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typedef enum UserAuth
{uaReject,uaImplicitReject,			/* Not a user-visible option */uaTrust,uaIdent,uaPassword,uaMD5,uaSCRAM,uaGSS,uaSSPI,uaPAM,uaBSD,uaLDAP,uaCert,uaRADIUS,uaPeer
#define USER_AUTH_LAST uaPeer	/* Must be last value of this enum */
} UserAuth;


host    all             all                  scham-sha-256




参考文档:53.3.1. SCRAM-SHA-256认证


这里只分析口令认证的情况。 口令认证分为明文口令认证和加密口令认证。明文口令认证要求客户端提供一个未加密的口令进行认证,安全性较差,已经被禁止使用。加密口令认证要求客户端提供一个经过SCRAM-SHA-256加密的口令进行认证,该口令在传送过程中使用了结合salt的单向哈希加密,增强了安全性。口令都存储在pg_authid系统表中,可通过CREATE USER test WITH PASSWORD '******';等命令进行设置。



--> parse_psql_options(argc, argv, &options);// 连接数据库,中间会有认证这块,有不同的认证方法,这里列的是口令认证方式的流程
--> do {// 输入host、port、user、password、dbname等信息PQconnectdbParams(keywords, values, true);--> PQconnectStartParams(keywords, values, expand_dbname);--> makeEmptyPGconn();--> conninfo_array_parse(keywords, values, &conn->errorMessage, true, expand_dbname);--> fillPGconn(conn, connOptions)--> connectDBStart(conn)--> PQconnectPoll(conn)    // 尝试建立TCP连接--> socket(addr_cur->ai_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0);--> connect(conn->sock, addr_cur->ai_addr, addr_cur->ai_addrlen)--> connectDBComplete(conn);// 认证这块与数据库服务端交互以及状态很多,这里没有全部列出。--> PQconnectPoll(conn);--> pqReadData(conn);--> pqsecure_read(conn, conn->inBuffer + conn->inEnd, conn->inBufSize - conn->inEnd);--> pqsecure_raw_read(conn, ptr, len);--> recv(conn->sock, ptr, len, 0);--> pg_fe_sendauth(areq, msgLength, conn);--> pg_SASL_init(conn, payloadlen)--> conn->sasl->init(conn,password,selected_mechanism);--> pg_saslprep(password, &prep_password);--> conn->sasl->exchange(conn->sasl_state, NULL, -1, &initialresponse, &initialresponselen, &done, &success);--> build_client_first_message(state);--> pg_strong_random(raw_nonce, SCRAM_RAW_NONCE_LEN)PQconnectionNeedsPassword(pset.db)     // 是否需要密码,如果需要,等待用户数据密码}// 进入主循环,等待用户输入命令,执行命令
--> MainLoop(stdin);  --> psql_scan_create(&psqlscan_callbacks);--> while (successResult == EXIT_SUCCESS){// 等待用户输入命令gets_interactive(get_prompt(prompt_status, cond_stack), query_buf);SendQuery(query_buf->data); // 把用户输入的SQL命令发送到数据库服务--> ExecQueryAndProcessResults(query, &elapsed_msec, &svpt_gone, false, NULL, NULL) > 0);--> PQsendQuery(pset.db, query);    // 通过libpq与数据库交互--> PQgetResult(pset.db);}


--> PostmasterMain(argc, argv);--> InitProcessGlobals();   // set MyProcPid, MyStartTime[stamp], random seeds--> pg_prng_strong_seed(&pg_global_prng_state)--> srandom(pg_prng_uint32(&pg_global_prng_state));--> InitializeGUCOptions();--> ProcessConfigFile(PGC_POSTMASTER);--> ProcessConfigFileInternal(context, true, elevel);--> ParseConfigFp(fp, abs_path, depth, elevel, head_p, tail_p);--> load_hba()  // 读pg_hba.conf--> parse_hba_line(tok_line, LOG)   // 解析pg_hba.conf中的每条记录,解析到HbaLine的链表结构中--> load_ident()--> ServerLoop();--> BackendStartup(port);--> InitPostmasterChild();--> BackendInitialize(port);--> pq_init();--> RegisterTimeout(STARTUP_PACKET_TIMEOUT, StartupPacketTimeoutHandler);--> enable_timeout_after(STARTUP_PACKET_TIMEOUT, AuthenticationTimeout * 1000);--> ProcessStartupPacket(port, false, false);   // Read a client's startup packet--> pq_startmsgread();--> pq_getbytes((char *) &len, 1)--> InitProcess();--> BackendRun(port);--> PostgresMain(port->database_name, port->user_name);--> BaseInit();// 在接收用户SQL请求前进行认证--> InitPostgres(dbname, InvalidOid, username, InvalidOid,!am_walsender, false, NULL);--> PerformAuthentication(MyProcPort);--> enable_timeout_after(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, AuthenticationTimeout * 1000);--> ClientAuthentication(port);--> hba_getauthmethod(port);--> check_hba(port);// 根据不同的认证方法进行认证--> switch (port->hba->auth_method){		case uaTrust:status = STATUS_OK;break;case uaMD5:case uaSCRAM:// 口令认证status = CheckPWChallengeAuth(port, &logdetail);--> break;// ...}--> if (status == STATUS_OK)sendAuthRequest(port, AUTH_REQ_OK, NULL, 0);elseauth_failed(port, status, logdetail);--> disable_timeout(STATEMENT_TIMEOUT, false);--> initialize_acl();// 认证通过后才能接受用户的SQL请求--> for (;;){// ...exec_simple_query(query_string);}


static int BackendStartup(Port *port)
{// ...pid = fork_process();if (pid == 0)				/* child */{free(bn);/* Detangle from postmaster */InitPostmasterChild();/* Close the postmaster's sockets */ClosePostmasterPorts(false);/* Perform additional initialization and collect startup packet */BackendInitialize(port);/** Create a per-backend PGPROC struct in shared memory. We must do* this before we can use LWLocks. In the !EXEC_BACKEND case (here)* this could be delayed a bit further, but EXEC_BACKEND needs to do* stuff with LWLocks before PostgresMain(), so we do it here as well* for symmetry.*/InitProcess();  /* And run the backend */BackendRun(port);  // }


/** Client authentication starts here.  If there is an error, this* function does not return and the backend process is terminated. */
void ClientAuthentication(Port *port)
{int			status = STATUS_ERROR;const char *logdetail = NULL;hba_getauthmethod(port);/** This is the first point where we have access to the hba record for the* current connection, so perform any verifications based on the hba* options field that should be done *before* the authentication here. */if (port->hba->clientcert != clientCertOff){/* If we haven't loaded a root certificate store, fail */if (!secure_loaded_verify_locations())ereport(FATAL,(errcode(ERRCODE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR),errmsg("client certificates can only be checked if a root certificate store is available")));/* If we loaded a root certificate store, and if a certificate is* present on the client, then it has been verified against our root* certificate store, and the connection would have been aborted* already if it didn't verify ok. */if (!port->peer_cert_valid)ereport(FATAL,(errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_SPECIFICATION), errmsg("connection requires a valid client certificate")));}// 根据不同的认证方法,进行不同的处理switch (port->hba->auth_method){// ...case uaMD5:case uaSCRAM:status = CheckPWChallengeAuth(port, &logdetail);break;case uaPassword:status = CheckPasswordAuth(port, &logdetail);break;case uaTrust:status = STATUS_OK;break;}if ((status == STATUS_OK && port->hba->clientcert == clientCertFull)|| port->hba->auth_method == uaCert){/** Make sure we only check the certificate if we use the cert method* or verify-full option.*/
#ifdef USE_SSLstatus = CheckCertAuth(port);
#endif}if (ClientAuthentication_hook)(*ClientAuthentication_hook) (port, status);if (status == STATUS_OK)sendAuthRequest(port, AUTH_REQ_OK, NULL, 0);elseauth_failed(port, status, logdetail);


/* MD5 and SCRAM authentication. */
static int CheckPWChallengeAuth(Port *port, const char **logdetail)
{int			auth_result;char	   *shadow_pass;PasswordType pwtype;/* First look up the user's password. */ // 查找pg_authid系统表中的用户密码shadow_pass = get_role_password(port->user_name, logdetail);if (!shadow_pass)pwtype = Password_encryption;elsepwtype = get_password_type(shadow_pass);/* If 'md5' authentication is allowed, decide whether to perform 'md5' or* 'scram-sha-256' authentication based on the type of password the user* has.  If it's an MD5 hash, we must do MD5 authentication, and if it's a* SCRAM secret, we must do SCRAM authentication.** If MD5 authentication is not allowed, always use SCRAM.  If the user* had an MD5 password, CheckSASLAuth() with the SCRAM mechanism will fail. */if (port->hba->auth_method == uaMD5 && pwtype == PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5)auth_result = CheckMD5Auth(port, shadow_pass, logdetail);elseauth_result = CheckSASLAuth(&pg_be_scram_mech, port, shadow_pass,logdetail);if (shadow_pass)pfree(shadow_pass);/* If get_role_password() returned error, return error, even if the authentication succeeded. */if (!shadow_pass){Assert(auth_result != STATUS_OK);return STATUS_ERROR;}if (auth_result == STATUS_OK)set_authn_id(port, port->user_name);return auth_result;
}int CheckSASLAuth(const pg_be_sasl_mech *mech, Port *port, char *shadow_pass, const char **logdetail)
{StringInfoData sasl_mechs;int			mtype;StringInfoData buf;void	   *opaq = NULL;char	   *output = NULL;int			outputlen = 0;const char *input;int			inputlen;int			result;bool		initial;/** Send the SASL authentication request to user.  It includes the list of* authentication mechanisms that are supported.*/initStringInfo(&sasl_mechs);mech->get_mechanisms(port, &sasl_mechs);/* Put another '\0' to mark that list is finished. */appendStringInfoChar(&sasl_mechs, '\0');sendAuthRequest(port, AUTH_REQ_SASL, sasl_mechs.data, sasl_mechs.len);pfree(sasl_mechs.data);/** Loop through SASL message exchange.  This exchange can consist of* multiple messages sent in both directions.  First message is always* from the client.  All messages from client to server are password* packets (type 'p').*/initial = true;do{pq_startmsgread();mtype = pq_getbyte();if (mtype != 'p'){/* Only log error if client didn't disconnect. */if (mtype != EOF){ereport(ERROR,(errcode(ERRCODE_PROTOCOL_VIOLATION), errmsg("expected SASL response, got message type %d",mtype)));}elsereturn STATUS_EOF;}/* Get the actual SASL message */initStringInfo(&buf);if (pq_getmessage(&buf, PG_MAX_SASL_MESSAGE_LENGTH)){/* EOF - pq_getmessage already logged error */pfree(buf.data);return STATUS_ERROR;}elog(DEBUG4, "processing received SASL response of length %d", buf.len);/* The first SASLInitialResponse message is different from the others.* It indicates which SASL mechanism the client selected, and contains* an optional Initial Client Response payload.  The subsequent* SASLResponse messages contain just the SASL payload. */if (initial){const char *selected_mech;selected_mech = pq_getmsgrawstring(&buf);/** Initialize the status tracker for message exchanges.** If the user doesn't exist, or doesn't have a valid password, or* it's expired, we still go through the motions of SASL* authentication, but tell the authentication method that the* authentication is "doomed". That is, it's going to fail, no matter what.** This is because we don't want to reveal to an attacker what* usernames are valid, nor which users have a valid password. */opaq = mech->init(port, selected_mech, shadow_pass);inputlen = pq_getmsgint(&buf, 4);if (inputlen == -1)input = NULL;elseinput = pq_getmsgbytes(&buf, inputlen);initial = false;}else{inputlen = buf.len;input = pq_getmsgbytes(&buf, buf.len);}pq_getmsgend(&buf);/* Hand the incoming message to the mechanism implementation. */result = mech->exchange(opaq, input, inputlen,&output, &outputlen,logdetail);/* input buffer no longer used */pfree(buf.data);if (output){/*PG_SASL_EXCHANGE_FAILURE with some output is forbidden by SASL.Make sure here that the mechanism used got that right. */if (result == PG_SASL_EXCHANGE_FAILURE)elog(ERROR, "output message found after SASL exchange failure");/* Negotiation generated data to be sent to the client. */elog(DEBUG4, "sending SASL challenge of length %d", outputlen);if (result == PG_SASL_EXCHANGE_SUCCESS)sendAuthRequest(port, AUTH_REQ_SASL_FIN, output, outputlen);elsesendAuthRequest(port, AUTH_REQ_SASL_CONT, output, outputlen);pfree(output);}} while (result == PG_SASL_EXCHANGE_CONTINUE);/* Oops, Something bad happened */if (result != PG_SASL_EXCHANGE_SUCCESS){return STATUS_ERROR;}return STATUS_OK;


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