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单片机存储芯片 W25QXX、AT24C02


(1) W25QXX芯片简介

        W25Q128是华邦公司推出的一款SPI接口的NOR Flash芯片,其存储空间为128Mbit,相当于16M字节。W25Q128V芯片是串行闪存,可以通过标准/两线/四线SPI控制。W25Q128一次最多可编程256个字节。页面可以按扇区擦除、块擦除、整个芯片擦除。

        W25Q128 的擦写周期多达 10W 次,具有 20 年的数据保存期限,支持电压为 2.7~3.6V,W25Q128 支持标准的 SPI,还支持双输出/四输出的 SPI,最大 SPI 时钟可以到 80Mhz(双输出时相当于 160Mhz,四输出时相当于 320M)。

W25Q128存储容量共128M-bit/ 16M-byte。

  • 1页 = 256bytes 
  • 1 扇区 = 16页
  • 1 块 = 16扇区

W25Q64存储容量共64M-bit/ 8M-byte。

  • 1页 = 256bytes 
  • 1 扇区 = 16页
  • 1 块 = 16扇区

(2) W25QXX芯片引脚说明

  1. 第1脚CS是SPI总线的片选使能接口,SPI总线支持在一条总线上连接多个芯片,为了区分当前通信的是哪个芯片,就为每个芯片连接一个独立的CS片选接口,单片机想和哪个芯片通信,就向哪个芯片的CS引脚输出低电平。
  2. 第2脚D0是SPI总线的数据输出接口。
  3. 第3脚WP是硬件写保护接口,当向此引脚输入低电平,芯片将禁止写入数据。反之,可正常写入数据。
  4. 第4脚GND是公共地。
  5. 第5脚DI是SPI总线的数据输入接口。
  6. 第6脚CLK是SPI总线的时钟输入接口。
  7. 第7脚HOLD是状态保持接口。当向此引脚输入低电平,芯片将禁止任何操作,当向此引脚输入高电平,可正常操作芯片。
  8. 第8脚VCC是电源供电接口,输入2.7-3.6V的电源。

(3) W25QXX芯片读错误原因

  1. 写数据之前Flash里面的数据不是0xFF就必须先擦除,然后才能写数据。擦除即将Flash里面的数据恢复为0xFF的过程。
  2. 上电后设备自动处于写禁用状态(Write Enable Latch, WEL为0,WEL是只读位)。在Page Program, Sector Erase, Block Erase, Chip Erase or Write Status Register instruction(页编程、区擦除、块擦除、芯片擦除或者写状态寄存器指令)之前必须先进行写使能指令。在编程、擦除、写状态寄存器指令完成后,WEL自动变成0
  3.  W25Q64BV是使用四线SPI兼容总线:串行时钟:(CLK),片选(CS),串行数据输入(DI),串行数据输出(DO)。标准SPI指令是MCU在CLK的上升沿使用DI输入引脚串行写指令,地址,数据到设备。在CLK的下降沿用DO输出引脚从设备读取数据或状态。
  4. W25Q128芯片第一次接收指令集的时候不会做出响应,所以在初始化时向芯片随便发送一个指令集(如0xFF),芯片才能正常响应。(针对部分单片机)


  5. 配置SPI:SPI的工作模式配置为 0,即 CPOL = 0,CPHA = 0
  6. 写内存时需要注意Flash的一个要点,Flash编程只能将1写为0,而不能将0写成1,写1靠擦除。所以需要在写内存的时候将内存擦除,使用内存擦除指令擦除内存(擦除的最小单位是扇区),内存变为0xFF,然后再写内存。
  7. Flash的写的有个特性跟EEPROM一样,就是它的一页是256个Byte,也就是在写入的时候,一次最多可以写入256个字节的数据,超过了需要自行在代码中处理,一次最多编程256字节,写超的话会对当前页的前面数据进行覆盖。
  8. 写入完成之后必须要等待一定的时间,不然马上写入第二次写入会失败W25Q128_Wait_Busy();  //等待写入结束
  9. 芯片可以从当前位置读完整个芯片数据;芯片只能单页写,写之前内容需要被擦除;
  10. 写入数据程序进入硬件中断  可能是堆栈溢出,比如FReeRTOS里面每一个任务分配的空间是128BYTE,超过内存卡死

(4) STM32CubeMX配置SPI通信(HAL库)



(5) 写W25QXX驱动代码


(1) MB85RC16芯片引脚介绍

(2) 单片机如何读多块MB85RC16

即,当主机和一个EEPROM通信时,从机地址为1010 000+WR,如果主机和多个EEPROM通信时,从机地址为1010 A2 A1 A0 + WR

(3) IIC时序分析

a. 从机地址

b. 写单个字节

c. 写一页


d. 当前地址读

e. 指定地址读

(4) STM32CubeMX配置IIC通信(HAL库)


(5) MB85RC16驱动代码

#define MB85RC16_Default_I2C_Addr 0xA0void MB85RC16_Write(uint32_t addr, uint8_t * data, uint32_t len)
{uint8_t MB85RC16_I2C_Addr;MB85RC16_I2C_Addr = MB85RC16_Default_I2C_Addr | ((addr>>8)<<1); //high 3-bit access address placed into I2C addressuint8_t TD[len+1];TD[0] = addr & 0x00FF;  //low 8-bit access address placed into I2C first datamemcpy(TD+1, data, len);HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, MB85RC16_I2C_Addr, TD, len+1, 2700);  //Write data
}void MB85RC1M_Read(uint32_t addr, uint8_t * data, uint32_t len)
{uint8_t MB85RC16_I2C_Addr;MB85RC16_I2C_Addr = MB85RC16_Default_I2C_Addr | ((addr>>8)<<1); //high 3-bit access address placed into I2C addressuint8_t RA[1];RA[0] = addr & 0x00FF;  //low 8-bit access address placed into I2C first dataHAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, MB85RC16_I2C_Addr, &RA[0], 1, 2700); //Write address for readHAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c1, MB85RC16_I2C_Addr, data, len, 2700); //Read data}




(2) GD32F470使用IIC读写AT24C02


#ifndef __IIC_H
#define __IIC_H#include "head.h"#define I2C1_SPEED              400000
#define I2C1_SLAVE_ADDRESS7     0xA0
#define I2C_PAGE_SIZE           8void i2c1_config(void);#endif


#include "iic.h"void i2c1_config(void)
{rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_GPIOF);/* enable GPIOF clock */rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_I2C1);/* enable I2C1 clock */gpio_af_set(GPIOF, GPIO_AF_4, GPIO_PIN_1);/* connect PF1 to I2C1_SCL */gpio_af_set(GPIOF, GPIO_AF_4, GPIO_PIN_0);/* connect PF0 to I2C1_SDA */gpio_mode_set(GPIOF, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_PULLUP,GPIO_PIN_0);gpio_output_options_set(GPIOF, GPIO_OTYPE_OD, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ,GPIO_PIN_0);gpio_mode_set(GPIOF, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_PULLUP,GPIO_PIN_1);gpio_output_options_set(GPIOF, GPIO_OTYPE_OD, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ,GPIO_PIN_1);gpio_mode_set(GPIOF, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT, GPIO_PUPD_NONE,GPIO_PIN_2);gpio_output_options_set(GPIOF, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ,GPIO_PIN_2);gpio_bit_write(GPIOF,GPIO_PIN_2,RESET);//写使能rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_I2C1);/* enable I2C clock */i2c_clock_config(I2C1,I2C1_SPEED,I2C_DTCY_2);/* configure I2C clock */i2c_mode_addr_config(I2C1,I2C_I2CMODE_ENABLE,I2C_ADDFORMAT_7BITS,I2C1_SLAVE_ADDRESS7);/* configure I2C address */i2c_enable(I2C1);/* enable I2C1 */i2c_ack_config(I2C1,I2C_ACK_ENABLE);/* enable acknowledge */


#ifndef __EEPROM_H
#define __EEPROM_H#include "head.h"#define EEP_FIRST_PAGE 0x00
#define I2C_OK         0
#define I2C_FAIL       1/* I2C read and write functions */
uint8_t i2c_24c02_test(void);
/* initialize peripherals used by the I2C EEPROM driver */
void i2c_eeprom_init(void);
/* write buffer of data to the I2C EEPROM */
void eeprom_buffer_write(uint8_t *p_buffer, uint8_t write_address, uint16_t number_of_byte);
/* write one byte to the I2C EEPROM */
void eeprom_byte_write(uint8_t *p_buffer, uint8_t write_address);
/* write more than one byte to the EEPROM with a single write cycle */
void eeprom_page_write(uint8_t *p_buffer, uint8_t write_address, uint8_t number_of_byte);
/*  read data from the EEPROM */
void eeprom_buffer_read(uint8_t *p_buffer, uint8_t read_address, uint16_t number_of_byte);
/* wait for EEPROM standby state */
void eeprom_wait_standby_state(void);#endif


#include "eeprom.h"
#define BUFFER_SIZE              256
uint16_t eeprom_address;/*!\brief      I2C read and write functions\param[in]  none\param[out] none\retval     I2C_OK or I2C_FAIL 
uint8_t i2c_24c02_test(void)
{uint16_t i;uint8_t i2c_buffer_write[BUFFER_SIZE];uint8_t i2c_buffer_read[BUFFER_SIZE];for(i = 0;i < BUFFER_SIZE;i++){ i2c_buffer_write[i]=i;}eeprom_buffer_write(i2c_buffer_write,EEP_FIRST_PAGE, BUFFER_SIZE); eeprom_buffer_read(i2c_buffer_read,EEP_FIRST_PAGE, BUFFER_SIZE); for(i = 0;i < BUFFER_SIZE;i++){printf("0x%02X ", i2c_buffer_read[i]);}return I2C_OK;
void i2c_eeprom_init(void)
{eeprom_address = EEPROM_BLOCK0_ADDRESS;
}void eeprom_buffer_write(uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t write_address, uint16_t number_of_byte)
{uint8_t number_of_page = 0, number_of_single = 0, address = 0, count = 0;address = write_address % I2C_PAGE_SIZE;count = I2C_PAGE_SIZE - address;number_of_page =  number_of_byte / I2C_PAGE_SIZE;number_of_single = number_of_byte % I2C_PAGE_SIZE;/* if write_address is I2C_PAGE_SIZE aligned  */if(0 == address){while(number_of_page--){eeprom_page_write(p_buffer, write_address, I2C_PAGE_SIZE); eeprom_wait_standby_state();write_address +=  I2C_PAGE_SIZE;p_buffer += I2C_PAGE_SIZE;}if(0 != number_of_single){eeprom_page_write(p_buffer, write_address, number_of_single);eeprom_wait_standby_state();}      }else{/* if write_address is not I2C_PAGE_SIZE aligned */if(number_of_byte < count){ eeprom_page_write(p_buffer, write_address, number_of_byte);eeprom_wait_standby_state();}else{number_of_byte -= count;number_of_page =  number_of_byte / I2C_PAGE_SIZE;number_of_single = number_of_byte % I2C_PAGE_SIZE;if(0 != count){eeprom_page_write(p_buffer, write_address, count);eeprom_wait_standby_state();write_address += count;p_buffer += count;} /* write page */while(number_of_page--){eeprom_page_write(p_buffer, write_address, I2C_PAGE_SIZE);eeprom_wait_standby_state();write_address +=  I2C_PAGE_SIZE;p_buffer += I2C_PAGE_SIZE;}/* write single */if(0 != number_of_single){eeprom_page_write(p_buffer, write_address, number_of_single); eeprom_wait_standby_state();}}}  
}void eeprom_byte_write(uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t write_address)
{/* wait until I2C bus is idle */while(i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_I2CBSY));/* send a start condition to I2C bus */i2c_start_on_bus(I2C1);/* wait until SBSEND bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_SBSEND));/* send slave address to I2C bus */i2c_master_addressing(I2C1, eeprom_address, I2C_TRANSMITTER);while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND));/* clear the ADDSEND bit */i2c_flag_clear(I2C1,I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND);/* wait until the transmit data buffer is empty */while(SET != i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_TBE));/* send the EEPROM's internal address to write to : only one byte address */i2c_data_transmit(I2C1, 0x00);while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));i2c_data_transmit(I2C1, write_address);while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));/* send the byte to be written */i2c_data_transmit(I2C1, *p_buffer); /* wait until BTC bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));/* send a stop condition to I2C bus */i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C1);/* wait until the stop condition is finished */while(I2C_CTL0(I2C1)&I2C_CTL0_STOP);
}void eeprom_page_write(uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t write_address, uint8_t number_of_byte)
{/* wait until I2C bus is idle */while(i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_I2CBSY));/* send a start condition to I2C bus */i2c_start_on_bus(I2C1);/* wait until SBSEND bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_SBSEND));/* send slave address to I2C bus */i2c_master_addressing(I2C1, eeprom_address, I2C_TRANSMITTER);while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND));/* clear the ADDSEND bit */i2c_flag_clear(I2C1,I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND);/* wait until the transmit data buffer is empty */while( SET != i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_TBE));/* send the EEPROM's internal address to write to : only one byte address */i2c_data_transmit(I2C1, 0x00);while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));i2c_data_transmit(I2C1, write_address);while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));/* while there is data to be written */while(number_of_byte--){  i2c_data_transmit(I2C1, *p_buffer);/* point to the next byte to be written */p_buffer++; /* wait until BTC bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));}/* send a stop condition to I2C bus */i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C1);/* wait until the stop condition is finished */while(I2C_CTL0(I2C1)&I2C_CTL0_STOP);
}void eeprom_buffer_read(uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t read_address, uint16_t number_of_byte)
{  /* wait until I2C bus is idle */while(i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_I2CBSY));if(2 == number_of_byte){i2c_ackpos_config(I2C1,I2C_ACKPOS_NEXT);}/* send a start condition to I2C bus */i2c_start_on_bus(I2C1);/* wait until SBSEND bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_SBSEND));/* send slave address to I2C bus */i2c_master_addressing(I2C1, eeprom_address, I2C_TRANSMITTER);while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND));/* clear the ADDSEND bit */i2c_flag_clear(I2C1,I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND);/* wait until the transmit data buffer is empty */while(SET != i2c_flag_get( I2C1 , I2C_FLAG_TBE));/* enable I2C1*/i2c_enable(I2C1);/* send the EEPROM's internal address to write to */i2c_data_transmit(I2C1, 0x00);  while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));i2c_data_transmit(I2C1, read_address);  while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));/* send a start condition to I2C bus */i2c_start_on_bus(I2C1);/* wait until SBSEND bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_SBSEND));/* send slave address to I2C bus */i2c_master_addressing(I2C1, eeprom_address, I2C_RECEIVER);if(number_of_byte < 3){/* disable acknowledge */i2c_ack_config(I2C1,I2C_ACK_DISABLE);}/* wait until ADDSEND bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND));/* clear the ADDSEND bit */i2c_flag_clear(I2C1,I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND);if(1 == number_of_byte){/* send a stop condition to I2C bus */i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C1);}/* while there is data to be read */while(number_of_byte){if(3 == number_of_byte){/* wait until BTC bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));/* disable acknowledge */i2c_ack_config(I2C1,I2C_ACK_DISABLE);}if(2 == number_of_byte){/* wait until BTC bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_BTC));/* send a stop condition to I2C bus */i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C1);}/* wait until the RBNE bit is set and clear it */if(i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_RBNE)){/* read a byte from the EEPROM */*p_buffer = i2c_data_receive(I2C1);/* point to the next location where the byte read will be saved */p_buffer++; /* decrement the read bytes counter */number_of_byte--;} }/* wait until the stop condition is finished */while(I2C_CTL0(I2C1)&I2C_CTL0_STOP);/* enable acknowledge */i2c_ack_config(I2C1,I2C_ACK_ENABLE);i2c_ackpos_config(I2C1,I2C_ACKPOS_CURRENT);
}void eeprom_wait_standby_state(void)
{__IO uint32_t val = 0;while(1){/* wait until I2C bus is idle */while(i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_I2CBSY));/* send a start condition to I2C bus */i2c_start_on_bus(I2C1);/* wait until SBSEND bit is set */while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_SBSEND));/* send slave address to I2C bus */i2c_master_addressing(I2C1, eeprom_address, I2C_TRANSMITTER);/* keep looping till the Address is acknowledged or the AE flag is set (address not acknowledged at time) */do{/* get the current value of the I2C_STAT0 register */val = I2C_STAT0(I2C1);}while(0 == (val & (I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND | I2C_STAT0_AERR)));/* check if the ADDSEND flag has been set */if(val & I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND){/* clear ADDSEND flag */i2c_flag_clear(I2C1,I2C_FLAG_ADDSEND);/* send a stop condition to I2C bus */i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C1);/* exit the function */return ;} else {/* clear the bit of AERR */i2c_flag_clear(I2C1, I2C_FLAG_AERR);}/* send a stop condition to I2C bus */i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C1);/* wait until the stop condition is finished */while(I2C_CTL0(I2C1)&I2C_CTL0_STOP);}




  1. 非易失性:两者都可以在没有电源的情况下保存数据。
  2. 电可擦除:都可以通过电信号擦除和重新编程。
  3. 用途:两者都用于存储固件、配置数据等。


  1. 擦除单位

    • EEPROM:可以逐个字节擦除和写入。
    • Flash:通常以块(通常是数KB到数MB)的方式擦除,不能逐个字节擦除。
  2. 写入速度

    • EEPROM:写入速度相对较慢,通常是字节级写入。
    • Flash:写入速度较快,可以在一个块中并行写入。
  3. 使用寿命

    • EEPROM:通常具有更高的擦写耐久性,通常为10万次擦写。
    • Flash:擦写次数一般较少,通常为1万到10万次,但近年来的发展使得一些Flash类型的耐久性有所提高。
  4. 成本和密度

    • EEPROM:相对较贵,存储密度较低。
    • Flash:更便宜,存储密度更高,因此在大容量存储解决方案中更受欢迎。
  5. 应用场景

    • EEPROM:常用于需要频繁更新的小规模数据,典型应用包括配置存储、校准数据等。
    • Flash:被广泛用于USB闪存驱动器、SD卡、固态硬盘(SSD)等大容量存储设备。


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