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<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title>练习:轮播图</title><style>* {margin: 0;padding: 0;box-sizing: border-box;}li {list-style: none;}.box {margin: 50px auto;width: 560px;height: 400px;overflow: hidden;}.box>ul {display: flex;margin-left: -560px;transition: all .5s;}.box ul li a {display: block;width: 560px;height: 320px;background: url(images/slider01.jpg) no-repeat left top/cover;}.box ul li:first-child a {background-image: url(images/slider08.jpg);}.box .bottom {position: relative;width: 560px;height: 80px;background-color: rgb(100, 67, 68);}.box .bottom p {padding: 15px;font-size: 18px;color: #fff;}.box .bottom ul {display: flex;margin-left: 14px;}.box .bottom ul li {margin: 0 4px;width: 8px;height: 8px;border-radius: 4px;background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .5);}.box .bottom ul .active {transform: scale(1.5);border-radius: 6px;background-color: #fff;}.box .bottom span {position: absolute;top: 26px;width: 28px;height: 28px;background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);font-size: 18px;color: #fff;text-align: center;cursor: pointer;}.box .bottom .left {right: 55px;}.box .bottom .right {right: 15px;}</style>
</head><body><div class="box"><ul><!-- 10个li,实际上只有8张轮播图,第1个和第10个li是为了无缝衔接轮播图第1个li显示最后一张轮播图的图片,第10个li显示第一张轮播图的图片轮播图是第2个li到第9个li --><li><a href="#"></a></li><li><a href="#"></a></li><li><a href="#"></a></li><li><a href="#"></a></li><li><a href="#"></a></li><li><a href="#"></a></li><li><a href="#"></a></li><li><a href="#"></a></li><li><a href="#"></a></li><li><a href="#"></a></li></ul><div class="bottom"><p>2022明星陪你过大年!</p><ul><li class="active"></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li><li></li></ul><span class="left">&lt;</span><span class="right">&gt;</span></div></div><script>// 数据const data = [{ url: 'images/slider01.jpg', title: '2022明星陪你过大年!', color: 'rgb(100, 67, 68)' },{ url: 'images/slider02.jpg', title: '开启剑与雪的黑暗传说!', color: 'rgb(43, 35, 26)' },{ url: 'images/slider03.jpg', title: '八年游戏策划"缝"的游戏是啥样?', color: 'rgb(36, 31, 33)' },{ url: 'images/slider04.jpg', title: '真正的jo厨出现了!', color: 'rgb(139, 98, 66)' },{ url: 'images/slider05.jpg', title: '李玉刚:让世界通过B站看到东方大国文化', color: 'rgb(67, 90, 92)' },{ url: 'images/slider06.jpg', title: '快来分享你的寒假日常吧~', color: 'rgb(166, 131, 143)' },{ url: 'images/slider07.jpg', title: '哔哩哔哩小年YEAH!', color: 'rgb(53, 29, 25)' },{ url: 'images/slider08.jpg', title: '一站式解决你的电脑配置问题!!!', color: 'rgb(99, 72, 114)' },]// 设置轮播图的图片,第一张和最后一张图片在CSS里面设置,这里不设置for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {const a = document.querySelectorAll(".box ul li a")[i + 1]a.style.backgroundImage = `url(${data[i].url})`}// 定义一个更换图片, 底部颜色, 文字, 小圆点的函数const ul = document.querySelector(".box>ul")const bottom = document.querySelector(".box .bottom")const p = document.querySelector(".box .bottom p")const lis = document.querySelectorAll(".box .bottom ul li")function change(distance, num) {ul.style.marginLeft = `${distance}px` //图片bottom.style.backgroundColor = data[num].color //底部颜色p.innerText = data[num].title //文字document.querySelector(".box .bottom ul .active").classList.remove("active") //移除原来的高亮小圆点lis[num].classList.add("active") //添加高亮小圆点}// 点击左按钮播放上一张const left = document.querySelector(".box .bottom .left")let num = 0let distance = -560left.addEventListener("click", () => {if (num === 0) {num = data.length - 1} else {num--}distance += 560ul.style.transition = "all .5s"change(distance, num)// 如果当前图片为第一张图片(最后一张轮播图),则切换成倒数第二张图片(最后一张轮播图)if (distance === 0) {// 0.5秒后再切换,保证滑动效果setTimeout(() => {ul.style.transition = "all 0s" //转换前先取消过渡效果distance = -(560 * (data.length))ul.style.marginLeft = `${distance}px`}, 500);}})// 点击右按钮播放下一张const right = document.querySelector(".box .bottom .right")right.addEventListener("click", () => {if (num === data.length - 1) {num = 0} else {num++}distance -= 560ul.style.transition = "all .5s"change(distance, num)// 如果当前图片为最后一张图片(第一张轮播图),则切换成第二张图片(第一张轮播图)if (distance === -(560 * (data.length + 1))) {// 0.5秒后再切换,保证滑动效果setTimeout(() => {ul.style.transition = "all 0s" //转换前先取消过渡效果distance = -560ul.style.marginLeft = `${distance}px`}, 500);}})// 每隔2秒自动播放let autoplay = setInterval(() => {right.click() //模拟点击右按钮}, 2000)//鼠标移入暂停播放,鼠标移出继续播放const box = document.querySelector(".box")box.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => {clearInterval(autoplay)})box.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {autoplay = setInterval(() => {right.click() //模拟点击右按钮}, 2000)})</script>


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