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Top Autosys Interview Questions and Answers

1.What is Autosys?

Autosys is an automated job controlling tool used for scheduling ,monitoring and reporting jobs. These jobs can be present in any Autosys configured machine and is connected to a network.

2. Which Database is Autosys Jobs Kept?

Autosys jobs can be kept in the Event Server.

3. What is the command to check the status of Job in Autosys?

autostatus -j job_name

4.How Autosys Works?

The working of Autosys can be understand through its architecture:

  • Remote agent- This is a process that is activated by the event processor to run a task. This task will be run on a remote machine.
  • Event Server- This is the database that contains the job definitions and job events.
  • Event processor - This is used to go through all the events and processes, for processing them.

5. What is Inactive Status in Autosys?

Inactive status in Autosys means the state of a job when it is not running.

6.What is Global Variable in Autosys?

Global variable can be defined using TEST_VARIABLE in another job. The send event -E SET_GLOBAL -G can also be used.

7. What is Autosys JIL?

Autosys JIL(Job Information Language) is used for developing jobs. The Autosys GUI is based on the JIL, that is basically a scripting language.When developing jobs, the attributes and arguments have to be given.

8. What is CA in Autosys?

CA is a workload automation tool used along with Autosys. It is used in large corporations where the jobs are scheduled from a central location to improve automation.

9. What is Erwin Autosys?

Erwin is a data moduling application used to use entity-relationship digrams to develop strategies. Erwin Autosys is used for improving data handling and automation.

10. What is Autosys Scheduling Tool?

The Autosys Job scheduler can be used for creating jobs that can be made through UNIX scripts. It is a tool for scheduling the starting and ending of jobs, with the help of the Event processor.

11.How to Stop or Kill a Process in Autosys?

User can kill a process or job using the following syntax.

sendevent -E KILLJOB -j <job name>

12. How to Execute Multiple Commands in Autosys?

Multiple commands can be executed in Autosys using shell scripting, Here , inside a text file, all the commands can be included and it can be executed . The file can be saved with the filename.sh extension.

13.How to Check the Autosys Version?

You can check the Autosys using the following command:

cybAgent -V

14.What does eventor do in Autosys?

The eventor starts the scheduler in Autosys.

15.What is the difference between dbms_scheduler and autosys?

dbms_scheduler is a job scheduling tool that was introduced in Oracle 10G. This is used for handling the processing of batch jobs. It is used for creating , executing, removing , monitoring, enabling and altering job attributes.

Autosys is a workload automation tool that does all the tasks dbms_scheduler does,along with better workload deployments,error reduction and handling the process of the different servers.

16.What Is File Watcher In Autosys?

A file watcher job is tp starts a process that will check the presence of a particular file in the operating system.It is the same as a command job. When this OS file does not increase in size, the file watcher job execute completely.

17. What is the difference between ICE and  Hold In Autosys?

The on_hold command is used to prevent a job from not executing . When an on_hold job is made off_hold ,it starts executing if the initializing conditions are correctly met.

The on_ice command is used to prevent a job from executing . A job on_ice will not execute, event if it is put into off_ice. It will  run only when the initializing conditon reappear.

18. How to use Run_Calendar in Autosys?

The run_calendar command or attribute is used to schedule jobs on specific days of the calendar. The jobs that have the attribute run_calendar will run on the day mentioned in the calendar. 


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