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To enhance text clarity-为了增强文本清晰度

        As a non-native English speaker, kindly help me revise the following text for improved understand clarity. Please check for spelling and sentence structure errors and suggest alternatives.为一名非英语母语者,请帮助我修改以下文本以提高其清晰度。请检查拼写和句子结构错误,并提出替代方案。

        What suggestions do you have to enhance the clarity of my text?您有什么建议可以提高我文本的清晰度?

        Please identify any parts of my writing that may be difficult for a lay audience to understand请指出我写作中可能让普通读者难以理解的部分

To make text more compelling为了使文本更具说服力

Please provide feedback on my writing style and how I can make it more persuasive and compelli Ofor the grant reviewer.请对我的写作风格提供反馈,并建议我如何使其更具说服力,以吸引资助评审者。

I'm trying to hook my reader with a strong introduction. Can you suggest a more captivating fi Usentence to draw them in from the start?我正在尝试用一个强有力的引言来吸引读者。您能建议一个更吸引人的开头句子,从一开始就吸引他们吗?

To improve structure and flow of text为了改善文本的结构和流畅性

        I want to improve the overall structure of my Specific Aims. What tips do you have to structurmore effectively?我想改进我的具体目标的整体结构。您有什么建议可以更有效地组织它们?

Can you recommend an effective way to organize my Significance section to highlight the innovaaspects of our approach?您能推荐一种有效的方法来组织我的重要性部分,以突出我们方法的创新方面吗?

Please provide detailed feedback on the flow and sequence of my research strategy请对我的研究策略的流畅性和顺序提供详细的反馈

To better align with the funding agency's mission为了更好地与资助机构的使命保持一致

        I'm working on a postdoctoral fellowship application. Can you please review my closing paragraand suggest ways to better align it with the American Heart Association's mission?我正在撰写博士后奖学金申请。请审阅我的结尾段落,并建议如何使其更好地与美国心脏协会的使命保持一致?

How can I better align my proposal to specifically address the <insert specific criteria> outlthis funding announcement for <insert name of funding opportunity>?我如何能更好地将我的提案与<插入具体标准>对齐,以专门解决这份资助公告中<插入资助机会名称>的<插入具体标准>?

To better align text with review criteria为了更好地与评审标准保持一致

        I am applying to <insert fellowship name>. Please provide me feedback on how well I amaddressing this review criteria: <insert specific review criteria>, and suggestions for what Imissing and how I can improve.我正在申请<插入奖学金名称>。请就我是否很好地解决了这一评审标准:<插入具体评审标准>,以及我遗漏了什么以及如何改进提供反馈。

To develop a strong grant title为了制定一个强有力的资助标题

        Suggest five potential titles for a grant proposal that will attract readers while encompassinresearch question and key elements from the provided abstract <insert abstract summary>为资助提案提出五个潜在的标题,这些标题应能吸引读者,同时涵盖研究问题和提供的摘要中的关键要素<插入摘要概要>

To identify challenges of the proposed aims为了识别所提出目标的挑战

        Help identify potential challenges that may arise with my proposed aims and suggest strategiesaddress them <insert specific aims>帮助我识别我的提出目标可能遇到的潜在挑战,并提出解决策略<插入具体目标>

        What are some potential questions or concerns that <funding announcement name< reviewers may h regarding my specific aims? <insert specific aims><资助公告名称>的评审者可能会对我的具体目标提出哪些潜在问题或担忧?<插入具体目标>

To develop a timeline for the grant proposal为资助提案制定时间表

        Assist in developing a detailed project timeline and milestones for my grant proposal to demonfeasibility using my project summary and specific aims <insert project summary>根据我的项目摘要和具体目标,协助我制定详细的项目时间表和里程碑,以证明其可行性<插入项目摘要>

        Please develop a feasible project timeline for my grant proposal relating to my career developplan using this list of activities <insert activities> for <XX number of months> starting in <请根据这份活动清单<插入活动>,为我的资助提案制定一个与我的职业发展计划相关的可行项目时间表,为期<XX个月>,从<开始日期>开始。


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