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vivado U_SET


在Vivado Design的文本编辑器中的RTL源文件上可以看到U_SET属性
设计元素的类别。请参阅Vivado Design Suite 7系列FPGA和
Zynq-7000 SoC库指南(UG953)[参考25]或UltraScale体系结构库

<NAME> : A unique name for the U_SET.
Verilog Syntax
This is a Verilog attribute used in combination with the RLOC property to define the set
content of a hierarchical block that will define an RPM in the synthesized netlist. Place the
Verilog attribute immediately before the instantiation of a logic element.
(* RLOC = "X0Y0", HU_SET = "h0" *) FD sr0 (.C(clk), .D(sr_1n), .Q(sr_0));
Verilog Example
The following Verilog module defines RLOC and U_SET properties for the shift register flops
in the module.
module ffs (
input clk,
input d,
output q
wire sr_0, sr_0n;
wire sr_1, sr_1n;
wire sr_2, sr_2n;
wire sr_3, sr_3n;
wire sr_4, sr_4n;
wire sr_5, sr_5n;
wire sr_6, sr_6n;
wire sr_7, sr_7n;
wire inr, inrn, outr;
inv i0 (sr_0, sr_0n);
inv i1 (sr_1, sr_1n);
inv i2 (sr_2, sr_2n);
inv i3 (sr_3, sr_3n);
inv i4 (sr_4, sr_4n);
inv i5 (sr_5, sr_5n);
inv i6 (sr_6, sr_6n);
inv i7 (sr_7, sr_7n);
inv i8 (inr, inrn);
(* RLOC = "X0Y0", U_SET = "Uset0" *) FD sr0 (.C(clk), .D(sr_1n), .Q(sr_0));
(* RLOC = "X0Y0", U_SET = "Uset0" *) FD sr1 (.C(clk), .D(sr_2n), .Q(sr_1));
(* RLOC = "X0Y1", U_SET = "Uset0" *) FD sr2 (.C(clk), .D(sr_3n), .Q(sr_2));
(* RLOC = "X0Y1", U_SET = "Uset0" *) FD sr3 (.C(clk), .D(sr_4n), .Q(sr_3));
(* RLOC = "X0Y0", U_SET = "Uset1" *) FD sr4 (.C(clk), .D(sr_5n), .Q(sr_4));
(* RLOC = "X0Y0", U_SET = "Uset1" *) FD sr5 (.C(clk), .D(sr_6n), .Q(sr_5));
(* RLOC = "X0Y1", U_SET = "Uset1" *) FD sr6 (.C(clk), .D(sr_7n), .Q(sr_6));
(* RLOC = "X0Y1", U_SET = "Uset1" *) FD sr7 (.C(clk), .D(inrn), .Q(sr_7));
(* LOC = "SLICE_X0Y0" *) FD inq (.C(clk), .D(d), .Q(inr));
FD outq (.C(clk), .D(sr_0n), .Q(outr));
assign q = outr;
endmodule // ffs
Unlike the HU_SET property, which applies to the level of hierarchy it is defined in, the
U_SET property transcends hierarchy. In this case, the following top-level module defines
three instances of the ffs module, but results in only two U_SETS being created: Uset_0 and
Uset_1, which contain Flops from all three ffs module instances defined below:
module top (
input clk,
input d,
output q
wire c1, c2;
ffs u0 (clk, d, c1);
ffs u1 (clk, c1, c2);
ffs u2 (clk, c2, q);
endmodule // top
VHDL Syntax
Declare the VHDL attribute as follows:
attribute U_SET : string;
Specify the VHDL constraint as follows:
attribute U_SET of {component_name | entity_name | label_name} :
{component|entity|label} is "NAME";
• { component_name | entity_name | label_name } is a choice of one design element.
• { component | entity | label } is the instance ID of the design element.
"NAME" is the unique set name to give to the U_SET.
XDC Syntax
The U_SET property can not be defined using XDC constraints. The U_SET property, when
present on logic elements with the RLOC property, defines relatively placed macros (RPMs),
and results in the read-only RPM property in the netlist of synthesized designs.


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