[j].black;ratio[BLUE] = CLIP_RANGE(ratio[BLUE], ratio_negative[BLUE], ratio_positive[BLUE]);} else {ratio[RED] = colors[j].cyan + ::abs(colors[j].cyan + 1) * colors[j].black;ratio[RED] = CLIP_RANGE(ratio[RED], -1, 1);ratio[RED] = ( ratio[RED] > 0 ) ? ratio[RED] * ratio_positive[RED] : - ratio[RED] * ratio_negative[RED];ratio[GREEN] = colors[j].magenta + ::abs(colors[j].magenta + 1) * colors[j].black;ratio[GREEN] = CLIP_RANGE(ratio[GREEN], -1, 1);ratio[GREEN] = ( ratio[GREEN] > 0 ) ? ratio[GREEN] * ratio_positive[GREEN] : - ratio[GREEN] * ratio_negative[GREEN];ratio[BLUE] = colors[j].yellow + ::abs(colors[j].yellow + 1) * colors[j].black;ratio[BLUE] = CLIP_RANGE(ratio[BLUE], -1, 1);ratio[BLUE] = ( ratio[BLUE] > 0 ) ? ratio[BLUE] * ratio_positive[BLUE] : - ratio[BLUE] * ratio_negative[BLUE];}delta[RED] -=  c[j] * ratio[RED];delta[GREEN] -=  c[j] * ratio[GREEN];delta[BLUE] -=  c[j] * ratio[BLUE];}}//save to outputout[BLUE]  = COLOR_RANGE( in[BLUE] + delta[BLUE] );out[GREEN] = COLOR_RANGE( in[GREEN] + delta[GREEN] );out[RED]   = COLOR_RANGE( in[RED] + delta[RED] );//move pointer forwardin += 3;out += 3;for (int j = 0; j < channels - 3; j++) {*out++ = *in++;}}}return 0;
}} /* namespace cv */




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