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import tkinter as tk
import maze as maze
import micromouse as micromouseroot = tk.Tk()
windows_w = 640*2+100
windows_h = 640
bd = 10
map_size = 32
win = [15, 15]
root.geometry("{}x{}".format(windows_w, windows_h))cv = tk.Canvas(root, width=windows_h*2, height=windows_h, bg='white')
cv.place(x=0, y=0)mz = maze.Maze(cv, windows_h, bd, win, map_size)
mz.draw_win_point()mouse = micromouse.MicroMouse(cv, mz.cell_len, bd, win, windows_h, map_size)
mouse.draw_mouse(0, 0)
mouse.draw_search_maze()save = tk.Button(root, text='保存迷宫', command=mz.save_maze, height=1, width=8)
save.place(x=windows_h*2+20, y=10)open = tk.Button(root, text='加载迷宫', command=mz.load_maze, height=1, width=8)
open.place(x=windows_h*2+20, y=50)search = tk.Button(root, text='探索迷宫', command=lambda mz=mz: mouse.search_maze(mz), height=1, width=8)
search.place(x=windows_h*2+20, y=90)setmouse = tk.Button(root, text='重置电脑鼠', command=mouse.reset_mouse, height=1, width=8)
setmouse.place(x=windows_h*2+20, y=130)root.mainloop()


class Tree(object):def __init__(self):self.last_tree = Noneself.next_tree = Noneself.h = Noneself.w = None


import numpy as np
from tkinter import filedialogclass Maze(object):def __init__(self, cv, windows_h, bd, win, map_size=32):self.map_size = map_sizeself.cv = cvself.bd = bdself.win = winself.up = 0self.down = 1self.left = 2self.right = 3self.maze_map = np.ones((map_size, map_size, 4), dtype='int8')  # h/y, w/x, wall/up,down,left,rightself.cell_len = int((windows_h-2*self.bd)/map_size)self.line_hand = []self.win_point = Nonedef draw_win_point(self):# clear win pointif self.win_point is not None:self.cv.delete(self.win_point)# draw win pointw, h = self.winx, y = (w+0.5)*self.cell_len+self.bd, (h+0.5)*self.cell_len+self.bdrate = self.cell_len/3x0, y0 = x - rate, y - ratex1, y1 = x + rate, y + rateself.win_point = self.cv.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill='red')def draw_maze(self):# clear mazefor tag in self.line_hand:self.cv.delete(tag)# draw mazefor h in range(self.map_size):for w in range(self.map_size):for index in range(4):# up and down for wallif index in [self.up, self.down]:x0, y0 = w*self.cell_len+self.bd, (h+index)*self.cell_len+self.bdx1, y1 = (w+1)*self.cell_len+self.bd, (h+index)*self.cell_len+self.bd# left and right for wallelse:x0, y0 = (w+index-2)*self.cell_len+self.bd, h*self.cell_len+self.bdx1, y1 = (w+index-2)*self.cell_len+self.bd, (h+1)*self.cell_len+self.bd# no line draw white lineif self.maze_map[h, w, index] == 1:color = 'black'else:color = 'Gainsboro'# draw lineself.line_hand.append(self.cv.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, width=2, fill=color))self.cv.tag_bind(self.line_hand[-1], '<Button-1>', lambda event, c=[h, w, index]: self.change_cell(c))def change_cell(self, c):# click to hide or show lineh, w, index = c# edge wallif h == 0 and index == self.up:returnif w == 0 and index == self.left:return# up wallif index == self.up:# deal clicked lineif self.maze_map[h, w, self.up] == 1:self.maze_map[h, w, self.up] = 0else:self.maze_map[h, w, self.up] = 1# deal adjoin lineif h-1 >= 0:if self.maze_map[h, w, self.up] == 0:self.maze_map[h - 1, w, self.down] = 0else:self.maze_map[h - 1, w, self.down] = 1# left wallif index == self.left:# deal clicked lineif self.maze_map[h, w, self.left] == 1:self.maze_map[h, w, self.left] = 0else:self.maze_map[h, w, self.left] = 1# deal adjoin lineif w-1 >= 0:if self.maze_map[h, w, self.left] == 0:self.maze_map[h, w - 1, self.right] = 0else:self.maze_map[h, w - 1, self.right] = 1self.draw_maze()def save_maze(self):fileSave = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.txt', filetypes=[("txt files", ".txt")])np.savetxt(fileSave, self.maze_map.reshape((1, self.map_size*self.map_size*4)), fmt='%d')def load_maze(self):filePath = filedialog.askopenfilename()self.maze_map = np.loadtxt(filePath).reshape((self.map_size, self.map_size, 4))self.draw_maze()def get_maze_map(self):return self.maze_map.copy()


import numpy as np
from tkinter import filedialogclass Maze(object):def __init__(self, cv, windows_h, bd, win, map_size=32):self.map_size = map_sizeself.cv = cvself.bd = bdself.win = winself.up = 0self.down = 1self.left = 2self.right = 3self.maze_map = np.ones((map_size, map_size, 4), dtype='int8')  # h/y, w/x, wall/up,down,left,rightself.cell_len = int((windows_h-2*self.bd)/map_size)self.line_hand = []self.win_point = Nonedef draw_win_point(self):# clear win pointif self.win_point is not None:self.cv.delete(self.win_point)# draw win pointw, h = self.winx, y = (w+0.5)*self.cell_len+self.bd, (h+0.5)*self.cell_len+self.bdrate = self.cell_len/3x0, y0 = x - rate, y - ratex1, y1 = x + rate, y + rateself.win_point = self.cv.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill='red')def draw_maze(self):# clear mazefor tag in self.line_hand:self.cv.delete(tag)# draw mazefor h in range(self.map_size):for w in range(self.map_size):for index in range(4):# up and down for wallif index in [self.up, self.down]:x0, y0 = w*self.cell_len+self.bd, (h+index)*self.cell_len+self.bdx1, y1 = (w+1)*self.cell_len+self.bd, (h+index)*self.cell_len+self.bd# left and right for wallelse:x0, y0 = (w+index-2)*self.cell_len+self.bd, h*self.cell_len+self.bdx1, y1 = (w+index-2)*self.cell_len+self.bd, (h+1)*self.cell_len+self.bd# no line draw white lineif self.maze_map[h, w, index] == 1:color = 'black'else:color = 'Gainsboro'# draw lineself.line_hand.append(self.cv.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, width=2, fill=color))self.cv.tag_bind(self.line_hand[-1], '<Button-1>', lambda event, c=[h, w, index]: self.change_cell(c))def change_cell(self, c):# click to hide or show lineh, w, index = c# edge wallif h == 0 and index == self.up:returnif w == 0 and index == self.left:return# up wallif index == self.up:# deal clicked lineif self.maze_map[h, w, self.up] == 1:self.maze_map[h, w, self.up] = 0else:self.maze_map[h, w, self.up] = 1# deal adjoin lineif h-1 >= 0:if self.maze_map[h, w, self.up] == 0:self.maze_map[h - 1, w, self.down] = 0else:self.maze_map[h - 1, w, self.down] = 1# left wallif index == self.left:# deal clicked lineif self.maze_map[h, w, self.left] == 1:self.maze_map[h, w, self.left] = 0else:self.maze_map[h, w, self.left] = 1# deal adjoin lineif w-1 >= 0:if self.maze_map[h, w, self.left] == 0:self.maze_map[h, w - 1, self.right] = 0else:self.maze_map[h, w - 1, self.right] = 1self.draw_maze()def save_maze(self):fileSave = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.txt', filetypes=[("txt files", ".txt")])np.savetxt(fileSave, self.maze_map.reshape((1, self.map_size*self.map_size*4)), fmt='%d')def load_maze(self):filePath = filedialog.askopenfilename()self.maze_map = np.loadtxt(filePath).reshape((self.map_size, self.map_size, 4))self.draw_maze()def get_maze_map(self):return self.maze_map.copy()


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