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First-tier cities and new first-tier cities continue to be popular, and algorithm jobs have the highest academic requirements

At present, in the construction of data teams, first-tier cities and new first-tier cities still maintain a large demand for recruitment.

The five cities of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, and Hangzhou have the largest number of hiring positions, followed by Chengdu, Wuhan, Nanjing, Changsha, and Suzhou, which overall present the echelon characteristics of first-tier cities-new first-tier cities.

In terms of academic requirements, over half of the data industry requires a bachelor degree or above, but the requirements for a master degree or above are not obvious.

The four core positions of algorithm, product, data, and development are those with relatively high requirements for academic qualifications. The requirements for bachelor degree and above are all more than 60%. Among the academic requirements for algorithm positions, the bachelor degree and above require 97%, master and The above education requirements reach 35%.

The educational requirements for the three types of positions in network, operation, and operation and maintenance are obviously low. The requirements for a bachelor's degree or above are not more than 50%. Among them, only 18% of online positions require job applicants to obtain a bachelor's degree.

The difference in salary treatment is also obvious in various positions. The salary level of algorithm positions with a doctorate is the highest, close to 40,000 yuan. Software, development, product, data and other positions are also required for master's or doctoral positions, and there has been a significant increase in salary. However, there has been a salary inversion phenomenon between the undergraduate and master degree positions in the network, maintenance and other positions, which indirectly shows that such positions do not require high academic qualifications.




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