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C2W1.Assignment.Parts-of-Speech Tagging (POS).Part2

理论课:C2W2.Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging and Hidden Markov Models


  • 2 Hidden Markov Models
    • 2.1 Generating Matrices
      • Creating the `A` transition probabilities matrix
      • Exercise 03
      • Create the `B` emission probabilities matrix
      • Exercise 04

理论课: C2W2.Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging and Hidden Markov Models

2 Hidden Markov Models


  • HMM 是自然语言处理中最常用的算法之一,也是该领域中许多深度学习技术的基础。
  • 除了POS,HMM 还用于语音识别、语音合成等。
  • 完成这部分作业,可在Part 1 使用的相同数据集上获得 95% 的准确率。


  • 在本例中,状态就是词性标签。
  • 马尔可夫模型中状态的转换可以使用一个转换矩阵 A表示。
  • 隐马尔可夫模型增加了一个观测或发射矩阵B,它描述了当我们处于特定状态时可见观测的概率。观测发射矩阵就是语料库中的单词。
  • 被隐藏的状态是该单词的词性标签。

2.1 Generating Matrices

Creating the A transition probabilities matrix

在Part 1中已经计算了emission_counts, transition_counts, tag_counts,使用这三个矩阵可以很容易的构造出A和B



  • 如:从词性标签 TORP 的概率为 4.47e-8。
  • 每一行的总和必须等于 1,因为模型假设下一个 POS 标记必须是表中可用列之一。

P ( t i ∣ t i − 1 ) = C ( t i − 1 , t i ) + α C ( t i − 1 ) + α ∗ N (3) P(t_i | t_{i-1}) = \frac{C(t_{i-1}, t_{i}) + \alpha }{C(t_{i-1}) +\alpha * N}\tag{3} P(titi1)=C(ti1)+αNC(ti1,ti)+α(3)

  • N N N 是标签总数
  • C ( t i − 1 , t i ) C(t_{i-1}, t_{i}) C(ti1,ti)是 “transition_counts ”字典中元组(前一个 POS、当前 POS)的计数。
  • C ( t i − 1 ) C(t_{i-1}) C(ti1)是 “tag_counts ”字典中前一个 POS 的计数。
  • α \alpha α 是一个平滑参数。

Exercise 03

函数主要目的是创建一个转移矩阵 A,这个矩阵通常用于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)中,表示状态(在这里是词性标签)之间转移的概率。以下是代码的详细解释:


  • alpha:平滑参数,用于在计算概率时避免零概率问题,提高模型的鲁棒性。
  • tag_counts:一个字典,映射每个词性标签到它的出现次数。
  • transition_counts:一个字典,其键是前一个词性标签和当前词性标签的元组,值是这些转换发生的次数。


  • A:一个维度为 (num_tags, num_tags) 的转移矩阵。


  1. 获取所有唯一的词性标签,并对它们进行排序,存储在 all_tags 列表中。
  2. 计算词性标签的种类数量,存储在变量 num_tags 中。
  3. 初始化转移矩阵 A,其大小为 (num_tags, num_tags),初始值为零。
  4. 获取所有唯一的转换元组,这些元组是 transition_counts 字典的键,存储在 trans_keys 集合中。
  5. 遍历转移矩阵 A 的每一行(代表前一个状态的词性标签):
    • 对于矩阵 A 的每一列(代表当前状态的词性标签):
      • 初始化当前转换的计数 count 为零。
      • 定义一个转换元组 key,它包含前一个词性标签和当前词性标签。
      • 检查 key 是否存在于 transition_counts 字典中:
        • 如果存在,从字典中获取对应的计数 count。
      • 从 tag_counts 字典中获取前一个词性标签的计数 count_prev_tag。
      • 应用平滑技术,使用公式3来计算转移概率,并将其赋值给矩阵 A 的对应位置。
  6. 返回填充好的转移矩阵 A。
# UNQ_C3 GRADED FUNCTION: create_transition_matrix
def create_transition_matrix(alpha, tag_counts, transition_counts):''' Input: alpha: number used for smoothingtag_counts: a dictionary mapping each tag to its respective counttransition_counts: a dictionary where the keys are (prev_tag, tag) and the values are the countsOutput:A: matrix of dimension (num_tags,num_tags)'''# Get a sorted list of unique POS tagsall_tags = sorted(tag_counts.keys())# Count the number of unique POS tagsnum_tags = len(all_tags)# Initialize the transition matrix 'A'A = np.zeros((num_tags,num_tags))# Get the unique transition tuples (previous POS, current POS)trans_keys = set(transition_counts.keys())### START CODE HERE ### # Go through each row of the transition matrix Afor i in range(num_tags):# Go through each column of the transition matrix Afor j in range(num_tags):# Initialize the count of the (prev POS, current POS) to zerocount = 0# Define the tuple (prev POS, current POS)# Get the tag at position i and tag at position j (from the all_tags list)key = (all_tags[i],all_tags[j]) # tuple of form (tag,tag)# Check if the (prev POS, current POS) tuple # exists in the transition counts dictionaryif transition_counts: # Replace None in this line with the proper condition.# Get count from the transition_counts dictionary # for the (prev POS, current POS) tuplecount = transition_counts[key]               # Get the count of the previous tag (index position i) from tag_countscount_prev_tag = tag_counts[all_tags[i]]# Apply smoothing using count of the tuple, alpha, # count of previous tag, alpha, and total number of tagsA[i,j] = (count + alpha) / (count_prev_tag + alpha*num_tags)### END CODE HERE ###return A


alpha = 0.001
A = create_transition_matrix(alpha, tag_counts, transition_counts)
# Testing your function
print(f"A at row 0, col 0: {A[0,0]:.9f}")
print(f"A at row 3, col 1: {A[3,1]:.4f}")print("View a subset of transition matrix A")
A_sub = pd.DataFrame(A[30:35,30:35], index=states[30:35], columns = states[30:35] )


A at row 0, col 0: 0.000007040
A at row 3, col 1: 0.1691
View a subset of transition matrix ARBS            RP           SYM        TO            UH
RBS  2.217069e-06  2.217069e-06  2.217069e-06  0.008870  2.217069e-06
RP   3.756509e-07  7.516775e-04  3.756509e-07  0.051089  3.756509e-07
SYM  1.722772e-05  1.722772e-05  1.722772e-05  0.000017  1.722772e-05
TO   4.477336e-05  4.472863e-08  4.472863e-08  0.000090  4.477336e-05
UH   1.030439e-05  1.030439e-05  1.030439e-05  0.061837  3.092348e-02

Create the B emission probabilities matrix

P ( w i ∣ t i ) = C ( t i , w o r d i ) + α C ( t i ) + α ∗ N (4) P(w_i | t_i) = \frac{C(t_i, word_i)+ \alpha}{C(t_{i}) +\alpha * N}\tag{4} P(witi)=C(ti)+αNC(ti,wordi)+α(4)

  • C ( t i , w o r d i ) C(t_i,word_i) C(ti,wordi)是训练数据中 t a g i tag_i tagi调节下 w o r d i word_i wordi观测到的次数(存储在emission_counts字典中)。
  • C ( t i ) C(t_i) C(ti) t a g i tag_i tagi在训练数据中出现的总次数(存储在tag_counts字典中)。
  • N N N 是词汇表中的单词数
  • α \alpha α 是一个平滑参数。

B矩阵维度为(num_tags, N),下面是一个示例


Exercise 04

完成create_emission_matrix函数,其主要目的是创建一个发射矩阵 B,这个矩阵通常用于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)中,表示在给定状态(在这里是词性标签)下观测到某个观测值(在这里是单词)的概率。以下是代码的详细解释:


  • alpha:平滑参数,用于在计算概率时避免零概率问题,提高模型的鲁棒性。
  • tag_counts:一个字典,映射每个词性标签到它的出现次数。
  • emission_counts:一个字典,其键是词性标签和单词的元组,值是这些发射发生的次数。
  • vocab:一个字典,其键是词汇表中的单词,值是索引。在这个函数中,vocab 被当作列表处理。


  • B:一个维度为 (num_tags, len(vocab)) 的发射矩阵。


  1. 获取词性标签的数量,存储在变量 num_tags 中。
  2. 获取所有唯一的词性标签,并对它们进行排序,存储在 all_tags 列表中。
  3. 获取词汇表中单词的总数,存储在变量 num_words 中。
  4. 初始化发射矩阵 B,其大小为 (num_tags, num_words),初始值为零。
  5. 获取所有唯一的 (词性标签, 单词) 元组,这些元组是 emission_counts 字典的键,存储在 emis_keys 集合中。
  6. 遍历发射矩阵 B 的每一行(代表词性标签):
    • 对于矩阵 B 的每一列(代表词汇表中的单词):
      • 初始化当前发射的计数 count 为零。
      • 定义一个 (词性标签, 单词) 元组 key。
      • 检查 key 是否存在于 emission_counts 字典中:
        • 如果存在,从字典中获取对应的计数 count。
      • 从 tag_counts 字典中获取当前词性标签的计数 count_tag。
      • 应用平滑技术,使用公式4来计算观测概率,并将其赋值给矩阵 B 的对应位置。
  7. 返回填充好的观测概率矩阵 B。
# UNQ_C4 GRADED FUNCTION: create_emission_matrixdef create_emission_matrix(alpha, tag_counts, emission_counts, vocab):'''Input: alpha: tuning parameter used in smoothing tag_counts: a dictionary mapping each tag to its respective countemission_counts: a dictionary where the keys are (tag, word) and the values are the countsvocab: a dictionary where keys are words in vocabulary and value is an index.within the function it'll be treated as a listOutput:B: a matrix of dimension (num_tags, len(vocab))'''# get the number of POS tagnum_tags = len(tag_counts)# Get a list of all POS tagsall_tags = sorted(tag_counts.keys())# Get the total number of unique words in the vocabularynum_words = len(vocab)# Initialize the emission matrix B with places for# tags in the rows and words in the columnsB = np.zeros((num_tags, num_words))# Get a set of all (POS, word) tuples # from the keys of the emission_counts dictionaryemis_keys = set(list(emission_counts.keys()))### START CODE HERE (Replace instances of 'None' with your code) #### Go through each row (POS tags)for i in range(num_tags): # complete this line# Go through each column (words)for j in range(num_words): # complete this line# Initialize the emission count for the (POS tag, word) to zerocount = 0# Define the (POS tag, word) tuple for this row and columnkey =  (all_tags[i],vocab[j])# check if the (POS tag, word) tuple exists as a key in emission countsif key in emission_counts.keys(): # complete this line# Get the count of (POS tag, word) from the emission_counts dcount = emission_counts[key]# Get the count of the POS tagcount_tag = tag_counts[all_tags[i]]# Apply smoothing and store the smoothed value # into the emission matrix B for this row and columnB[i,j] = (count + alpha) / (count_tag+ alpha*num_words)### END CODE HERE ###return B


# creating your emission probability matrix. this takes a few minutes to run. 
alpha = 0.001
B = create_emission_matrix(alpha, tag_counts, emission_counts, list(vocab))print(f"View Matrix position at row 0, column 0: {B[0,0]:.9f}")
print(f"View Matrix position at row 3, column 1: {B[3,1]:.9f}")# Try viewing emissions for a few words in a sample dataframe
cidx  = ['725','adroitly','engineers', 'promoted', 'synergy']# Get the integer ID for each word
cols = [vocab[a] for a in cidx]# Choose POS tags to show in a sample dataframe
rvals =['CD','NN','NNS', 'VB','RB','RP']# For each POS tag, get the row number from the 'states' list
rows = [states.index(a) for a in rvals]# Get the emissions for the sample of words, and the sample of POS tags
B_sub = pd.DataFrame(B[np.ix_(rows,cols)], index=rvals, columns = cidx )


View Matrix position at row 0, column 0: 0.000006032
View Matrix position at row 3, column 1: 0.000000720725      adroitly     engineers      promoted       synergy
CD   8.201296e-05  2.732854e-08  2.732854e-08  2.732854e-08  2.732854e-08
NN   7.521128e-09  7.521128e-09  7.521128e-09  7.521128e-09  2.257091e-05
NNS  1.670013e-08  1.670013e-08  4.676203e-04  1.670013e-08  1.670013e-08
VB   3.779036e-08  3.779036e-08  3.779036e-08  3.779036e-08  3.779036e-08
RB   3.226454e-08  6.456135e-05  3.226454e-08  3.226454e-08  3.226454e-08
RP   3.723317e-07  3.723317e-07  3.723317e-07  3.723317e-07  3.723317e-07


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