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工具清单 - Bug追踪管理

# 工具清单

  • Bugzilla在新窗口打开 - General-purpose bugtracker and testing tool originally developed and used by the Mozilla project. MPL-2.0 Perl
  • Bumpy Booby在新窗口打开 - Simple, responsive and highly customizable PHP bug tracking system. (Source Code在新窗口打开) MIT PHP
  • Cerb在新窗口打开 - Group-based e-mail management project. (Source Code在新窗口打开) DPL PHP
  • Deskulu在新窗口打开 - Opensource helpdesk and ticketing system based on Drupal 7. (Demo在新窗口打开) GPL-2.0 PHP
  • DiamanteDesk在新窗口打开 - DiamanteDesk is FREE Open Source easy-to-use help-desk solution. (Demo在新窗口打开, Source Code在新窗口打开) OSL-3.0 PHP
  • django-todo在新窗口打开 - django-todo is a pluggable, multi-user, multi-group, multi-list todo and ticketing system - a reusable app designed to be dropped into any existing Django project. (Source Code在新窗口打开) BSD-3-Clause Python/Django
  • Flyspray在新窗口打开 - Uncomplicated, web-based bug tracking system. (Source Code在新窗口打开) GPL-2.0 PHP
  • FreeScout在新窗口打开 - Open source clone of Help Scout: email-based customer support application, help desk and shared mailbox. AGPL-3.0 PHP
  • Helpy在新窗口打开 - Helpy is a modern, open source helpdesk customer support application. Features include knowledgebase, community discussions and support tickets integrated with email. (Demo在新窗口打开, Source Code在新窗口打开) MIT Ruby
  • HuBoard在新窗口打开 - Instant project management for your GitHub issues (Connects directly GitHub API). MIT Ruby
  • MantisBT在新窗口打开 - Self hosted bug tracker, fits best for software development. (Demo在新窗口打开), (Source Code在新窗口打开) GPL-2.0 PHP
  • OpenSupports在新窗口打开 - Multi language ticket system with FAQ, role management, metrics and canned response features. (Demo在新窗口打开, Source Code在新窗口打开) GPL-3.0 PHP
  • osTicket在新窗口打开 - Manage, organize and archive all your support requests and responses in one place. (Source Code在新窗口打开) GPL-2.0 PHP
  • OTRS在新窗口打开 - Trouble ticket system for assigning tickets to incoming queries and tracking further communications. (Source Code在新窗口打开) AGPL-3.0 Perl
  • Request Tracker在新窗口打开 - An enterprise-grade issue tracking system. (Source Code在新窗口打开) GPL-2.0 Perl
  • Sentry On-Premise在新窗口打开 - A powerful error tracking platform with wide language support and a robust API. (Source Code在新窗口打开) BSD-3-Clause Python/Django
  • SIT在新窗口打开 - SCM-agnostic, file-based, offline-first, immutable issue tracker. (Source Code在新窗口打开) MIT Apache-2.0 Rust
  • TheBugGenie在新窗口打开 - friendly project management and issue tracking tool, with extensive user rights system. (Source Code在新窗口打开) MPL-2.0 PHP
  • Zammad在新窗口打开 - Easy to use but powerful open-source support and ticketing system. (Source Code在新窗口打开) AGPL-3.0 Ruby


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